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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Sheila is spot on. Some will ready accept and yes even crave a feeding as you describe way past weaning. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/14 16:21
  2. Dayo is the same as Judy's Josey. he does get hyper at times during the day and just bounces off the walls with energy. But, at night time, we have always taken him in the dimly lit living room and he sits in my wife's lap and watches a movie with us and gets lots of loving and scratches as he sits, puffs up and preens. Normally when it's night-night time he is already dozing off and is like a child as you carry their limp body to bed. :-)
  3. Wow Pat, that is a GreYt deal!! Shady is certainly not going to be lacking for space in that monster!! :-) Your such a good Mom. Do you have room for another brat to spoil....Me ;-) :-)
  4. Hello John and welcome to the forum!! There is no guarantee they would pair up and secondly a 3 year old Grey is not sexually mature. The become sexually mature at 5+ years. Breeding is not just putting a couple of opposite sexed Greys in a room and hoping for the "Magic" to happen. They need the right space, nesting box, environmental qualities etc. The first thing you would need to do, would be to learn by reading a lot of books and information on breeding Greys and get with a breeder that has years of experience doing so. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  5. Welcome dberes and Gracie!!! It's always wonderful to hear of someone adopting a mature Grey and providing them a loving home and researching all they can to provide the best care and attention possible. :-) It will take time to overcome the fear Gracie has of past bad experience with a woman. But, it can happen and it sounds like you have the right idea of your wife remaining non-threatening and always being the good person offering treats, maybe help cleaning the cage, providing fresh food and water etc. Maybe find something Gracie is just nuts over and have your wife keep in in her possession so Gracie can see it and must go to her to get it. This could be a favorite food, toy etc. Then it's not your wife possibly invading Gracie's space, but her going to your wife on her terms. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. Welcome Elliemm1 and soon to come Harrison!!! It's GreYt having you here. I know that it's going to be the longest month + in your life, but believe me, the wait will be very rewarding. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  7. Welcome marcellos_mom and Marcello!!! It's nice having you here and looking forward to seeing some photos and hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Welcome Jim!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  9. Welcome Lori and Flock!! Wow, you have quite a background. Eli and Maxi are GreYt looking babies that have obviously flourished under your loving upbringing. It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to those photos and I'm sure a wealth of information you can contribute to this forum as well with your experience. :-)
  10. Welcome Samsdad and Sam!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) 20 years is a long relationship to have had with Nelson. I am sorry to hear he passed on. I'm positive the cherished memories during that twenty years keeps him at the forefront of your mind and heart. It's good to hear you have found a way out of the morning and into continuing on by providing another Grey "Sam" a good and loving home that you can both enjoy each others company in. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. GreYt video of Whisper showing off the vocal capabilities there. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it with us. :-)
  12. It could be a bad clip and the primaries are bothering your Grey. When you say chewing, do you mean she is biting them off in segments or just literally chewing them and causing damage such as small holes or visible wear on them?
  13. Welcome Oldcockatoo and Juice!! It's GreYt having you here. He does look like he may be over preening and he has/is been going through a molt which is very bothersome and itchy to them. Looking forward to hearing more from you and thanks for posting the photos. :-)
  14. We went to the Fresno Chafee Zoo Avian Adenture today for 4 hours. I thought I would share some of the hundreds of photos shot in the Avairies which were African and Austrailian. Also a few shots from the Avian show in which all birds are fully flighted. mg]
  15. It's GreYt to hear the first day home has gone so well. Just call in and tell work your all "Puffed Up". It is allergy season season you know......... but, they won't realise it's from "Pride", rather than an Allergy. ;-) Thanks for sharing this update on your newly arrived Grey.
  16. It sounds like Shady is truly flourishing under you loving care Pat. You and he/she have such a strong relationship from the way you described the interactions and learned behaviours, it is truly inspiring to read of this all progressing. Thanks for the GreYt updates as he/she grows and learns each week. :-)
  17. Those are GreYt photos of Stella. She is one fine looking baby CAG. Thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  18. Awwww, that was a great video of those Greys and Sun chicks all having some fun. Ahjari, of course was working over that millet spray while no one else was looking. ;-) VERY smart Grey. :-) I loved Ahjari's growl at the camera when it came too close also. :evil: Thanks for sharing this video.
  19. Oh what beautiful Easter presents your breeder has given you. I love those photos!! Ahjari is obviously thriving very well under your breeders loving care and I would stick my neck out and say your probably thriving well also with all the updates, photos and videos you've been receiving. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  20. The others have all given great advice. Since the concrete perches aren't working, you can have the tips files flat on the talons, it doesn't take much to knock those sharp pin like points off. We have to file our greys off every once in a while. The cement perch is not used enough to keep those tips off either for him. In Regards the wing clipping or beak grinding, you've made very wise decisions in NOT having either of them done. Looking forward to hearing how this goes and seeing those photos once you have it all sorted out. :-)
  21. Cleo is such a beautiful Baby Grey. YOur German Shepard is a good looker too. Thanks for posting these. :-)
  22. Welcome luv4jjt!! You've come to the right place to make good friends, learn about Greys and perhaps get a lead on a good breeder in your area. I am sure someone there will chime in here with some good leads for you. You have picked the right time of year to search for one as many new clutches have been hatched over the last month. Good luck in your search and looking forward to hearing more from you.
  23. Welcome acboothby, Tequila and Flock!! It's GreYt having you all here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  24. Welcome MrsB and Mesa!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  25. Welcome JillyBeanz!! It's GreYt having you here. Your right, they do keep you on your toes, but entertained at the same time. :-)
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