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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG did that story bring a huge laugh out while mentally visualizing a video of that. :-) Thanks for posting this side splitting story!! Karma to you. :-)
  2. Beautiful photo of you two lovely family members. :-) As others commented, it is rather shocking to see an untethered bird outdoors. It brings some bad memories to those of us whom had a clipped bird supposedly unflighted, fly away. Thanks for sharing the photo.
  3. Many Greys have been undergoing molts the last few months. This means they are more itchy than normal, preen more and yes feathers come out as they molt, as you know. The others gave good things to do in easing the discomfort by providing more showers/misting using Aloe Juice, foods higher in fatty acids and also use Red Palm Oil in some of there foods.
  4. Welcome Lisa and Harley!! It's GreYt having you here. I always good to hear of someone taking in a Grey in need of a good home with lots of love and understanding. It sounds like you have mad good progress with Harley and he is rewarding you in kind favor. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  5. Oh geeeezzzzz, what a great lunchtime of laughter and tear wiping ......... Thanks for that wonderful lunchtime laugh Dave!!!!!
  6. Oh how precious Miracle is!! Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  7. GreYt looking stand. Dave as always, hit the nail on the head. :-) They love to perch high, look around, preen, whistle, talk and practice sometimes snooze a bit etc. :-)
  8. Their feathers do build up dander almost immediately, which is white it makes them appear a little lighter. Dayo has not changed in coloration at all with aging. However, obviously after a good soaking shower, he appears MUCH darker for hours afterwards.
  9. That will work fine as a brooder, as you already know. :-) I wouldn't worry about Tyco, especially since the are going to be Greys. He may just enjoy watching you raise the young ones until it's time for all but the one to go back to the breeder. I know it's a long drive, but perhaps the breeder would let you "Try it" and see how it goes. If it does notwork out, the you take them back. It just depends on the relationship you have with them, which must obviously be good or they wouldn't trust you to begin with. :-)
  10. Nice scale. Yes, all Parrot owners should have a digital scale and track their weight. My Grey averages around 470 +- 10 grams, which is normal in weight variance. Watch for losses for 10% which would indicate something is going on with them health wise.
  11. The point is, they eat MANY Palm Nuts in the wild, not just 2. They will not get the same nutrition from such a low intake as they will if you also add the Palm Oil to part of the foods they eat. Feeding them Palm Nuts, as many of us do is a great treat for them and the additional nutrients from them not contained in the Oil that has been extract is certainly beneficial too. But, keep in mind, the Palm Nuts obtained here in the states is NOT the same variety as found in African and does not contain the Red Palm Oil or it's other properties.
  12. Welcome imrul2001 !! Congratulations on making the decision to get that 4 year old grey and give him a new, loving and hopefully last forever home. :-) As the others said, clipping the wings is the last thing you should really do. They are harder to control flighted and you must ensure they are in safe safe environment when you let him out. But, the gains in health benefits your grey acquires from it along with the agility and coordination he will have, far outweigh any small tasks of learning to deal with them being flighted. There is a ton of information of this site and as you have already found, many members will reply quickly to questions. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/12 16:29
  13. Good luck on making the right decision, either way you go Pat. One questions though, if the chicks are 6 weeks old, they would normally still need to be kept in a brooder for correct temperature. Is he providing one or do you already have one? It would certainly be tempting to feed those little chicks and watch them grow. They are so cute and endearing at that young age as they develope. :-) Very hard choice for you. But, I know you are wise and will make the right one. :-)
  14. Thanks for the update on "Molly the Boy". It's good to hear he is doing good and has a better collar. In regards renaming him, I'm not getting involved in a family dispute. ;-)B)
  15. Carol - We're doing the "Happy Dance" with you in anticipation of your new Greys arrival!!
  16. Welcome alpeters!! It's GreYt having you here and congratulations on getting your new Grey soon. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  17. Welcome birdlover111!! Judy is spot on. If your Grey is presently just a one person bird, it can be overcome with time, patience and having others offer treats and just let your Grey understand that not all others are a threat to him. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  18. Lainee - The towel may or may not be a good idea. Try it, but do not make it a traumatic experience for your Grey. They do need to become being used to toweling, but sometimes in a slow and fun fashion for them. If you Grey has had a bad experience with a towel previously, it could actually set you back on the trust department with your Grey. Bring it out, let him see it, touch it etc. Just see how he reacts first. :-)
  19. Welcome Lalrmi and Ozzy!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Yes, the books authors are promulgate a different opinion and theories on the keeping of Greys and caring for them. I think you will find that we are a "No Bull" group here that just states the facts through experience and the extensive research most of us have done. There is a mountain of "Crap" out there in books and on the web.... always QUESTION if it is true and factual. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  20. Oh man, all these bites definately make you and family members of this club. I like that logo. :-)
  21. LOL Steve, It's because, what theirs is their's... whats yours is theirs... whats a family members is thiers... what any other critters may have is theirs..... and ultimately whatever else may come in that house or eye sight is theirs. " :-) Now you know....... ;-)
  22. I feel your pain kar2nz. Unfortunately, my Grey Out of no where starting saying "sh!t", much to our horror. It seems that on certain days my son and daughter in-law come over and stay at our house on his 2 days off mid-week, that he picked it up. :evil: Needless to say, we KNEW where he must have learned it and in no uncertain terms told them to stop all cussing immediately. We ignore Dayo when he says it, but he is like a kid that just says it more and more. almost as if he knows it's one of those dirty words little kids laugh at everytime they say it. It will pass with time, but not soon enough for us. :blink: We had company over this weekend and guess what they heard, amongst words? :blush:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/11 16:22
  23. Thanks for bringing this thread back up Carol. :-) I did the same thing and received a surprisingly large assortment of samples as your photo shows. Those Nutriberry packets last a Looooong time and the Parrots just go bonkers over them when they get one as a treat.
  24. Nice baby grey you have there. Thanks for sharing the photos. :-) You really shold purchase a digital scale to weigh your Grey with atleast 2x a week to ensure it's not losing weight. One thing to expect though, is if your Grey has not fledged yet, it will start eating less on it's own naturally to make flight easier as he starts learning during the fledging process.
  25. Miracle is definately a fitting name and unisex as well, so no need in fretting over which sex Miracle is. :-) We watched our Grey as he Grew from 6 weeks old and learned his personality. We had already decided no matter what, it would be of a fitting African dialect.... Thus the name "Dayo" - Meaning, "Joy has arrived".<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/11 16:03
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