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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    New CAG

    Hi Joe, A little more time for him to settle in and learn to consistently step up will solve most of the issue. Obviously, when he is out and free, he will show his will of not wanting to be moved or interact at times, when he is doing something else or maybe just happy sitting where he is. It is definitely molt time for those most Parrots. If you don't see him sipping off feathers and just normal preening taking place, it is fine. Do expect a TON of downy feathers to start coming out. You'll find piles in the bottom of the cage when they really start coming out strongly. I is good to see you paying such close attention to his every aspect in health and interacting with you. :-) Keep up the good work!!
  2. Hi Deb!! It's great having you back and your update on Romo sounds wonderful. Is he betting on the games yet? ;-) Hopefully you'll be able to get back more often. :-)
  3. Have a great vacation Sammy and you and your family have a great Xmas too.!! :-) Judy, thats just not right. Your Sun bathing while the rest of us are freezing? Wheres the justice in that? ;-) Hope you've had a great time in Florida, despite your cold. :-)
  4. Congratulations, I can tell you are beaming with excitement and rightfully so. It's like a human child saying their first words. BIG EVENT :-)
  5. danmcq

    worried sick

    Thats GreYt news Gus!!! Thanks for the update. :-)
  6. Oh what a darling photo of the now officially christened Girl "Ana Grey". That is a wonderful name. :-) Thanks so much for sharing these precious moments with a baby Ana Grey.
  7. danmcq

