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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh Yeah, big applause and Congratulations on being chosen as the adopters of McKenzie!! It certainly sounds as though all went well in the trip home and even in him settling into his new cage. What a nice picture of that healthy looking Grey. Looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more. :-)
  2. Welcome Lisa and Billy!! It's GreYt having you both here. Billy doesn't know he's got a little handicap and sounds like he is a true joy to have. It is wonderful of you to provide him with a loving home that accepts him as hie is. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  3. Welcome Stephanie and Malcolm!!! It's GreYt having here (Well officially of lurking state). Thats is a nice photo. How long have you had Malcolm, since a chick? Not wanting anything to do with Sunflower seeds is odd indeed. So whats his/her favorite food or snack? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  4. Wow!! Those are great photos of Koko. Tbanks for sharing these. :-)
  5. A BAD parrots prayer.... A lady approaches her priest and tells him, "Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots, but they only know how to say one thing." "What do they say?" the priest inquired. "They only know how to say, "Hi, we're hookers. Want to have some fun? " "That's terrible!" the priest exclaimed, "but I have a solution to your problem. Bring your female parrots over to my house and I will put them with my two male talking parrots whom I have taught to pray and say their rosary. My parrots will teach your parrots to stop saying that terrible phrase and your female parrots will learn to pray". "Thank you!" the woman responded. The next day the woman brings her female parrots to the priest's house. His two male parrots are holding rosary beads and praying in their cage. The lady puts her female parrots in with the male parrots and the female parrots say, "Hi, we're hookers, want to have some fun?". One male parrot looks over to the other male parrot and says, "Put the beads away, George Our prayers have been answered."
  6. Carolyn wrote: Amen to that, haven't we all!! I am still trying to undo behaviors I and wife thought were "Cute" and fun. But, as they get older, they become much more aggressive, demanding and bullheaded. Then it takes as long, if not longer, to "Correct" them on the behaviour that needs to change. Please listen to those that have learned some hard lessons through experience. Of course, that's the problem we ALL learn through experience. Thinking our Grey or other pet is such a sweety pie, that they are not like that.....UGH!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/07 20:09
  7. Welcome Afrique and Kiki!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Hello bea, The interaction you describe for a first meeting is pretty promising. Just the fact that he felt comfortable enough to climb on board and scurry up you r arm to should and allow a little snuggling is great. You can easily stop the run up by using your other hand to block the path up and keep him down on your arm/hand which will become a normal and trusted place by him. The most important thing to do is to use your gut feeling and the way the two of you interact dynamically when close to one another. He is obviously not fearful of you at all. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and also others members here that will pitch in with their comments.
  9. I am tending towards your thought Linda, even though I said it in jest, I am suspecting it as you describe. They see interaction between the "Flock". How the Flock communicates with one another etc. They watch and listen to the verbal interaction between a married couple for example and take on the role of the "Competition" to woo the other away in the favor. :-) These Greys are much smarter, I believe, than what the scientific community, other than Dr. Pepperburg, have given them credit for. This is where I believe Dr. Pepperburgs studies were so effective with using two individuals interacting with each other in identifying shapes, colors etc. and Alex, Griffith and others in the lab watching and learning the correct correlation. They do learn very well in one on one interaction when training also, but perhaps not as well with role models to watch person to person or person to other Grey/Parrot etc. I am looking forward to hearing more from you and others on this.
