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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hey ....... IT'S TODAY!!!!!:woohoo:
  2. Judy is spot on. Your doing the right thing. Just keep them in ziplock freezer bags so you can just take out what you are going to feed that day and you'll have a good seal to ensure freshness is retained.
  3. What a tough dilemma to by in and heart rending. I know you will make the right decision for you, family and the birds. Best wishes to you.
  4. Judy grave great advice. You wrote: "I'm beginning to think he might die at the drop of a hat." Not that easily, but just clear out the basics that will kill easily such as Teflon anything cookware. No more spraying air fresheners all over the house or the use of chemicals that emit dangerous fumes which are not only bad for birds, but humans also. Regarding socializing, it's always good to have people over and let your grey become used to changing faces and realizing they are not a threat. They will even interact with those they chose from the get-go they like. Most Greys are very cautious of new items and fearful of them. It takes distance and time to introduce new toys or other items to them.
  5. Happy BirthDay Casey!!! Now you don't need to listen to your mom anymore. ;-) B)
  6. Thanks for sharing those videos of Pepper, Brittany. They were fun to watch and listen to all of Peppers sounds. :-)
  7. Wow, you are ready!! :-) Congratulations on getting your new Grey in T Minus 24 hours. Looking forward to hearing all about it with photos too!!
  8. LOL Dave!!! Thanks for the morning coffee I must now remove from my PC Screen :laugh:
  9. Interesting thread. You wrote: "Uranus was discovered today in 1781" Thats impossible, I wasn't born yet. ;-)
  10. Where are they? Talk about a "Tease".
  11. How precious "Baby" is. :-) Thanks for posting these photos.
  12. Congratulations Penny!!!!! I am soooooo happy for you!! :-)
  13. There seems to be womething with words starting with "S". As I posted a couple of weesk ago, Dayo started saying Sh!t. We gave no reaction and over the last two weeks have started saying "Ssssweet" a lot to see what would happen. He now says "Sssweet" qute often and I haven't heard the other "S" word in 5 days now and counting....
  14. I don't use hand lotion or perfume, maybe thats why Dayo likes Kim better............. Hmmmmmmm ;-)
  15. What a wonderful rescue story. :-) Louie is so lucky to have found a loving home that has shown him what a human relationship can be like with no pain, fear, abuse etc. You have made wonderful progress with him and taught him some great tricks to keep him mentally challenged. Thanks for sharing his story! :-)
  16. Welcome AceVentura!! There are a ton of breeders in Southern California. Just start doing web searches for them, ask local petshops (not national petshops) if they know or reccomend any etc. You'll find the right Grey and Breeder. Just take your time and it will work out well for both you and the Grey. :-)
  17. 4 days to go and counting.......Congratulations!!! :-)
  18. Welcome ianstewart the Grey sanck!! ;-) It's GreYt having you here. The others have given very good information. In regards this last post,if you don't want to be bitten, stop trying to pet or scratch him. He evidently is not on that level of intimacy with you and is letting you know you just enter too far into his comfort level. The idea of giving treats as a possible distraction and fare to allow a scratch or two might just work. Looking forward to hearing more from you on how this progresses. :-)
  19. Welcome louiesdad and Louie!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  20. Love all these baby photos and Congratulations to the both of you. They are beautiful!! Let me know if you need someone to take one off your hands. ;-)
  21. danmcq

    dive bombing

    It's good to hear she is starting to land on your arm as the target. That is a very stable place she will soon learn can be trusted as a good perch. From the description of what that poor girl Molly ahs been through. It's no wonder she has a bit of an attitude and perhaps was not treated the best by her former owner. Keep up the good work of getting her to target that arm and offer her a treat she loves as a reward before she goes into the nipping mode if you can. If she does nip, pleas try to keep your arm steady and gently roll it forward or backward enough to just stop her from biting. If she gets a reaction like the arm flailing and you saying ouch or some other word(s), it could encourage the behavior. She needs to know that Arm is like a strong branch she can always trust. The good behavior will be encouraged with the treat. If she bites, don't give her the treat. Positive re-enforcement works wonders on Greys with issues. Just time and patience and she calm down for you. Good luck with this and keep us posted.. :-)
  22. Any harness will annoy them for a while. If you don't have any issues getting it on him, stick with it. They only draw back to the Aviator Harness, is you must get a small opening over their head. I must say this is challenging at times and if your Grey decides it does not want it on, there is no avoiding a nasty bite. Now I check out my Greys body language very carefully before even trying to get it over his head.
  23. Beautiful baby pat. You and that baby are going to have a wonderful time together and it sounds like you flock is in on the love too. :-) Thanks for posting the photo.
  24. Welcome Wayne and Coco!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  25. Bryan - I just read the blog you wrote on this forum. It is quite a story of your last couple of years. http://www.greyforums.net/blogs/view/416/My_New_Timneh_Grey_is_Coming....html I am sorry to hear of your stroke and loss of your much loved Grey during that time. What a struggle you have been through, but you certainly have come out of it with a new outlook on life and what is important. Thanks for sharing such a personal story on this site and I look forward to having you as a member here. :-)
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