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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Penny and Ajax!! Wow, what a story. Ajax was very fortunate to have found such a wonderful and loving home to give him just what he needed...TLC. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from. :-)
  2. Welcome majikboxman!! It's nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. Welcome to the forum Bonek!! It's GreYt having you here. The others gave great advice on time and patience with a new Grey. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  4. Nice photos, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  5. Great choice and good news on getting your refund!! :-)
  6. Congratulations Summer!! Looking forward to hearing how the visit went. :-)
  7. Calming peaceful sounds of gentle ocean waves slapping along the coast line coming your way Marguerite. I don't know how they come up with some of the "Made Up" LOUD sounds they make. But when they "author" their own and put their signature on it. It always seems to be the loudest and most obnoxious noise you've heard. Dayo has recently come up with a mixture that sounds like a fog horn and train horn put together and it's at a volume to match. :pinch: So I feel for ya. But, the good news is those obnoxious sounds do go away at some point. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/26 15:34
  8. What a wonderful history of your life with parrots and theirs with you. Thanks for sharing such a touching story of rescue and it's wonderful outcomes. :-)
  9. Welcome Clive and Enoush!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  10. Many Greys are definately cautious of new toys or other items and must be introduced slowly to them. On average my Grey takes 3 to 7 days to even think about getting close to a new toy. Just take it slow since you know your Grey is cautious of them.
  11. Oh I am so sorry to hear of this babies plucking issue. However, since the health has been ruled out as an issue, it is due to something truly bothering him. It's great you have gotten the Aloe Juice and Red Palm Oil and switched him to Harrison's. Those are all big helps in helping him through this. You should also purchase some Aloe Gel 100% and rub it into those bald spots to sooth the skin. Your right, do not punish him or react to the plucking. Just remain normal and don't change you posture or normal habits of whatever it is that your doing. It's going to take a long time to resolve this issue, but your on the right track with food, sprays, additives and getting that attention focused towards playing, foraging and shredding to entertain himself. Looking forward to hearing more of how he is responding.
  12. John, Macaws are no joke, as you know. I personally have a friend that received a vice like bite on the wrist area from a Scarlet Macaw that left his entire hand numb for over a week. A Grey however with its sharper beak, pierces to the bone like butter in the blinnk of an eye. :pinch:
  13. Shady is a .......... X ;-)
  14. Love that "Smiley" face!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment Pat. Just reading and seeing the photos of Shady aver the last few days is a treat to look forward to!! :-) You need to send that into BirdTalk!! Smile, your on candid camera. :-)
  15. Welcome JayQ!! It's nice having you here and congratulations on finding a new Grey to light up your life in June. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. Welcome Sarah and flock!! It's GreYt having you here and your large flock. It is always wonderful to hear of someone taking in rescues that need plenty of TLC and a good home and family to enjoy. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos of your flock. :-)
  17. Welcome Storm2007 and Storm!! He sounds like a real character and yes, they are smarter than a whip. Thanks for the morning laugh!! :-) Looking forward to hearing much more of Storms antics and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  18. That is funny, in that he is copying and empathising with you. :-) Sorry you've had a cold, but spring is in the air. :-)
  19. Welcome Nancy!! Nice having you here and thanks for posting the video of your grey. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  20. They have to do all they can to keep their center of gravity low. Otherwise that HUGE Cranium and Beak would topple them straight forward. ;-) Very cute photo Pat, thanks for sharing it.
  21. They are meant to fly and will try over and over again. Your Grey will soon learn just how far it can make it and will start targeting those areas like a couch, chair, counter top, lamp (Crash as it falls over) etc. As the muscles develope, you will notice your grey become more confident and learn to fly VERY FAST to compensate for the lack of wing lift to get to those just previously out of reach spots. The good news is it was a good clip job and he doesn't crash to the ground. The bad news is your going to have to watch him every second to ensure his safety when out. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/24 15:54
  22. danmcq

    dive bombing

    Thats great progress in getting the target area as your arm, rather than your head. I guess us humans do deserver a few "Picks" in her eyes due to "Child Stealing". She will learn that you are a "Different" human over time and your progress is already showing that. Keep up the good work! :-)
  23. Judy is spot on. Just keep offering the veggies and other food items. What they turn their beak up to today, they may gouge themselves on next week. Sometimes their appetites seem like us humans... Naaaaa, I don't feel like a salad, vegetable, chicken, fish etc. with/for dinner.... :-)
  24. You wrote "Emma kept saying I love you. Are you ok?..You're ok. It's ok." How sweet she is. If you have a toy with opening size matching the raw spots above her nares, it could be that she simply became very actively involved in chewing and playing with it. My Grey has a few foraging toys that he sometimes gives himself "Road Burns" from getting so aggressive and getting the goodies insied. Good thoughts and prayers your way, more for you than your Grey.... Are you ok?..You're ok. It's ok. ;-) :-)
  25. Good luck summer!! That is a great deal considering all the equipment you get. The big bonus, is you are rescuing a Grey from an environment he can not thrive and enjoy life in. From the description, it would be more like being in a prison cell looking out and just wishing you could be out there with the flock. Looking forward to hearing how this all turns out. :-)
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