  10. Hello Davy, What a good question and an important one at that. We always encourage everyone regardless of age to think about, what if something happens to me. No one ever knows. The others have given great responses. A relative or friend that may already be familiar with your Grey and how to take care of it. Would be be the ideal choice over the last option of a rescue facility taking your grey in. Don't get me wrong, they do a wonderful thing and are good at what they do. I am just thinking of the easiest possible transition for your Grey. :-)
  11. It sounds like he is progressing right on and becoming relaxed, except for the baths. ;-) Yes, they do love to eat the marrow from the chicken bones which is good for them. :-)
  12. Hello Sehar, He is young and is targeting the head, rather than the shoulder simply due to it being the highest place. The only way to stop it, is as you have started to do and that is to block him before he gets there. It will take several times before he gets the message once and for all that your head or someone elses is not a landing pad. :-) The nipping is also a defensive tool they use to let you know they do not want to be removed and you just don't have any control when he is on your head or shoulder to see him or get him off and he knows it. You will just need to block both areas for now. They do nip when playing with you or a toy. If your using you hand to play with a toy or trying to take something away from him, he will nip or bite in protest. They also become more and more excited as they play and beaking/nipping/biting is part of the action and they care not if it is the toy or your finger/hand. The best advice here is to keep your hands out of the play area unless he has something that is not a toy and must be taken away. The "No Bites" and stern evil eye look sometimes helps and they will come to understand you do not approve. If it continues, you will need to take immediate action when the bite or hard nip occurs and place him on a playstand or back in his cage for a timeout. You will need to repeat everything you do over and over until it lessens or subsides completely for the most part. The key here is time and consistency when it takes place, with out exception. That means from anyone that is actively handling your Grey.
  13. Welcome Brian and Savage!! It's GreYt having you here. The name sounds fitting for the first few weeks you have had him :-). Most do have a strong distaste for being showered or misted by their owners, but it is a must do. They will normally play in a water dish on their own accord where they have control over the situation. The screaming you describe is what a Grey does when playing intensely and "Getting Bad" or they will also scream at an object or person that scares them. How old is Savage? Did you bring him home from a breeder, pet store or did you adopt him from a shelter or person? Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  14. Great photos Oppie, thanks for sharing all these as he grows. :-)
  15. This is getting some good feedback. It is understandable that, if only one person interacts with with their Grey 99% of the time. That it will use the voice it is learning from. However, when there are two or more individuals, is what I am trying to quantify the Greys selection of the "Voice" they use 95% of all requests for food, play, calling another human or animal by name etc. It may simply be the Voice they find most appealing to represent themselves or is it deeper, such as the one whom they view as the "Role Model", "Most Dominant", "Friendly", "Smartest" ;-) etc. Thanks for all the responses so far!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/07 15:16
  16. Ok, I went and took your advice and asked my Wife what to say. She said she's not getting involved in this.....:unsure: So, I graciously refrain from commenting on this. :-)
  17. I have been musing of late on the speech and more importantly the voice the Grey decides to use predominately. Our Grey Dayo is my wife's snuggle muffin. Yet, he uses my voice and most every term and description I do of items and actions. If he does use a phrase my wife uses, it's always in my voice. Every once in a blue moon, he will use someone else's voice. I wish I had a whole flock of Greys to observe this behaviour in and try to quantify what they are basing their choice on. However, since I only have one, I must assume the worst. Dayo is taking on all my expressions and voice. I suspect soon I will return home and he will have my clothes on wooing my wife. I think he's trying to steal her!! ;-) Now, back to being serious, which voice does your Grey use?
  18. Madness008 wrote: Your absolutely right, based on your observance of the Grey. If your afraid of a bird, it will pick up on it in a minute and capitalize on your fear. One thing you need to know also, even if you go with a baby Grey. As they mature they do bite and I mean hard that will leave you bleeding. It's not a matter of if, it's just when. Any Parrot will bite. Knowing that going in, you can make the decision that's best for you and any bird. Just keep in mind, the goal is to keep the Grey through good times and bad. They may piss you off and you they, but just as in any family that loves one another, it's forgiven and the relationship continues. The way you are searching and physically observing and interacting with the possible Grey you may bring home is great. Let it be a mutual selection and the odds of it turning out to be a win-win are much higher. :-)
  19. Oh, if he is fledging. It is normal for every young bird to slow down in eating to lighten up body weight to make the flights easier.
  20. LOL!! But, if a Man has EVERYTHING, he also possesses all the required support staff to see to all the meanial tasks. ;-)
  21. Ok, so you ladies all think you want to give this another round or two huh? Well, I'll look forward to the challenge of keeping you all entertained. ;-)
  22. ProStock wrote: And we pray for this in agreement with you.
  23. GreYt idea Caroline. :-) Revivals are always a good thing and exciting!! Bring on those baby photos. :woohoo:
  24. It's Saturday!! I Ditto Caspers (Caroline) question and comment. :-)
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