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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Ok, the answer is ....... "C". The reason being, is that scientists and we just do not know other than that is how they were evolved/created depending upon how you believe. Others made great points regarding our Avian friends being able to see UV spectrum of light and could appear "Brilliantly" colored. I was actually trying to "Fluoresce" Dayo a few days ago and he DID NOT like the Black Light at all. Needless to say, I could not get with in 5 feet of him. :-) However, if you wish to discuss the camouflage theory, one thing to remember is that most animals have no UV capability at all, so there coloring really would not be much of a "Blend-in" color in green trees, green vegetation etc. I'm just sticking with "we don't know".......some things are just speculation by us and scientists.. Here is a link of a few different species of Parrots Fluoresced. One thing to note: since they can see both in our visible range and UV, remember that these fluoresced birds will not appear like that to another bird. They are in a completely darkened room with only Black Light s a source. IN the open sun, the birds would see an overlap of both visible and UV colorations mixed together. http://amonline.net.au/birds/stuff/glowing_parrots02.htm Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/16 15:46<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/16 15:57
  2. Welcome Tiamea!! Wow, you have a very large flock there. I am hoping for you that your breeder Greys are successful. Looking forward to hearing all you have to say with your background and flock. :-)
  3. Welcome Deanna and Marley!! It's GreYt having you here. Marley sounds like a very outgoing Grey baby and a bundle of joy. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  4. Very sad.... David - Please pass on my condolences.
  5. danmcq

    At last!

    Congratulations Caroline!!! That baby could not have a better or prouder Auntie!! :-)
  6. Another story of a Grey intelligence. This time by displaying correct use of word choice and emphasis.... So Kim was doing house work and running back and forth between the bedroom and garage. Dayo fol owed flying in hot pursuit behind her to the back bedroom 3 times. The fourth time he watched her go through and as she turned to go down the hallway to the bedroom a 4th time. Dayo says loudly and emphatically "Mommy....DAMNIT!!!" :angry: We both fell over laughing. Then I got the lecture from Kim on how I need to quick using that word when I get frustrated..... :whistle: Damnit!! ;-)
  7. I went through the same search for Palm Nuts over a year ago. If enough people wanted to spilt up the order (Huge) it would work. Here is the information: contacted Richard Sawyer. He is a very personable Man that owns a Queen Palm Orchard. He also owns a CAG and 2 Hycynth Macaws. He goes out and picks the Orders fresh when he receives them. The trees bare fruit all year round. The miniumum order is $100 for 50 pounds!! You must get a fedex account so you can provide him with your fedex number to ship them to you and then fedex will bill the shipping charges to you depending on which method you select. YOu simply send him a check and he pulls your order and ships it. I am going to see how many Grey owners I can rally up here to split the 50 pounds. I do not own a seperate freezer to store that large of a quantity. You need to freeze what you will not use in a week so they will not start turning vinegary. He also said that you can smash the Nut once your Grey has stripped the flesh and give it back to them. It contains a Coconut type of center that they love. You may all want to do the same unless you own a freezer. His contact info is: Richard Sawyer P.O. Box 854 Naples, Florida 34106 (239) 248-2165
  8. Your Grey will be fine as long as you rinsed her off real good to ensure none of the pool chlorine is left on her. The good news is, if their were any bacteria or other baddies on her, their dead now. :-)
  9. Hello Karunk and welcome. I would suggest you purchase a cage. When you are not at home leave you Grey in the cage in your house. They do not belong outside, in a shed or in a garage. Unless I am missing something, it appears you do not have a cage? I little more detail on why you are positing the question would be greatly helpful. :-)
  10. If eating, poop and behaviour is normal, Ash is probably ok. Were you possibly cuddling or giving scratches when this occurred? I have also seen Greys regurgitate when very upset and nervous. You did mention no changes in diet except the pear (which is fine). Out of curiousity, what is her diet?
  11. Hello Melissa, You are certainly a very attentive new Grey owner and I commend you for that. :-) By shaking, I assume you mean the breast area feathers shaking which is normal if they are nervous. Now if the whole body if shaking, thats another issue. The panting/wheezing you are describing is normal for a Grey to make when they are getting cuddles or scratches and want more. Lifting or favoring one foot could indicate an issue if you can see any redness or open sores. If it is not visibly affected, it could just be the leg she prefers to lift when relaxing as most do.
  12. Welcome kayleetyler2!! It's GreYt having you here. It is always wonderful to see some one take in a Grey in need of a good home to love and care for them. Abbie sounds like she is doing just fine for only having been there one day. Low level mumbling is normal even in home they are familiar with. Just let things go at abbey's pace and interact with her as much as you can tell she is comfortable with. Thanks for posting the photo of her. She is a nice looking Grey with some red factor going on as well. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  13. They do bond strongly with one person normally as Judy said. You are doing the right thing in having your mom and others continue to interact act with your grey. Continue having them be involved in offering treats by hand a getting as much interaction with your grey as it will allow. They could also help out in the feeding and cage cleaning which you grey will become accustomed to and you won't run into issues if you happen to be away and someone else needs to perform these tasks in your absence.
  14. Normal beaking is fine and normal. The key is to let them know when they bite too hard. This is done by simply staring them in the eye and saying "No Bite". I don't know that pointing the finger at the beak will be perceived as being the beak pointed out or just your finger pointing at them. In any case I would assume it adds a little more visual feedback. Just remember that they use their beak for everything and they use it to not only feel the textures of items, but also to preen themselves and one another. If they get a little too aggressive with another Grey in the preening process, the other Grey lets them know it is not acceptable, just as you are going to do.
  15. Congratulations Steph!! It sounds like your new baby Grey is doing great in her new home. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos. :-)
  16. Well, I owe several of you well informed forumites a Karma. :-) Some of the others I am giving one also for their creativeness. They made me laugh and that is invaluable!! I am hoping that I will not be the only one posting facts here. ;-) Do your research and post a question with multiple answers as my first example. Heres another to keep you busy while I'm giving all this Karma. :-) Q - African Grey Parrots are not as colorful as others from different parts of the world because....: A - There are lots of predators in African and the non-coloring hides them better. B - It's not for camouflage, but due to the lack of all the colorful fruits and flowers that exists in other parts of the world. C - Camouflage seems a valid reason, but it's really still a mystery as to why they are 95% Grey. D - All the above.
  17. Well, it's been a year and a half since Razza updated this post. So I doubt you will hear from her. Just take the path of caution and the advice already posted in this thread before you make any decisions on taking your Grey with you. :-)
  18. danmcq