    worried sick

    LuvParrots is right, chill, take a shot of 101 rum so your Grey won't emulate you. :-) Best wishes Gus, looking forward to hearing it went well and your both kicked back at home soon. :-)
  8. Hi Debbie, OMG!! What a tragedy to have your Cockatiel swooped up by a Hawk! That is a horrible thing to witness. I can only imagine your feelings becoming overwhelming at that horrific event. Greys are a very cautious species and super intelligent. As you have already stated, they are not the great swash-buckling heroic adventurers an Amazon is. I will take weeks and maybe months for those layers of fear and distrust to peel away in ChaCha. New Home, people, furnishings, sounds, smells etc. are a lot to take in for a Grey. But, he will adapt and start to mellow out day by day. As you know, being a long time parrot owner, just sit next to the cage, read, speak gently and lovingly to him, offer treats etc for him to become at ease with you. Also, anything new will need to be slowly introduced from a distance like new toys, new furniture, cage placement etc. I am not a fan of wing clipping at all. I am much more inclined to recommend being painfully aware of open or opening doors etc. and modifying the home/lifestyle to facilitate the flightedness of birds, rather than clipping. But, I do understand each home and situation is different and if you must for the safety of the bird, then by all means do do. However, be aware that if he has been flighted a long time, it will deeply disturb him to lose his flight capabilities and you will have to deal with that on top of the already big task of introducing him to his new home. We are a forum of many loving and caring members that takes all our extended flock as a personal responsibility to help however we can. Again, it's great having you here. :-)
  9. Hi Lyn!! Thanks for coming back and updating us. It is sad news regarding you dad and you have my condolences. As others have said, you are to be commended for taking care of BOTH responsibilities with the utmost concern and care. Karma to you for that. :-) It sounds like Alfie has had to grow up a little faster, due to the circumstances, but in his own way, proved he is a survivor and adaptor to any challenges that comes his way and I must also say you husband did a great job considering his fear of Parrots and getting past that also!! It's a win-win. Now you have a flock that interacts completely together and functions as they would in the wild with the flock watching out for one another. Looking forward to hearing more from you now and getting updates on Alfie. Best wishes to you and Family also for a Great Christmas and New Year. :-)
  10. Awwww, what a cute pie he is. Thanks for sharinf these photos. :-)
  11. Corn Cob is big fun to just sling and turn into a mountain of mash for their owners to throw in the still out back for some more "Shine" production. Ten to 20 Greys performing this much skilled task can really bump up the production line. ;-) Thanks for sharing these photos!! Dave, lemme know how the veal is, I may try that place myslef. :-)
  12. SweetFX wrote: Well it doesn't take these intelligent and tasteful Greys long to figure out they don't want that "Crap" in "Their" home. :-) Welcome to Poopology 101....... Exciting pictures and videos coming soon for your enjoyment. ;-)
  13. Julie wrote: Hello Julie, Your reason for posting this Topic is commendable. I also, posted a link to this admirable sites organization and also purchased the DVD in support of them. I did however warn all others on this forum that the video contained in regards Greys on that DVD is very disturbing, but true, and is a practice that needs to be stopped, by banning the import of Greys into other Countries. That is the only thing that will put capturing them in the Wild to an end, for making a living, by these destitute folks. They will find another way (Hopefully non-destructive) to keep themselves and their families fed. This organization is worldwide and does a ton of good for ALL Parrots. I watched that DVD one time. I did need to stop it and take my Grey out of the room as he was obviously becoming upset at the site on a HD 55" inch screen with surround sound going, of the Greys being netted and screaming bloody murder. Once I removed him I did watch the rest of the movie due to being very interested in how they perform this dastardly deed and how they move them out of country. I have never watched that DVD again. I do however, send monetary support to them, because they are a global organization that has an audience at high levels in all Countries and are heard in regards what damage is being done to many species that is placing many of them in jeopardy of becoming extinct in the wild in just a few short more years if the trapping is not banned. It is a good cause and my hat is off to you for wanting to support it and promulgate the message and organization to others. Just be a little more pre-informative and gentle to ease the "shock and awe" of a Parrot loving person going to a video link blindly and becoming disgusted and outraged. I believe that is all anyone is saying here. :-) Your not being attacked, just tutored by many experienced Parrot owners, that you must realize most saw those videos years ago and are painfully aware of what is taking place over there. :-) How do you think it came about, that importing was banned here in the USA? It was due to the loud voices of Parrot owners and Avian lovers here demanding it!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/09 15:40
  14. Welcome Gini!!! There is no set amount of time to play. Just make up games as you find she likes something, peekaboo, bat a ball with holes and a bell in it around, play catch and "Get Bad" with the ball. GIve her foraging toys that challenge her intellect to unlock to get the treat, there are several good ones out there. In regards training, those sessions need to be short in length say 10 - 15 minutes max or when you note your grey is no longer interested. Remember, training is also a form or playing or entertainment for them. It should always be enjoyable and include rewards for their correct answer/behaviour. Speech is another variable completely. They will talk when they want to, if they ever do. There is no guarantee on that. In a poll we conducted here several months ago, the average age was between 1 and 2 years old. You will know when she is practicing when you her muffled mumbling and one day hear it loud enough and clear enough to realize it is actually a word or short sentence. ON the CD, I do not recommend those at all. Others here may disagree with me, but if they do happen to pick something up, it is just babble with no meaning and not related to anything in helping them and you communicate. Associate everything you do with a word or short sentence like food items you give them, especially they love like Apple, Grape or Nut. Every time you give them one or are getting some out of a package, say the word or maybe even a short sentence like "Want some Apple?". It is a natural trait they were born with to communicate with the flock, with yours being a human flock. They will use words to let you know what they want, if they find something funny they will laugh etc. If you want to leave something on as just background noise to keep them feeling like they are not alone or isolated, turn on the TV or radio. That way they will at least hear and see changing items, not the same dribble from the same CD all the time which is probably like Chinese water torture to them. like a dripping faucet is too us at night trying to sleep. :-) It's GreYt having you here. Please go to the Welcome Room and officially introduce yourself when you get a chance so others will know we have a new member :-)
  15. Welcome Debbie, ChaCha,Boozle and the est of the Flock!!! It's GreYt having you here. The videos of Boozle singing are great!! Thanks for sharing that link. :-) Amazons seem to really excel at picking up singing over most Parrot species. Boozle is another proof of that.
  16. Oh, poor Zahzu, she has really been through the mill. You have certainly set a great example for all here to follow in pursuing a good vet and getting to the bottom of her underlying health issue. It has been a long many months for you and her, thank God it is on it's way to an end. My prayers and thoughts for a successful, complete and final surgery for her are on the way.
  17. That's a great report Jan. It sounds like the feather chewing has stopped and you can both be more comfortable and less apprehensive. ;-) Cool video, the background noise wasn't bad at all. I also watch several of the other videos you had posted there. Tobie is a real character. :-)
  18. danmcq

