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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. These are all Greyt stories, thanks for the morning laughs. :-) Dayo has a very large vocabulary and many things make us laugh. I think the most recent this weekend was when we were getting some Ice Cream and Dayo flew over and asked "Wheres Mine?". I tell you, these Greys are so smart it's scary at times. The most interesting concept he has understood now in his counting lessons is "Zero". Always link words and phrases with actions and items. They will understand and get to where they can actively carry on a small conversation in real-time as things are happening. They truly view all those around them as their flock and as such, try their hardest to socialize at our level.
  2. Thanks for the progress udate on echo. He sounds like he is doing very well. Looking forward to those photos. :-)
  3. Welcome orphan1965 and new hatchling!! It's GreYt having you here and congratulations on the hatching of your new Grey. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  4. Welcome Ginger and Clueso!! It's GreYt having you. It's always good to hear of someone taking in a Grey in need of a home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  5. I would ask the vet before trying extra humidity and heat. It could worsen the problem by increasing the growth of the spores if it is Aspergillosis. Normally if breathing treatments are used, they are a medicated treatment in a special vaporizor at the vet office.
  6. Awwwww, now that is a beatiful photo of them. :-) Just look at those FULL crops!! :woohoo:
  7. It sounds like your making GreYt progress Joolesgreyuk with Beau. He sounds like he is getting used to all the new surroundings quite well and will get used to people being over. Most all of them do become more silent when strangers are over. You will find over time though, that if they see someone new they for some reason like, they will fly right over to them. Looking forward to hearing more updates. :-)
  8. Greyt photos Pat!! Tyco looks like the "All knowing and powerful Mom" overseeing the flock. :-) Just look at how Shady has grown! It is amazing to watch them grow so rapidly from hatchling to a full fledged flying machine. :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/17 15:04
  9. Congratulations Carol!! Yes, Judy's right, the signature photo needs to be of them, one grey with the wing over the other.
  10. GreYt photos, thanks for posting them of your baby. :-)
  11. Welcome TaMarah and flock! It's GreYt having you and you fairly newly adopted Grey here. :-) It's always wonderful to see people offering loving and caring homes for those poor Greys in need on a good home. It will just take time and patience for him to get used to everything. It is not unusual to have to SLOWLY introduce new toys or items you wish to add to your Greys cage or play area. Just leave it sitting a distance away so he can see and move it closer and closer as time goes by over days or possibly a week until he seems ok with and maybe even some interest. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  12. Thats a great playstand! If you have the space and $$$ for it. :-)
  13. What a wierd thread. Thanks for the headache in trying to figure it out. ;-) Maybe I should go get another cup of coffee and look at this again.
  14. I built my own, however there are full-spectrum lighting fixtures designed specifically for our Avian friends that you can find online. If you care to understand what aspects of lighting is actually beneficial to our birds both visually and health wise, please go to this link where I where a three part thread on lighting. The initial part 1 starts about at the bottom of page 1. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/african-grey/47809-lighting.html
  15. Awww,what a sweetheart Pepper is. :-) I hope she remains very cuddly for you as she ages, you just never know. Thanks for sharing this story and the signature photo your using of her, very beautiful CAG. :-)
  16. What a GreyT looking CAG Shaka Zulu is. :-) Thanks for sharing the photos, video and overview of how he has been obviously flourishing in his new Home. Great job on his homecoming!! Karma to you for re-homing him. :-)
  17. This lady is absolutely stunning in this performance. For those of you that are unaware of this, it will bring joy to your heart, I hope as it did mine. :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY
  18. Thanks for posting this. Other such laws have been put forth before and failed. With the loud voice of the other Americans here joining in by voicing and voting their part, it will get shot down. :-)
  19. Oh I feel for you and your Grey. I am wishing and praying that the meds get your Grey on the path to a quick and complete recovery.
  20. danmcq


    Greyt photo of Charlie Sheila, he is one fine looking Grey. Thanks for posting this new photo. :-)
  21. Nipping off portions of feathers is a problem. If he is shaking his head as often as you describe, he could have an underlying health issue such as an ear infection. I would have a good Avian vet give him a checkup to ensure all is well with him.
  22. Thats a wonderful thing to have taught her Susan. :-) Looking forward to the video.
  23. GreYt photo of Gracie. She looks very healthy and happy. Thanks for posting this photo. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/15 15:22
  24. Hello sosu89 and welcome! You will need to check with your local governmental agencies on laws regarding the import of birds. Also, be careful in who you use to purchase the Greys from. There are MANY scammers out there that just take your money and you never see your birds. Especially in the Cameroon area. They are well known scammers.
  25. Welcome Cassy and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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