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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dayo - African Yoruba dialect meaning "Joy has arrived". We named him while he was still at the Breeders based on his personality and how it affected us. It is truly a "Joy" everyday he is with us. He is viewed by us with a love we only had previously for our children. That feeling and love is the "Most loved" aspect of him. It is all inclusive of his entire being.
  2. Hahahahahahaha Laurie, I love it!!! Thanks for the morning laugh. :-)
  3. I think I'll spray Aloe on my wifes hair when she's not looking and see how it turns out. ;-) If it goes well, I may try it..... If I'm still alive :evil:
  4. Great photo Raz!! Looking forward to hearing more about your harness design iterations. :-)
  5. My take on micro-chipping is if you want to increase your odds from 0% to some percentage of finding your grey or any other critter is to do it. The odds of your Parrot or any other critter being returned to anyone that loses a critter. Is of course equal to the amount of advertising by calls, emails, posts on websites, posters, notifying all SPCA, shelters, rescues and canvasing your local area notifying all you neighbors in that surrounding area. The chip makes it easier and quicker for a facility that has a scanner to find the owner, as does a dog or cat tag. I have not had my Grey chipped, but all Dogs have been for years. I have never lost a Dog, but I guess if nothing else, it gives additional peace of mind knowing that IF they did end up in a facility with readers, I would be called. What I am REALLY interested in, is a transmitting device, like Lojack for cars, like I have in my SS Camaro, that could be tracked by receiving devices. Technology is not their yet to be small enough to implant that would send a signal powerful enough to be detected by sensitive receivers, but it will come. That will be the time that everyone will be able to locate their much loved critter in real-time and find them in minutes. Now IF they happen to be a flighted critter, the BIG challenge is getting them down out of that 100 foot tall tree, one you find them!!! :-) As far as hockey goes, I am in San Jose California, most the week and you all know what team is here....... The SHARKS!!! :-)
  6. Hi Carylu!! Longtime, no hear from you. It's always great to have you post. They are always very informative with timely information. Again, as always, you are right on time as we just had a thread start up in the main forum regarding birdtricks and their very shoddy information and cd/dvds. I believe, as Sid Price states, that all of us, as responsible and caring bird owners should do all we can to inform new owners looking for help to stay away from birdtricks and any other site that is all marketing and no true valuable content. Thanks Carylu!! :-)
  7. Judy - Please put your coat, hand warmers and fuzzy boots on. Pick up the weapon of choice and strike an Annie Oakly pose for us and have your hubby take a photo. Then post it. :-)
  8. Hi Wolf, That is difficult to shut off a new sound they just learned and are proudly using it to call you to come and get him like you run to the Microwave when it beeps. ;-) It will pass in time. The best thing to do is just ignore it.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/18 15:58
  9. Hi Shanlung!! Wow, you have made very short and tremendous progress with Riam!!! It's always good to hear from you and see your wonderful photos. :-) Thanks for sharing this with us and your like minded thoughts on Chet.....
  10. Thats good news Larry. YOu and Sammy have a GreYt time, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :-)
  11. Welcome Lex!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and of course seeing photos of your new flock when it arrives. :-)
  12. Well, I always figured the Greys made it through the Ice Age 10,000 years ago, so they must adapt to severe cold fairly well. :-)
  13. Congratulations Brittany and what a beautiful Grey he is!!! Thanks for psoting this and looking forward to seeing many more. :-)
  14. I am just reading what everyone else is doing. I see we have some slackers present :-) Tree was up day after Thankgiving, lights on house and presents being puchased since then. I love this time of year. I truly enjoy watching others peoples faces light up with a warm smile :-) Ho Ho HO - Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  15. Thanks for posting this here Leanne and also everywhere else you can think of. I do hope "Roswell" does get reunited with his owner who must be worried sick. If his owner is sharp enough, they have probably called all the vets, humane society, animal control etc. in the area I would think and have them on the look out for an African Grey. Your right in saying Greys are different. They are very cautious for the most part to anything new. Hopefully the vet visit will turn up the owner or one of the websites you have posted on. :-) Please do keep us posted on this.
  16. I'll let you know in a few hours. I sent my wife the link for her to check out all those beautiful gourds..Thanks!!
  17. My wife calls me at 4am this morning..yes I am always up before then, especially when up here working in San Jose during weekdays, anyway...... She says, I just had to call you and tell you what I woke up to at 330am this morning.... The Dobermans started barking and going crazy in our bedroom. She tells them to go back to sleep and shut up...not happening. So she gets up, walks in the kitchen to get some coffe, with the dogs bolting in front of her and she hears something saying - may day, may day, going down, going down???? So shes like "What the Hell is that??". She starts listening to the sound and determing where it's coming from in the family room and it turns out it's in the toy box. Evidently ouor G-Kids were over with their mother while Kim was at work yesterday and had placed that helicopter toy in the box. So the dobies are now sniffing, barking at each other and chasing each other around playing, then Dayo starts saying "Wheres Kim? Wheres Kim? Lets go find Kim!!(my wifes name), Whistle, Whistle, come on Chloe (female Dobie) lets go, come here, come here..... He's still in his cage, covered up, can't see anything, but obviously he was concerned something BIG was going down due to all this out of normal occurence at waaaaay to early in the middle of the night and wanted to go get MOM to ensure all was well!! :-) So, it seems all back in the house had an early and exciting start this morning......
  18. LOL Terri - I start reading this new thread this morning and you went from having a poet Grey to crashed and burned and heading off to bed. Good reading :-) Hopefully you can get a video of Bella performing her poetry. That would be GreyT!! :-)
  19. Dayo does every thing with his right foot.
  20. Welcome David!! It's GreYt having you here. What aprt of California do you live in? Please go to the website: www.mickaboo.com They are based here and have main office in San Jose and one down south in the LA area. They have Greys for adoption. You can read each of their backgrounds, history and how they are doing at the temporary foster home. Pet stores may have a grey and they need a home too and you would pay more than from a breeder. But, you would need to be careful and interact with the Grey a few times to determine if it is for you and accpets you. Finding breeders in Californina is fairly simple by performng a web search such as "African Grey Breeder Fresno California" etc. for your area. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Please do check out all the information on this site in regards these very wonderful Parrots to see if the breed really is a fit for you. :-)
  21. Yes, Judy is the Joan Jett of the Forum. :laugh: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/17 14:38
  22. As others have said, they do indeed have an attitude. It is almost a jekell and hyde sudden burst. They will be playing with a toy of some type and all of a sudden "Get Bad" with it, bite it, scream at it, fling then jump on it etc. I find it funny as hell and great entertainment that keeps me laughing everytime he does it. :laugh: It is alarming the first time you hear it or see it though!!
  23. WOW!!! Those are beautiful Gourds!! Now you have me wanting to order some... :woohoo: Regarding your question on Gourds for birds/Parrots, they are fine. many bird species acutally chew a hole in them and use them as a nest. The only caution would to be sure no mold is present in the Gourd. Now I know the rest of the story on your name. It makes perfect sense. :-) Thanks for posting this Marla!! Got time to ship a gourd or two if I order them today and arrive before Christmas?
  24. Nice photos of Slater, thanks for sharing them so quickly. he looks like one happy camper :-)
  25. My Grey and Conure both go into each others Cages. My Grey, like Daves will go in his cage after the Conure. But, the Conure can fly very well in that HUGE cage and get out of harms way. The Grey then goes over and chews all the little Conure sized toys to pieces, eats his food and then takes a dump in the food bowl to ensure the Conure gets his calling card. B)
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