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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Robert and Magic!! It's GreYt having you here. There are many different topics here as you can see to give you a ton of information on most any subject related to Greys. Of course, we are all also more than happy to answer any questions you may have also. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos is you have a chance to upload them. :-)
  2. Dayo is not a big pellet eater. I buy Harrisons, zupreem fruity blend, hot and spicy blend, hagens mainteance pellets and mix them all together. He will eat a few of each at times but not enough to give him all the nutrients needs to have him on a full pellet diet. So, he gets a nut/seed mixture, lots of veggies, a little fruit, oatmeal, eggs etc. much of it laced with red palm oil.
  3. It's wonderful to see you harness up Ecko so young and taking him for car rides and to outtings for socialization. He truly loves it. :-) Those early days are the best time to start introducing them to the wonderful world out there and people, places and things. We started taking Dayo out harnessed and in a carrier on longer trips at 14 weeks and it really paid off. Those photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  4. Your Grey will pick up things that 1) excite him 2) sound pleasing to him 3) things that are interesting or beneficial to him. As long as you use words associated with actions and items when you are doing them in front of your Grey in close proximity, it will learn those things that do one fo the 3 listed above. My Greys cage is 10 feet away from the Conures screeching, screaming, squawking etc. and he does not imitate any of them. He probably finds them as annoying at times as I do. Thus never has used any of them ;-)
  5. Thats was good thinking and quick reaction time. Your Grey is fine and thankfuly so are you. :-)
  6. GreYt photos and Gil is looking good. Thank goddness you got them seperated and all is well. :-) Thanks for sharing these photos.
  7. Ha Ha Ha, that is one soaked birdy!! :-) Thanks for sharing this moment in Adaya's life.
  8. CarolandFamily wrote: Jesus, what some people say is scary at times, this surprizingly from a breeder. Whom I would avoid like the plague. Good breeders that socialize their birds know better than this. That's the downfall of the internet. There is a ton of false and misguided information. In regards your children, Carol. As long as they are around your Greys and interact with them respectfuly and love them as much as you do, your Greys will be just fine with them at whatever level of interaction is deemed or bestowed upon them. If your 25yr old is only in and out over days or weeks, then the odds are high that a distance will be kept unless your Greys just are atrracted by whatever gauge they use to determine they want some attention from the outsider. Grey's do not understandbly trust very young children that run around screaming, flapping arms and go from zero to 100 in 1 second. So they will keep their distance from them and if one happens to approach and stick a finger out, it will most likely get bit to let the child know they need to stay away. With the dynamics of having 2 Greys, each will select whom they decide is there #1 and lower ranking most liked according to their individual preferences. The important thing is to ensure high socialization, boudaries set fro whats "nice" play and whats "unacceptable" play, which I am positive your "Teens" will know anyway, unlike very young toddlers. Boy are you going to have a ton of excitement in your home soon!!! :-)
  9. Jane is spot on. Always related the correct word(s) with actions, items etc as they are taking place. Greys are highly intelligent and well get the association rapidly. You may not hear the word or words for weeks or months, but believe me, they are practicing under their breath. :-)
  10. Welcome Pam, Kiki and the rest of the flock!! It's GreYt having you here. You'll find tons of useful information here and if you have any questions in need of an answer, just post and others will respond as you have already observed. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. Welcome Ashlen!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) When is the big day of arrival? Looking forward to hearing more.
  12. Wise dicisions from both Ann Marie and Sugarbeth. It is truly inspiring to see people such as you two going to such lengths in esnuring your making a good dicision for you and your family before jumping into it. Few people do this and thus the need for rescue shelters in every city. I must say though in behalf of Greys, that they do not all just interact with one person. It all comes down to how well they were socialized when young and introduced to new people of all ages and sexes. As any pet whether dog, cat, bird etc., in reality, they all do have a "Favorite" person they will go to and want to be with more often than others. Even the cuddly CockaToos will have a "Favorite". It's just something we all get used to inlife with both human and critter relationships. But, your definately correct in your findings that Greys are more cautious, picky and tempermental than most other Parrots. Thus "High Maintenance" as us men found out about our women, once they tricked us into marriage. ;-) :-)
  13. How heartbreaking Sameera. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You have my condolences in this devastating time. I am so sorry for you and Zazu. God Bless
  14. Welcome Bobby, Wayne and Zazu!! It's GreYt having you here. Judy gave good advice. When the "Chosen One" is home, your dog meat. :-) This will vary in degrees, but since you do interact with Zazu when Wayne is gone, that is a good sign and something that can be built upon with patience and love. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  15. Welcome BZM and Koko!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. Hoping the best for Eli and his quick return to health. It sounds like your vet is right on top of it, along with you of course. :-) Thanks for the update!!
  17. Welcome Phaynes!! It's always nice to hear of someone taking in an adult Grey. It will take time and patience for your Grey to warm up to you. Just stay as close and interact with him/her as is allowed. Offer treats like an almond, grape piece of apple etc. and see if that may help build trust with him/her. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  18. Welcome Scott and Zel!! Thanks for sharing that video. They are just so adorable when that young and from the way she is flapping those wings, fledging will start soon. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing the next video when you return to the pet store.
  19. Awww, what a pretty boy he is. Notice he intently has his EYE on you. :-) Are you able to get him out of the cage? Thanks for sharing this photo.
  20. Alex and Dr. Irene Pepperburg, as Char stated, was a first in the scientific community to associate high intelligence in the Avian community. Alex lived a very good life and received a ton of love from both the good doctor and her staff. You ight want to pick up a copy of "Alex and Me" for light reading to understand why we all regard her and Alex highly.
  21. My Grey's favorites are Almonds, Pine Nuts, Grapes and Apples.
  22. Awwww, love those photos carol. Thanks for keeping all these coming. :-)
  23. Oh I am so sorry to hear this terrible news. My thoughts and prayers are for you. He will be missed and will live on not only on the other side, but in your fond memories also.
  24. LOL - Thanks for sharing this short video. Loved that Cuckoo!! :-)
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