    Well Sheila, I can only speculate that they just didn't turn each other on and thus a platonic only relationship persisted. :-) I am sorry to hear they are no longer with you.
  19. Awww, nice looking TAG. Thanks for posting the photos of him. :-)
  20. Funny thread and some good laughs!! Thanks for posting these "Poop Reports". :-)
  21. Timotian, Thanks for posting a good overview of how to properly socialize a young grey with good content in it. Please do not think we are attacking you, but you need to know that "BirdTricks" is held with great content here on this forum. They have given many parrot owners very bad advice in many areas and some that are in fact very dangerous to the bird and his safety along with the owner following advice they think is coming from an "Expert", but the reality is, "Chet" at birds trick is learning himself, but making profit of people by selling his bad advice and methods. He just recently admitted he didn't know what he was doing with African Greys after he rescued one and found that what he was trying didn't work for 3 months. That means all the unknowing Grey owners or other parrot owners for that matter that followed his advice ended up doing more damage to their bird and damaging the relationship, than helped. I took to time to write this to you, so you will understand why you got some very strong reaction to the use of that "Unmentionable" name or link here on this Forum. ;-)
  22. My Grey is not what I would call noisy in comparison to the known parrot breeds that are. I find most his whistles, sound effects and talking to be acceptable levels on Par almost with human decibel levels depending on whether it is a sound, whistle or speech. The exception to this, is as the background noise goes up from say a vacuum cleaner, movie, music or people talking/laughing. Dayos' level also goes up porportionally. The only ear piercing times are when he screams for an understandable reason such as being frightened or chasing a person or bird to inflict serious wounds. ;-) He does these sounds, whistles and talking from sun up until sun down many times through out the day. In the evenings he quiets down and chills with the rest of us. :-)
  23. