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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh, so sorry to hear this Nims. You and Nims are in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and permanent resolution to this illness.
  2. I agree with Casper and all others comments. AnnMarie - We have given you some of what you asked for. Now it's your turn to reciprocate the kindness. :-)
  3. Dave is the "man" and always hits the nail on the head. Great advice that just makes sense when you think about it. :-)
  4. It does sound like it was a scam. The surprising part, is there was never a point where something came up about send her the money and the grey would be shipped or some other such common scam lurking out there to get Parrot lovers money thinking their getting a "Steal". They are, but from the other end.
  5. Yep, 2 years on getting the flights fully back in. Dayo now has 4 flights fully in on each side and does a very good job of skillfully maneuvering and hovering in place. very impressive with only 4 flights on each side. I feel for you and Rikki. That is so frustrating and she must have the heart of a Lion to just boldly take a true leap of faith determined that she is going to get to you. I'm certainly glad to hear she hasn't physically damaged herself. She atleast flap with such fervor that her landing is hard, but non damaging. Are the Flights being molted out, when you say another came out? The reason I ask, is Dayo started molting out flights about 2 months ago. It only took that short amount of time to gain 4 flights on each wing. So be encouraged!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/02 15:44
  6. Great question Casper, I was wondering the same. Also, your Grey probably does not feel well and the feather damage could be a comfort habit he has developed to stop thinking about how terrible he feels. I am so sorry to hear of his Liver problem, poor baby grey. Do you know what possibly caused it and how long it is going to take to treat it?
  7. Bittersweet vines are tree killers, so cutting it off saved a tree. :-) The seem to be non toxic other than the bark used in the days of old when they ground up it's bark and used it as a diurectic. You want want to remove the bark or your Grey's stools may contain more water ;-) If the wives tale and use of the bark holds any medical truth. If it does, then those that must purchase "Water" pills can just go grab some bittersweet bark and chew some each day. :-)
  8. It sounds like You and Lola are getting on very well. Keep on the good work and the step-ups will come shortly. :-) Looking forward to hearing more as your relationship develops. They are a real joy aren't they?
  9. Welcome Erin and Flock!! I'm sure you are anxiously awaiting the day you get your Grey. You came to the right place to both research and get good answers to your questions. It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing a lot more from you. :-)
  10. Hello and welcome BarbaraJean!! It does sound like you have taken a task that will take some time, perhaps months to get that Grey to the point of interacting with humans. How long have you had him at your home? What size cage is he in? Does he allow you to feed and water without trying to bite? Can you offer treats through the bars to him without him trying to bite? Is he flighted or has he been clipped? The others have given great advice to start with. :-)
  11. Congratulations Empera!! Those are good names you have thought of so far. Once you start visiting and interacting with your Grey, a name will normally come much easier as it will fit their personality. At Least thats my method of naming Parrots and Animals. :-)
  12. They do many goofy things and they all have their favorite new learned skills that amuses them for a while. It sounds pretty funny, a video of that posted on here would be great. :-) It's nothing to be worried about.
  13. I with the others on using a electric blanket, do not use one. They can easily bite right through the electric cord\elements and electrocute themselves. You know how the love to chew and shred. :-) A heat lamp, solid state element or a heated perch, which you can find online at any Pet\Parrot store will keep your Grey warm when the room is too cold. Staying up past sunset is fine and most homes with Parrots are on a schedule similar to yours and the evening time is the time we spend with our much loved Parrots. They will still get their 10-12 hours of sleep in between night sleep and daytime naps when your gone and there's nothing to do once they have worn themselves out on the toys and foraging. :-)
  14. Hello Shalom and welcome!! You certainly have done a fine job in rescuing and getting your Grey off to a good start with a vet check up and working with him for the last 1.5 months. If he has never been caged in probably nothing smaller than a large Aviary, it is a big scary shock to him, to be placed in a more confining Area, namely a cage. What size cage do you presently have? Does he have any toys to play with? Does he interact with you during the day when you are in the living area with him? Where do you keep his food and water at, since he stays on a boing? Plucking is a difficult issue to resolve and will take a long time. It sounds like you have started all the items normally advised such as using Aloe and Red Palm Oil or real palm fruit. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  15. Welcome bandits_mom08 and Bandit!! It's GreYt to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. Wow, he is a healthy looking 40 year old CAG. Thanks for posting this photo of Blue. :-)
  17. One possible way of having your one day to yourself. Maybe to just say hey guys, Ive writtten on the Calendar that I am taking the x/x/xx off and need you to take care of all the critters and household duties for that day. :-) If that works, move it up to 2x a month, then 3 and so on and so on. :woohoo:
  18. Congratulations Janet!! Saber would definitely be an original name. :-) Looking forward to seeing those photos!!
  19. Pat hit one possible cause of this type behaviour. The reasons why birds eat their own feces is controversial, but can be caused by nutritional deficiencies (calcium a big one), environmental factors (stress), psychological problems (boredom) or a pathology. Any bird eating droppings should have a complete medical evaluation. There are meds available that an avian vet can prescribe if he/she deems it appropriate based on a medical evaluation. Often times, the problem can be resolved with a diet change to a more healthier, nutritional diet.
  20. Sheila - I would say you are both an animal person and lucky. :-) Lucky that you did not rescue a Grey with a ton of horrible baggage to be dealt with and blessed to have the "Touch" both physically and mentally in rearing such a well behaved Grey and companion. :-)
  21. I cautiously will respond to your question, with one stipulation, that is that this is my opinion only!! A good breeder of any critter, whither feathers, furred or fur-less will be observed doing the following things: - Providing clean and safe breeding environment that is humane both in feeding and space to "Stretch" their wins/legs - Providing any medical attention needed as they grow, even if it takes a huge amount of money. - Ensures that each baby and their parents are given proper personal attention needed for good mental health - Ensures no incestral breeding is taking place, which normally results in a weakened if not handicapped offspring. - Ensures that no baby is released unweaned - Ensures each baby is well socialized - Qualifies the prospective clients by meeting with them, asking critical questions and watching them interact with the babies. Notes if they ask good questions regarding care, feeding, health check up requirements etc. - Ensure the new owners are counseled on proper diets, recreational and personal activities each baby will require for a happy and healthy life - Is available for calls and questions as the new owners may encounter something they have no clue about - Makes themselves available 24/7 in case of an emergency - If possible, in case of an extenuating circumstance, be willing to take the bird in if the owners can no longer keep the baby or assist in finding a good and caring home for it. The would of course vary based on space in the breeders home/aviaries and how many babies/adults they have at the time. - Has atleast a 30 day health guarantee There are many more, but I will stop and let others add there thoughts on this subject.
  22. Welcome Renee and the whole flock!! It sounds like you have a very large flock. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  23. Congratulations on getting Gregory home! The photos are great and he looks like one happy fellow to be there. :-)
  24. Welcome Gerald and Cloud!!! It's GreYt to have you here. It sounds like your off to a great start and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of that new baby!! :-)
  25. Congratulations Mark on having Lola at home!! Looking forward to updates and photos. :-)
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