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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh what a sad story, but containing a shining hope for the Grey's with the Wife doing all she can to give them the best home possible and keeping them through it all. Ive never heard of hat show, have check listings and see if I can find a scheduled re-run or maybe video online of it. Thanks for sharing this Caroline!! :-)
  2. pugwash wrote: First, Welcome Pugwash!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) It sounds like the breeder is one that does not spend a lot of time socializing their birds, working with them, playing with them etc. Normally a hand fed bird from a good breeder is very familiar with hands, step-up and interacting with humans on a close and loving level. Thats explains a lot in regards why you have to use a stick to get him to step-up, thats all he is familiar with. He sounds like a great baby Grey that is going to give and receive a ton of love in his new home with a very capable and experienced Parrot owner. It's is sad to here of the loss of your much loved Grey after 5 years. I can not imagine the grieving process and hope to never have to go through it. Looking forward to hearing a lot more from you and seeing some photos of your new baby. :-)
  3. Welcome Gazbhoy and congratulations on bringing home your new Grey!! It will take a little time for him to become accustomed to his new home, furnishings and family members. Just some time and patience will allow him to flourish in his new home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  4. Welcome Tracie, It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more as your new baby grey progresses and seeing come photos of him. :-) Dave is our Breeder extraordinaire with many decades of experience. He always has the best and correct answers.
  5. Awesome photos!! Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  6. Sallas wrote: Of course you weren't, we all know CAG's rule. ;-) :-) All joking aside, there are TAG owners that have difficult times with new toys, biting etc. just like CAG owners. Each bird is an individual and must be respected as such. Some will be cuddle muffins and others will be very independent. Either way, they are all wonderful, enjoyable sentient beings and a choice of either is a GreYt one!! :-) Heck, I have got a wild conure from hell that just makes me laugh constantly and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He does come and take a treat anytime one is offered. He is one of the family and would be greatly missed if anything ever happened to him. Love is always or should be, unconditional when it comes to bringing home any critter.
  7. Welcome Bea and Flock!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. What a wonderful morning story that brings a smile and and awwww what an impressive display of loving animal behaviour in protecting one of it's family members from being stepped on. :-) All these sentient beings we call pets and companions, truly understand and feel more than most of humanity gives them credit for.
  9. It is molting season for the Greys and other parrots it seems. Most parrot owners (myself included) are watching as feathers are collecting in the cage pans and around the house where they sit and preen. So, expect to start seeing more feathers. :-) AND - We don't want Dave to have the BIG ONE, so chill a little. I know your a first mommy and just being responsible. ;-) You know Dave takes everything VERY seriously ;-) and never jokes about anything ;-) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/20 15:23
  10. Awww, Charlie is one beatiful Grey. Thanks for posting this photo of him. :-)
  11. Welcome Lu!! Very nice and complete introduction regarding your new rescued Grey. You really did your homework and have taken all the right steps in making his new home a safe, enjoyable and loving forever home. :-) He has been plucking a long time and as a result, he has all those pin feathers coming in, along with chewed feathers sticking him which equals a lot of irritation, itchiness and maybe even some painful burning sensation if you see any redness on bald spots. They naturally preen at different times of the day when at rest and relaxed. An example of this may well be when he is sitting and relaxing on you just comfortable and quite, then the preening and plucking of the offending feathers and pin feathers may begin, from what you describe. As Kitty^3 suggested, misting him with a standard spray bottle until he is drenched atleast 2 to 3 times a week with 100% pure Aloe Juice will help relieve that itchy skin and make it supple. Also, on any bald spots that you see and they seem reddish, get 100% Aloe Gel and rub it into those areas 2x a day if possible. This will absorb quickly into the skin and start the soothing and healing process. You should also purchase some Red Palm Oil from somewhere, like Swanson's health food online and heat a small portion in microwave for maybe 10 seconds and drip 10-15 drops on his veggies, fruits, pellets etc. It is a natural food that they eat tons of in the wild and provide oils and fatty acids along with some vitamins they need. This re-feathering process is going to take a long time with the amount of damage you describe, say 1 to two years, but don't ever give up, it will happen with you love and patience along with the above described Aloe and other products. You putting to bed and it takes him a while to go to sleep is fine. When he starts making contact calls in the morning, go get him and make it a happy good morning, if your ready to interact with him. :-) It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your precious new Grey!!
