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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations Marla! George is indicating he misses you and family and requires your attention back in the room in which he resides. :-) Thats a good indication of just how well your patience and love are influencing him to become a member of his new flock!!
  2. Caroline gave great advice. Most of us have playstands and play areas with water and food bowls available to our FIDs. A young child at play will rarely want to go back in the house to eat. :-) Your Grey is no different.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/01 15:50
  3. That was a great show on PBS. I was fortunate enough to watch it also. The clips you provided on African are good too, though very short. I have watched them several times, thanks for sharing them. It truly amazes me that no one has done a full length videography of African Greys in the wild. Especially with the amount of attention they have gained over the years. Hopefully one day, they will. :-)
  4. Congratulations to the 3 of you. :-) You have all contributed to this forum in many ways over time and all all members will benefit from your moderating of the respective rooms you have graciously volunteered to moderate. Bravo!!!
  5. All have given GreYt advice. Now, the wait for Ice......Tick........Tock.............Tick.......................Tock..............It is a standard characteristic of time to SLOW DOWN as the moment nears...........................................................................Tick...........................................................................................................................................................Tock........................................................................................................................................................... Uh Oh................................................................... I think father time took a break....................................................................................................................................... {Feel-bad-00020072}
  6. LOL - Interesting choice of names used in that. I'm positive it was just coincidence. {Feel-good-00020069}
  7. Nice informative post Carolyn. I hope everyone that enters this site reads and gives careful considration to the key points addressed in it. Karma to you. :-)
  8. I constructed my own, as detailed in the http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/african-grey/47809-lighting.html thread. You should check it out to become more familiar with the aspects to consider in regards to avian lighting. As Kaedyns fine post suggests, there are draw backs to each manufacturers solution. It also take my FIDs outside, except in the winter when it's too cold and foggy. Then the avian lighting becomes a critical factor in their well being, both physically and mentally.
  9. Awwwww, very cute photos Brittany. :-) Thanks for sharing those touching momments with us. Pepper is one beautiful looking baby Grey. Cherish those baby monments. They just don't last long ebough.
  10. Welcome Ahmad and Naji!! What a great name you selected for your Grey! It nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. There are many members here with a lot of experience that are more than willing to help with all the knowledge and experience they have. :-)
  11. Welcome gourdlady247 and George!!! What a wonderful to do in taking in a Grey in need of a new home. Time and Patience along with tons of love can overcome all with a Grey. There are many members here with tons of experience in re-homing Greys that need a lot of TLC. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  12. Welcome Dragonheart!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  13. Welcome Nikki!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more of your new TAG's progress and of course how the relationship continues with your Greencheek and him. :-) It sounds like you have everything in control and are doing all the right things.
  14. Well.................... I took Dayo in for his wellness exam 3 days after I brought him home. He has never been back to the vet since. I am probably a bad example, but as close as we monitor him, it would be hard for him to be sick in any way with out us knowing it. Believe me though, even the slightest suggestion that he might be sick and he would be at the vet that day.
  15. Welcome Sophiesmom!!! It's GreYt having you and your new Grey here. Looking forward to hearing more from your. :-)
  16. Hi Di, 18 grams loss in weight over a 4 week period is not alarming or a dramatic loss, as if he was terribly ill all of a sudden. Once you get to a 10% (40 gram) weight, then it is serious concern time. One thing to note, they do go up and down in weight, for no appearant reason. Example, Dayo over a period of 6 months has varied beteen 418 to 452. He vacillates up and down month to month. Kind of strange, but I think between the heavy molting over the last 6 months, becoming fully flighted again etc. is probably the explanation. Your Grey is young, flighted and it sounds like a normal kid that is more interested in playing and exploring than eating at times. :-) Hopefully your vet will give a clean bill of health and put your mind to rest. :-)
  17. Oh I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. You did everything you could to get to the root of the problem and find a successful treatment for your much loved Grey. You took the most humane path, though saddening and heart breaking to say the least. My thoughts and prayers are with you. PDD (Macaw wasting disease)has long been an illusive disease that has claimed the lives of many species of birds outside the Macaw community over the last 30 years. New breakthroughs in understanding this disease have just recently been found such as at UC Davis and hopefully one day detection and treatment at a very early stage will be possible. It surely came from the breeder and it is surprising the breeder has not detected or alerted all who have purchased birds from him of this.
  18. It sounds like a wonderful day-trip for you and your Grey. :-) Did you have him on a harness out in the open or in a carrier?
  19. Hello Di, How much weight has he lost say over the last month? It does sound like he is not eating a lot. But, most birds do just pick at foods through out the day eating a little of this and a little of that. Many times when they jsut decide to shred something that is fun food for them, they are actually eating little of it and slinging most of it. Chlamydia could be the underlying cause, but to truly verify it in most cases blood work is the best way. Stools can also be used, but are not as accurate of an indicator. One thing you should know to, is it is transmittable to humans at times and is known by the common name of Parrot Fever. Here is a link on detailed information for you: http://www.avianbiotech.com/Diseases/Chlamydia.htm It sounds like you are doing all the right things and you vet will get to the bottom of it. Looking forward to hearing about his weight loss and an update from the vet results.
  20. Welcome Wingnut!!! It's GreYt to have you hear. Looking forward to hearing more about you and your adopted Grey. :-)
  21. That is a great looking bamboo cage you had made and I am positive your Grey will have a ball shredding it to pieces. :-) Thanks for posting this photo.
  22. Here's one of my favorites. The Grey just kicks the snot out of that ball, he ducks and weaves like a pro-fighter..... This is Dayos training video ;-)
  23. Great photos, thanks for sharing them. Sorry to hear about your friend and I hope he recuperates swiftly.
  24. Great write up on safe cleaners Carolyn!!! Thanks for posting this. :-)
  25. Those are great accomplishments. Believe me, most of of had trials in one form or another. Like them hating baths or showers, biting at times etc. But, it seemed like you had ALL bad behaviours at once to deal with, which was obviously very hard to deal with. It is the kind of patience and persistence you displayed for a long period of time that sets the example for others here dealing with similar trying issues. Your sharing your experience with others under going those same issues is invaluable to those individuals letting them know it will pass with patience, training and time. :-)
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