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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dayo would be easy to spot, if it was early morning. He would be the Grey walking around saying "Wheres the Coffee? Make Coffee!! MMMmmmmmmm" He says this every morning constantly as we put on the first pot... He just loves the stuff and we have to fight with him constantly to keep him away from our cups, even when we're holding them!
  2. judygram wrote: LOL Judy!!! Now here's a smart Parrot :-) Wanda's dishwasher quit working, so she called a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, "I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check." "Oh, by the way don't worry about my bulldog. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!" "I REPEAT, DO NOT TALK TO MY PARROT!!!" When the repairman arrived at Wanda's apartment the following day, he discovered the biggest, meanest looking bulldog he had ever seen. But, just as she had said, the dog just lay there on the carpet, watching the repairman go about his work. The parrot, however, drove him nuts the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing, and name calling. Finally, the repairman couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled, "Shut up, you stupid, ugly bird!" To which the parrot replied, "Get him, Spike!"
  3. Hi Sameera, It's good to hear an update on Zahzu. Hopefully the ear infection being found and addressed will result in her doing better all the way around. Please keep us posted on her progress.
  4. I call things like I see them. They stated they were getting rid of the bird due to the new doggy they got. If that had not been stated, I would not have commented as I did. I still feel the same. :evil: For people that just want to get rid of any pet to serve their own selfishness, I will never relent in letting them know my disdain. For people I see in bad situations that were completely unavoidable, heart broken at having to give their Grey they consider as I child, I cry with them in their distress. Penny - Your not crazy, your addicted and have a lot of love to give. :-) If I lived near-by, I would go get him....
  5. Wow, this is a very old thread and has not been replied to for 6 years, until now. :-)
  6. Mingus is Gingnius!! ;-) Congratulations!! :-) Ok, I'm jealous, he's talking at 5 months and I didn't start until 6 months. ;-)
  7. Congratulations Barbara!! You put a lot of time, thought, energy and effort into figuring out what was wrong and how to overcome it. Every case is different as is every Grey. You found the key to his heart, mind and soul. It sounds like your methods are not only working for your Grey, but also in helping to lift your spirits as well. Karma to you for such a valiant effort and accomplishment!! :-)
  8. That is a great price. Hopefully someone local can check rocky out and validate the ad. That damn Dog would be outside or in a room and Rocky would be out of his cage in my house. :evil: He was there first, is a member of the family and he gets the boot? This really irritates me to hell....... These people can't figure out a workable solution?
  9. Welcome Linda, SilverStar and the whole flock\pack!!! In your profile you wrote: "The only change that I can think of is the lost and acquiring of another dog. I was told that she maybe grieving for a mate." If the timing of the plucking began with the loss of your dog and then the adoption of another, that could be the root of this behavioural change. Along with the stopping of the DVD that may have been driving her crazy too. :-) It's really hard to pinpoint the root cause of plucking at times. The others have given you suggestions, such as getting a thorough vet checkup to it is not an underlying health issue. When you say you mist her, is it just water or are you using Aloe Juice at 100% strength? If your not, please start using Aloe Juice. You can find it at Walmart or at a health food\vitamin shop type store. This well help sooth any irritation she may be experiencing. Looking forward to hearing more from you :-)
  10. Well glad to see another Pink Floyd fan. :-) I see them every chance I get. Dave Gilmore is one of the most brilliant and talented Guitarists out there. :-)
  11. This Book was just released in October. reviews are fantastic.... ordering it now. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  12. Thats Great news Pat, Congratulations!! Isn't that odd, first she acted like you destroyed any trust and relationship you had started to build. The BAM she loves you and wants closeness, scratches, cuddles etc. Damn, just like a woman. I still haven't figured them out.
  13. LOL Casper - Just like a child, buy them a $200 toy and they play with the damn box. ;-) These cargo nets are fun looking play-gyms for birds. But, my wife will have no part of it. I guess I have reached my limit with boings hanging, ceiling suspended playstand and regular playstands...... Guess I need to buy a larger house. ;-)
  14. Thanks for the great review, now I can't wait to get it. It was just published last month, on October 18th and has been flying off the shelfs from I am finding on sites and reading reviews. :-)
  15. Congratulations on bringing Finlay home!! Great photo a a good looking CAG. :-) How did you come to find him and how old is he?
  16. This is terrible news. How are they identifiable? Chipped, Leg Band Numbers etc.? Without some type of identification, this is going to be a very tough to know you have found the right bird(s).
  17. You've got me stumped Jen. You sure someone didn't sneak some corn to him? ;-) I can not image it staying "As New" condition for a month. :-) In regards the quantity and not showing in the crop, he must have a hidden fanny pack under his wings. ;-)
  18. Get Pink Floyd to play and I'm there!! One of the best groups from that land. :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtyPvjj24bM<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/23 17:30
  19. Thanks for the update. It sounds like he is progressing very nicely under your care. Just give him time and allow him to determine how fast he wishes to broaden his horizons and trust level. It sounds like things are going very well for the relatively short time you have had him. :-)
  20. LOL - Cool funny strip. But tell him it's no fair to throw your opponent out of the ring. ;-)
  21. Nice video. Did you receive any piercings from those spears for beaks? ;-)
  22. Wow, this is great footage Roger and very impressive. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  23. They do love those Pomegranates. Thanks for the great photos of Kip enjoying a piece. :-)
  24. At 6 years old, you CAG knows the step up command and is doing so for your husband. Since he is a rehome, the only place he feels safe at presently is his cage. Trying to take him out of the line of sight of his "Refuge" is something he is not yet really to readily accept. He has only been there 3 weeks or so. Give him time, lots of love and let him broaden his safety zone in his own time. :-)
  25. They do twitch their heads at times. It also increases if they have some new ping feathers coming in as they go through molting season, as most are in now.
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