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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats too bad Mingus. Your absolutely right, they are a scam. I did a domain name lookup on them and they have their information "Locked" meaning you cannot retreive the domain names owner, address, phone or email. True online companies that are upfront and honest NEVER have their domain names registrant information locked. I am sorry to hear you had this bad online shopping experience.
  2. Hi Dan, I understand your statement of being double minded. That means it is a very TOUGH decision for you that you are not taking lightly and thus asking for input from others that have both newborns and Parrots. There are such members here and they will be able to tell you how it has worked out. :-) One thing to consider also, is April is 4 months off and you don't need to make a decision so soon. It is great you are thinking about the possibilities before hand though. A young baby sleeps most the time for the first few months and slowly starts staying awake longer and longer. You will still have a lot of time for your Grey while your baby sleeps. But, as I said, hopefully those with wee ones will chime in.
  3. He certainly looks at home on it in the photos. Thanks for posting these. :-)
  4. Oh no thats terrible news. :ohmy: She is in our thoughts and prayers.
  5. Your Mother is a trooper, due to accomplishing the mission before letting him get away with fleeing!! Has your Mother put him back in the cage previously without incident? Has she ever placed her hand on his back before, thus making him feel trapped possibly? You could certainly work on this with having your Mother place him in his cage in a controlled environment so he expects to be placed in the cage by you or her. But, even that may not guarantee the same results everytime. You will need to carefully play this one by ear and see how he reacts to your mother trying to place him in his cage without placing her hand on his back.
  6. OMG!! That was an out right attack on your Mom. The first question is, how does your Grey seem now when he sees her? After an attack like that, your mother will undoubtedly be fearful and he will pick up on that immediately. Personally, if I was your Mother, the only way I would try to put him back in the Cage would be by toweling to ensure he did not have an opportunity to attack again. The other option of course is for your Mother to sit and keep him company while he stays in the cage. Just do not let him out when it is your mother by herself.
  7. Still enjoying family here and staying busy entertaining them. It does not snow here except maybe once in 20 years and only very lightly at that. No desire to have snow around the home or city. We just drive up to Sierra summit at 7000 feet, ski and play then come back. Snow is nice to visit, but not to live in, atleast for us. :-)
  8. David - How could one improve upon perfection? Your first page is a great introduction to the Blog. Very professionally done. Which I would expect nothing less from a published writer. I am looking forward to following this as your life with Shanti progresses. You are in for a very enriched life. That will be filled everyday by Shanti.
  9. Good idea Stephanie. :-) My Grand Kids may get a little upset with me, but what the heck. We've got a whole box full of hundreds of them. Thanks for the photos and GreaYt Toy idea!!
  10. I have the same style cage, but a little wider, deeper and taller, which in reality could house a Macaw. My Grey likes the cage top both open and closed. He seems to enjoy himself on it either way. With it Open he can climb down and bat around some of his toys. :-) However, He does not spend much time there anyway. He is either on our shoulder, on his playstand or running around the couch. :-)
  11. That is common in some Greys. They will claw at their food bowl and sling it everywhere. They do indeed want out and are displaying this by slinging food. Atleast he's not screaming as he previously did. You could get a heavy ceramic bowl that is actually enclosed with an opening for them to put their head in and get the food. That would stop the clawing action. It is truly exasperating to a Parrot to see you in the room, sitting, reading, watching TV and not understanding why they can not be out with you. :-) Perhaps you could get a stand if you don't already have one so he could be out with you, but not necessarily "On" you. :-)
  12. The welcome Page is the very first page in the Forums. It is right above the African Grey room your posting in now. :-) http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-welcome-room/
  13. Hi Rosie, It sounds like a VERY TOUGH decision you have made. You mentioned your daughter and he loves her. Is it possible she could take him home, instead of selling him and putting him into a strange home with a strange person? Just a thought. :-) If you really want to sell him quickly, you will need to lower the price to get more interest. Probably around the 500 - 600 dollar range for everything. The thought being, is that the most important thing is he gets a good and loving "Forever" home. Which will give you peace of mind knowing he went to someone that knows and has researched Parrots, hasn't just decided they want one of those "Star" parrots on a whim and then he ends up again being re homed. :-) Just my personal belief, on any my critters, IF I ever had to give them up. Would be that they get the home they deserve and I know they would be in a home with as much love as they had with me. Money would not even be a very big factor in Whom ended up with them. It would all be about qualifications, why they want one and the environment they would be living in. Basically anyone wanting to be the next home for one of my critters would go through a stringent interview process. :-)
  14. lolamay wrote: The best for him would be to remain flighted. A flighted bird is much more coordinated and confidant. They are also much healthier and less likely to develop over weight and cardiovascular problems and end up with a shortened life span. They were meant to fly and their entire cardiovascular and respiratory system were meant to be given a work out by flight.
