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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats very sad news regarding Lacey. You have my condolences at this sad time.
  2. Just try placing a large pie pan in the bottom of the cage and see if Joe is interested in taking a bath in it. The water bowl for drinking is way to small for him to get a bath. Most of us mist our Greys using spray bottles with 100% Aloe Juice as Judy mentioned. I also roll my Parrots cages outside, remove all the food bowls, tray pan etc and using a hose with nozzle set to mist and spray a mist up in the air and let it fall down through the cage. My Conure and Grey loves this. I usually spray each for about 15 minutes to get them good and soaked to the skin. I have had no luck with taking either into a shower. They fly straight out once the water comes on. :-) But some members have good luck with it. Just try different methods and see what Joey likes.
  3. For sanitary reasons and the health of your birds, grates are the way to go. All food and poop fall to the paper lining the tray below the grate. This greatly lessens the chance that your bird will be eating something spoiled or pooped on previously. My Grey goes and plays down on the grate constantly when in the cage. As Jamal said, pressure washing the grate with a water nozzle is the easiest way to go and fast too.
  4. It mostly depends upon the Grey. Some prefer to be covered and some not. Just ask the person you got Joe from if the cage was covered or not. I cover both my Parrots, but they have been covered since babies. As Judy said, if your still up walking around, a cover helps them to just continue sleeping, rather than waking up everytime you walk by.
  5. The fake trees are nice, but if you decide to go with a "Live" tree, you will need be sure it is not poisonous to your Grey. The other thing you may not be aware of, is Greys are very fearful sometimes of new items. So placing something right next to the cage could make your Grey very uncomfortable. You'll know when he's afraid of something because he will either scream loudly or growl like a lion. :-) Things need to be introduced to Greys slowly, sometimes sitting something several feet away and moving it closer and closer to the cage over days.
  6. Congratulations Joe, both on your 4 years of freedom from drugs and the other Joe coming into your life!! It is a huge challenge to overcome addiction and that says tons about you and commitment. :-) That same commitment coupled with the love you have found in your heart to take Joe in and give him all that he needs in attention, companionship and love will bring him back around to the all the "Grey" that he is. You have already made a ton of progress with him and are asking all the right questions. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing those photos. :-)
  7. Judy gave great advice. Either take him with you or put him back in the cage if you do not want to worry about him following you. Do be very careful though. You could just walk a few feet away from where he is to answer the phone for example, turn around and either kick him or step on him. They like to walk right up to your foot it seems and stand there to look up.
  8. Thanks for the information. I never heard of an AC before. I am realy sorry to hear of your lost Grey. I do hope this some how turns out well for you and your Grey.
  9. YOU FORGOT??????? :ohmy: Errrrrrr, whats yer husbands phone and email?? Just Kidding Congratulations!!!!
  10. Welcome back Toni!!!
  11. Nice photo of Baby. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  12. Very sorry to hear this Yvette. I hope Liefie is well and not out on his own in a hostile environment unflighted. I look forward to hearing of your new grey and seeing the photos.
  13. Welcome Jaiden!! It's GreYt having you here and congratulations on your purchase of a Grey baby. Looking forward to updates. :-)
  14. I agree with Talon. There is no difference. The important thing is that your Grey is well socialized and interacted with constantly through out the day at the breeders residence. Optimally it would be best to visit the Greys yourself and let one pick you. That always seems to work out the best if the Breeder is close enough to visit. :-)
  15. Hi mamagrey, any update on how your Grey is doing?
  16. Thats seems like normal behaviour to me for many Greys and other parrots when you've been gone for hours. Our Grey acts just like a small child jumping up and down when mom and dad get home. The little panting starts once he's on my wife and all that lovey dovey stuff. Enjoy those precious moments while they last. As they age they become less and less often in occurrence.
  17. Hi Sameera, It really good to hear mas is no longer Bald and growing in nice feathers again. I know the plucking for attention alarms you, but to prevent it, ignoring the plucking as you are doing is the best practice. If you responded to it, she would pluck everytime she wanted attention. Spoiled brats are hard to deal with and they do throw a fit for a while. But, once the fit is over they settle down and resolve themselves to the fact that you still ignoring the fit and you'll get them out of the cage or pay attention to them when you are ready or done doing whatever task it that you need to get done with out a bird hanging off your body. It's really good to hear a progress report and I hope you'll post more often. We all have Mas on our minds and wonder how things are going. :-)
  18. Leaving a bird uncaged at night may not be a great idea. The reason I say this, is the house is dark and they can not see very well. If something startles them and they take off flying, they will fly right into on object or a wall and hurt/kill themselves. In a cage, if they get started. The worst that happens is they damage their feathers beating them against the cage and perches. Just something to consider. :-)
  19. I love Omars rendition of "Boogie Fever". :-) Those were fun videos to watch. Thanks for sharing them. Omar has some interesting sound effects as well. His Clip-Clip Clip-Clop sounds very close to someone wearing dress shoes walking across a tile floor. :-)
  20. Thats great information David! Now, this hurts my brain "That is the ability to sleep with one cerebral hemisphere at a time, while the other hemisphere is awake." I love an interesting topic to research and learn more. :-) Thanks for posting this information.
  21. Hi! GreYt to hear from you again. Looking ofrward to the update and photos. :-)
  22. Judy's right, any bigger rope would be very hard to work with. 1/2 is fine and actually about the right size for a net, I would think.
  23. I agree with Casper, it sounds like play damage. :-)
  24. That is a very inspiring story david. Thanks for posting it and the link. :-)
  25. Nice story and I am positive yoru very excited. :-) That is very young on average to start talking, congratulations on the first spoken word!!
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