  12. Welome JustSarge!! In addition to growling, which truly sounds like a growl. He may be displaying sexual excitement also in which they drop their wings a little, pant, make starnge sounds as your describing and if left ignored or you take your hands away and stop any stroking or petting, they will stop the sexual display behaviour. Links to growlng sounds, one of a CAG and one of a TAG: TAG - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77doWbTyeow CAG - Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Just a note on the DVD available at Parrot.org. Even though I do support their efforts, the DVD was very disappointing and contained mostly very emotionally disturbing footage that consumed the most portion of time in regards the capture of Wild Greys. At Least it upset me and I took Dayo out of the room due to it. I have never watched it again. It brought out very strong feelings of wanting to go over there armed and take those trappers out!! :evil:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/19 21:39
  14. Hello Taisha, You started another thread regarding the same biting issue and did not respond to the answers some gave. First lets start with some background on your 9yr old Grey. 1. How long have you had him? 2. Why did the other people give him up? 3. Did you do any research before taking in this Grey? 4. Have you owned Parrots before? If he is new to your home, he will not immediately warm up to you or anyone else. he is in a new home, maybe new cage, new people, new everything.... It can take weeks or months for a Grey that old to become what you may consider or hoped for, which is a secure, loving and properly trained Grey you can interact with at some level. This is all based upon how much baggage he has come to this new home with and if he was previously abused or not. Give him, time,patience and a lot love. Let him com to you on his terms. The cage is his home and he is protective of it when in it or on it and you will need to heed this and also watch his body to know a bite is coming before it happens. If he is just recently rescued by you and your first inclination is to just get rid of him, then perhaps that may be the best idea and ensure you give him to a good rescue that will find him a good and loving experienced Parrot forever home. I say this with all the best intentions both for you and your Grey. :-)
  15. Welcome Liz and Charlie x2!!! The others have given you good information concerning rehomes and introducing birds to one another slowly and carefully. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. This is a great idea Mellisa!! One question though, does the owner have to be in each one of the possible entry categories? Does a body part like your hand count? ;-)
  17. Nice photo of Charlie in the Aviary Sheila, thanks for posting it. :-)
  18. Very nice photo and beautiful birds Roger. It sounds like a wonderful time you and family had there. Thanks for sharing tha photo. :-)
  19. Yep, color in = color out :-) It's always interesting in hearing no owners concern over the colors poop comes out in. It is also a great indicator that those owners are keeping a close eye on their much loved Greys health and well being. :-)
  20. Hello Mike, use a photo editor such a Paint in windows under your accessories category under all programs. Re-size it to no larger than 500x500 pixels and it will upload for you. Most all Greys and other Parrots are staring or have already started a molt for this season. Unless you notice that the feather has bee chewed in half and does not have it's semi-pointed end on it, then it is probably just a normal molt process taking place. But, a picture does say a thousand words. :-)
  21. danmcq


    WoW!!! Congratulations Betsyboop!!!! What is rude tube on channel E4? is there an american satellite version or number for that? If not, please record it so all the Forum family here can enjoy the notoriety of one of our members and their Grey become a global tv start. :-) {Nature-0002008B}
  22. Keep us posted Pat once you get a hold of the vet and get some feedback. Kaedyn - Now thats interesting, based on the sufficient quantities of D3 and calcium contained in the Harrison's and other food groups your giving him that also have high levels of calcium. The lighting definitely help in the production of D3 and Calcium absorption. If that does not correct the deficiency, I'm sure your vet will have other tests to run and suggestions on perhaps supplementing your Greys diet. Please keep us posted on the progress of of correcting this. It will be very beneficial to all here. :-)
  23. Congratulations on having a DNA confirmation on her sex!! That question always seems to be in the back of anyones mind that has not had DNA sexing done. Well, unless the bird lays an egg at 5 years old. ;-)
  24. So far it's unanimous, my Grey is quite once in cage and covered at night also. Toni - LOL, I know what you mean. I get up VERY early ...330 or 4 am and I am quiet, but get on PC and start work from home before I go in the office. At Between 6 and 630, Dayo will start saying "What are you doing" "Peek-a-Boo", "Good Morning Dayo", "Wanna go outside?" etc. You just can't stand not to run over and uncover such a sweet souls call to come and get them. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/19 15:35
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