  15. Thats a wise decision bandits_mom08. I'm sure you will be much happy going that route. :-)
  16. Judy, Judy, Judy ...... Did we have a Bad Christmas? ;-) Luckily for you, I am still in a very merry mood Ho Ho Ho :-)
  17. danmcq


    Congratulations Steph!! I'll bet you are busting at the seams with excitement. :-)
  18. I agree with you wholeheartedly on rescuing!! Those are two beautiful Parrots and obviously seem to love and get along with each other very well. Thanks for sharing this photo. :-) We also have a rescue room you should post in so others in the PA area will know you are there. Al the rescues and animal control shelters are busting at the seams, due to the present economy situation and it is sad both for the Critters and the Owners you seeing crying at having to give them up due to living situation changes. Also, please go to the welcome room and introduce yourself so others will know you are a new member :-) It's great having you here!!
  19. Fish and Aquariums are completely different applications and environments, as well as the fish's breathing system . I ran many 200 and 100 gallon aquariums for many years, both for show and for breeding, Angles and Discus. I also used ionizers as one part of the complex Water filtration system I had set up to keep my Aquariums water at an optimum level of all measurable properties adjusted to each fish species. Ionizing filtration systems for human/land applications are actually bad and consumer reports did a very detailed write up on it a few years back and the adverse affects it had on humans. The heavier particles created by these ionizing filters are bad for people and birds. You do not want a filter with Ozone....OZONE is harmful and irritating to the respiratory tract. You do not want one with an Ionizer. The major concern is that the Ionizer weighs down the dust particle, and if the dust particle contains a micro bacterial organism on it, it can be inhaled, and then stuck to the respiratory wall thus leading to Aspergillosis. The best and most widely recommended systems for human and pet Air Filtration Systems are multi-stage Hepa filtration systems. These remove particles down to 3 microns and will be good for you and your Parrot.
  20. Wow Jodi, what a wonderful thing to do for those rescues. It's wonderful to hear of GreYt people like yourself stepping up and showing these poor critters what a good and loving home is like. It's also always good to hear of a group of different critter types all getting along and helping each other out by being friends and just hanging out. :-) You are truly blessed to be able to work at home and volunteer at a wildlife center. Many of us can only dream of being able to do what you already are. Many here have rescued Greys, other Parrots and animals as well. I have been rescuing Dobermans for the last 10 years and it is a real joy to watch them "Come Alive" and see that spark of joy in their eyes once again. Looking forward to having you on this forum and contributing your knowledge and friendship to others here as well. You'll find we are a very caring group that truly enjoys helping others and becoming friends with all here. :-)
  21. Caroline - Thanks, the idea came from my always hearing, "Dan your Parrot pooped on the couch, clean it!" Of course he's her Parrot any other time. ;-) Sheila - Its good to hear Charlie is on the tower already. Looking forward to seeing the photos. :-) Dayo had a great Xmas watching all our children and the smaller grandchildren open presents. He tried to help as much as he could in opening presents, ripping up gift wrap and destroying as many cardboard boxes he could get to. He also tried to remove buttons on toys if he could get to them quick enough :-) He was a real pill and not shy at all in flying over to the next victim. ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/26 13:30
  22. Welcome Jodi and Kiwi!! It's GreYt having you here. Some Greys and Dogs do get along quite well and others just don't. IN either case, they need to be watched carefully when interacting, just to make sure neither gets hurts. :-) I have two Dobermans and they tolerate my Grey, but when he flies, they get exited and would love to eat him, so they must be watched carefully at all times. They have gotten a little more mellow over time and my grey can fly to the floor without them jumping up to get him. However, we do not allow either to get any closer than 5 or 10 feet of him. WE also need to watch our grey, as he will sometimes start walking over to I suppose nibble on their interesting looking claws. Others here will chime in that have dog\parrot friendships that are a real treat to see photos of and hear of their antics. :-)
  23. Welcome africangrey10 and Bocephus!! It's GreYt having you hear. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your flock when you get a chance. :-)
  24. Welcome and Congratulations edillon5063!! It's nice having you here and we'll look forward to hearing more. :-)
  25. Good Morning and Merry Christmas everyone!! :-) Just reflecting a little this morning at 430am. Before the days activities begin and all the much anticipated family togetherness, good food, good drink and of course the most important event of present opening to the young ones that will soon wake at 5 or 530am as always. Just thought I would share these john lennon music video that sets things in perspective on a global scale and how each of us can make a difference, like we do here on the forum and I am certain other places also ....... Each and everyone of us can and do make a difference in our own way. :-) http://dailymotion.alice.it/video/xuqhv_john-lennon-happy-christmas_music http://dailymotion.alice.it/related/xuqhv_john-lennon-happy-christmas_music/video/xhkab_john-lennon-imagine_music?from=rss<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/25 14:04
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