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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome MrLourdes and congratulations on obtaining a Grey!! It's nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Welcome Giovanni!! It's GreYt having you here and love those photos of your baby congo. Looking forward to hearing more from you and your english is just fine. :-)
  3. Your bird thinks its a fun game and loves your reaction. To stop it, tell your bird NO sternly and take it to its cage, walk away out of sight and leave him/her there for a while. Do this everytime the feet biting happens.
  4. Welcome Msvoluptous!! It's nice having you and your flock here. Looking forward to hearing updates on your new baby Grey. :-)
  5. Welcome Birddesss and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. Well, it's totally possible he is dreaming and talking in his sleep. Mine does not, atleast that I know of. I have no doubt that critters dream, just as we do. I Know for a fact dogs and cats do as Ive watched them do so several times. This is an interesting topic and I hope others have more input on this as well. I wonder, do they dream in color? ;-) :-)
  7. Hi Raposa, Your definitely doing everything right with your Grey. Many have been/are going through a BIG molt right now. As the humidity drops due to heating our homes, the dryness of their skin becomes much more irritating to them. I noticed my grey was staring to look pretty shabby, constantly scratching and was very dusty. As you, I had been misting with Aloe Juice atleast 2x a week and giving a good shower against his will 2x a week on different days. I am uncertain of why you are using an air filter, but I found that with the humidity down so low, I decided to purchase a good humidifier. The scratching declined very quickly and his feathers started looking better each day. Thats the only thing I can think of that might help. :-)
  8. Most Greys will not want to go back in the cage, excepting when the day is done, they had their time with you and they are sleepy and accept the offer and trip to the cage willingly. When they are hyped up and not at all tired. Most will not wish to go back and you just have to force the step up on them. As they age, their combativeness in most cases will become more and more. Using a reward when you get your Grey back in the cage is a great positive reinforcement for them complying. :-)
  9. Awww, wonderful photos. Now your "Officially welcomed. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  10. Welcome Morghen!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. As always Shanlung, your intriguing stories and adventures with photos are always a good and welcome. Read. They set a great example of just what a wonderful relationship can be built with ones Grey, that results in both enjoying life to the fullest. :-)
  12. Well Congratulations!! Now your Grey can tell you what to do and when to do it. :-)
  13. Congratulations Reap!! Looking forward to updates. :-)
  14. I am very sorry to hear this Steph. You and your family have my condolences, thoughts and prayers. Hazel had really gone through a lot with the early surgery on the head. You mentioned Cancer. That last I heard regarding her health, was she had been tested for asperillosis. Did those result come back? It is so heart breaking, especially such a young baby and the close loving bonds that you and your family had already established with her. Again, I am very sorry to hear this.
  15. I have the same issue with my Greyt being camera shy and if speaking at all, it is very low in volume. I guess the best way to get them used to the video camera is to put it on a tripod and just leave it there for days until it just becomes a piece of furniture to them. At least thats what I am trying. I could hear him speak "I'm Impressed" very clearly. :-) It seems you had him at work? Thanks for sharing this.
  16. That was stellar!! Misty imitates you perfectly and I laughed at the head bobbing/shake at the end when finished. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  17. Thats good news! Thanks for the update. :-)
  18. Welcome Reap76!! Your Grey will be fine whether male or female. Each is an individual and you just won't know about it's personality until you get it home, settled in and become used to one another. Looking forward to hearing how the first day home goes. :-)
  19. Thats a great update on Archie. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you!!
  20. Welcome Ally and Coco!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Wow, you and Coco have literally grown up together. I can only imagine what a special relationship the two of you must have. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  21. Congratulations and bringing baby Rappa home!! She sounds like a very confident girl that has settled right in. :-)
  22. This is a good site with great information, links and photos of Greys in the wild. http://www.arkive.org/african-grey-parrot/psittacus-erithacus/image-G31875.html Here is an image of a Wild Grey outside it's Tree nest: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/28 00:14
  23. Round, flat, obtuse, triangular heads and feathers combed in flat top, pompadour , Betty Davis eyes etc......there is no way to tell the sex with out DNA. It's all old wives tales and hogwash. Thank God DNA testing was invented. Otherwise the only way to tell was surgically or if your Grey laid an Egg. ;-)
  24. If he's good/angel 95% of the time. You have been doing great and so has he! In regards trying to stop him from biting the coffee table, you probably can't. It just frustrates him that he is allowed there, therefore it is OK to do what ever he wishes there. There is no way to differentiate between the two. The only way you could try and stop that would be to make that coffee table off-limits and put him on a playstand close by instead. You will have to remove him a million times, but if thats what you wish to do, then do it. One thing to consider, to them wood is wood. If they can chew on all the wood toys, wood perches etc. then they can chew on any wood.... Same with paper, They chew on paper, magazines are paper, notepads, phonebooks, important documents, books etc. it is all fair game to them and allowed. Therefore they do not believe they are doing anything wrong if you get upset because it's just that piece of paper or wood they can not chew up. Yes, chasing you Grey is a game to them, it's really BIG FUN, unless they are flying because they are frightened, then it's not a game and they are fleeing for safety sake and if that is the case, they wil eventually bite the crap out of you if you get them cornered and persist. If they attack and bite as you are asking. Get them off of you and get them in a cage, close the door and walk away completely out of sight and leave them for a while. Do this over and over each time it happens. Your right, you going through what the normal process has been for most of us and your bird is just being the intelligent glorious bird he was born to be. :-)
  25. Ok, it is indeed possible they are new pins coming in. Does she pluck them out also? It sounds like you are providing plenty of out of cage time, toys, foraging toys etc. to keep her active and entertained. The misting should have helped slow it down. I would suggest just using 100% Aloe Juice and mist her with it 3x a week thoroughly. A vet visit will be required to rule out any underlying health issues or vitamin deficiencies though. Peace back at ya and i hope all goes well. Please keep us updated, we truly care!! :-)
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