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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh that is wonderful news!!! Thanks for the update. :-)
  2. Welcome lvnbirds !! GreYt to have you here. There is a ton of information on this site and members that will help in any way they can. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. It's 6am just 4 more hours to that important phone call. Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock.... :-) I am happy you found a Grey after all that drama. Looking forward to an update on this. :-)
  4. Wow, what a frantic and nerve racking 24 hours you and hubby went through. Thankfully you found Angel and all is well again! Thanks for sharing this. It just shows to never give up and stay vigil. That is extremely important during the first 24 - 48 hours because many times they have not ventured too far yet. Most will stay quite the first day because they are scared. But day 2 they are thirsty, hungry and want their flock around them. That is when a contact call will normally be made by them. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  5. Well, I assume the bowl and holder you are describing is this model: https://www.kingscages.com/cages/acessories/water-bottles-and-cups/cup-quick-lock-20-ounce-cup/prod_481.html?review=write If so, I really do not see a way of stopping your Grey from turning and lifting it out. Most cages have swing out bowl holders and you must open the swing out to remove the bowl. They are held down by a lip once closed. You may need to go with a heavy ceramic bowl as mentioned that your Grey cannot lift.
  6. Hi aglover09, It's GreYt to hear that all is going so well with Boo Bird. :-) Thanks for posting this encouraging example of how adopting/rescuing a Grey can turn out. Looking forward to many more reports and photos of Boo. :-)
  7. Nice photos. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  8. Char wrote: You accomplished a great service to those birds, either way. I would imagine now that lady knows she is being "Watched". Those cages, water and foods will be cleaned and changed much more regulary than before. The birds win, you win and all the unsuspecting new bird purchasers from her will win. Great job and Karma to you. :-)
  9. Oh boy, well atleast your Grey will be cleaned up. That RPO does stain fairly easy though. Hopefully it will all come out if you are going to go through that.
  10. Look at the bright side, you'll just have a "Red Factor" Grey for a while. ;-) The good thing is, it's not something that will harm your Grey. :-)
  11. Welcome Tona and Baby!! Wow, what a nice adoption story. :-) Thanks for sharing that. Looking forward to hearing more on how things are gong. It sounds like baby is really enjoying being the center of attention.
  12. It's GreYt to hear an update on Coco. Thanks for posting it and showing Coco how a real loving and caring home welcomes and loves him. He needed that and your patience is finally starting to pay off. Good Job!! I would love to hear more updates and see some photos. :-)
  13. Awww, what a beautiful baby Grey. I love those photos. Your Breeder takes great care of those birds. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  14. PekingeseMama wrote: Please do not feel "Safe" because your bird is "Far" from it. Teflon will kill them regardless of distance in the house. Unfortuantely, many people have lost thier birds due to the oderlous and poisnous gas to birds it puts out.
  15. He's watching and reacting to his shadow appearing on the wall as he goes back and forth....LOL. Thats a funny and new experience to him. Next, he'll be "Shadow Boxing". Thanks for sharing that video!! :-)
  16. "Is this a cause for concern? Is it painful? I thought it would just fall out but it's been hanging for a day or so." It is not painful, but a feather out of place or damaged will bug them. As the others have said, Shanti will take care of it just fine. :-) They know how to groom and maintain their feathers as well as we do our hair. Well.... many people do a good job of it, but obviously some have no clue. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/24 16:06
  17. If you know how getting a finger or two slammed in a car door, thats what that damaged talon feels like right now.... It Hurts and for more than a few days!! As the others have said, if your worried, go to the vet. It is possible that a fracture or break could have occur ed. Their bones are paper thin.
  18. The others have all given great descriptions of flighted birds and advise. You also asked: "Do they spend less time out of the cage because you can't watch them every second?" - - NO! They are out of the cage the entire time one of us are home. The only exception to that, is if we have company for dinner or we must leave for a while. "Tell me what it is like to have a flighted bird. Help me to make up my mind." It is what they were meant to do. It is great to watch them as they grow in their abilities, coordination, speed and aerobatics. You do not have to watch your feet all the time so you will not step on them or Punt them across the room as you begin to walk. Since your Grey is already trained to go Poop on the playstand fairly well. Just continue that. It will get to where for the most part she will fly over, take a dump and them go back to where she was. This will take consistency and time, but it can be done. If you have children, you know how they are a pain because you must always watch out for them, go look to see where they just went and put up with them following you all over the house. Having a flighted bird is no different. IN fact, a clipped bird can also follow you all over, but can also become injured in trying to do so. You will just need to adjust as your bird becomes better flighted and more bold in ho far it will go to follow you.
  19. Welcome Dawn!! Definitely browse around and ask all the questions you wish. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  20. Awwww, how can you say they look ugly even if they are mainly bald. They are so adorable at those early weeks. Thanks for sharing this Pchela!! :-)
  21. Great video Judy, thanks for posting!! It was hilarious!!
  22. Thats a good question. Are they close enough for you to go visit them? It does sound too good to be true, but you never know the circumstances sometimes.
  23. As I said, their Tail feathers drag behind them as they climb around the side of the Cage in circles. Also,many people have expressed concerns that round cages are psychologically bad for parrots. It is believed that birds are uncomfortable without a side and/or corner to perch next to and spend a lot of time going in circles around the cage searching for a "secure" resting place. Thus, round Cages are not recommended for Parrots. In viewing this Cage. the bars do not look thick enough and the front door is flimsy with out a strong latch. That is just asking for your Grey to bend the bars or open the door easily. Also, there are no vertical bars for them the slide down and the cage narrows at the top and bottom. With the narrowing, as you Grey flaps it's wings down from a slip. they will beat the sides of the cage where it is narrowed. It's your call obviously, but this is not really a Parrot cage.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/22 20:23
  24. Man, what an ordeal Lacey had to go through with that Egg. It is great to hear she is home and resting. Thank god you took quick action and found a very good Avian Vet. Looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos of her. :-)
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