    worried sick

    Damn (Slapping my Forehead)!! Thank you Dave, that will make it so much easier!!! :-) Millions of Karma to you!!!
  19. danmcq

    worried sick

    They do get stressed, most the time and as Dave said the anger is towards another, rather than you. We just did our Greys for the first time last night using a Dremel at low speed. He did struggle and the hardest thing was to try and keep his Talons open. After about 5 minutes, he was tired, breathing hard from so much fighting to keep his legs pulled in and Talons closed that we stopped, but did have the offending needle point Talons tips knocked off. He was the most loving Grey last....probably wondering "I don't know what I did, but I'll never do it again. I'll be good from now on?" Mister Guru Dave - You got any tips on keeping the talons open? I certainly did not want to apply too much force in keeping legs and Talons open enough so I can dremel them. Didn't want any breaks in those delicate bones. :dry:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/08 21:19
  20. The Parrot with no Talons - - - A guy goes in a pet store and sees a Parrot at an unbelievable low price. So he asks "Why is this Parrot so Cheap?". The Owner replies, the Parrot is handicapped and has no Talons. The customers, "Well, how is he staying upright on the Perch then?". The owner replies "He has his "Thingy" wrapped around it". So the man buys the Parrot and takes it home and gets him all settled in a huge cage and great foods and toys. The Man goes to work the next Day and comes home after work. He walks in the door and the Parrot says "The Plumber came today". The Owner asks " Why, did something break?". The Parrot says "No, he came and started talking to your Wife". The Owner asks "Oh and then what?". The Parrot says "They started kissing!!". The Owner rather disturbed asked "And then what?" The Parrot says "The Plumber started undressing your Wife!!". The owner shocked now asked "And then what?" The Parrot Says "I don't know, I got an erection and fell off the Perch!!!!"
  21. You are all making this a GreYt Topic. The information you are all posting about your Greys voice and who's they use, is truly helping in building a strong support for the theory that they do indeed mimic one they may feel in competition with or just feel that is the voice to use to best get their "Cuddle Muffin" to respond in a favorable way to. Jane - Congratulations on having a multi-lingual Grey that can translate either way. That is very impressive and continues to build a stronger case for Dr. Pepperburg's research and findings that Greys are NOT just "Mimics". They are intelligent sentient beings that truly "Think". :-) Speaking of Dr. Irene Pepperburg, if you haven't picked up a copy of "Alex and Me", I would highly recommend it. I'm about half way through and it is truly a "Must Read" for any Grey or Parrot owner. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/08 15:56
  22. He may well be screaming for his new "Mommy and Daddy" to feed him when he sees you. Regular food will not fill the need he may feel for a nice warm meal as though it had been regurgitated. As Casper suggested, some warm baby food or other such consistency mashed up and warmed foods may just stop that screaming and pacify his need. 4 Months is still young and if you find he is wanting a feed, by all means give it to him atleast once a day. He is not going to get much nutrition out of the fruits you describe and the are all filled with lots of water, so he will not need to drink tons of water to stay hydrated. It sounds like you are taking all the right steps in caring for your new baby. :-)
  23. Congratulations Annias on rehoming that Grey. He sounds like he is adapting quite well for the changes he has been through. The others have given GreYt advice. Looking forward to hearing more of him and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  24. Casper is spot on. You'll be surprized at some of the morning Poops you have to look forward to in your study of Poopology. ;-)
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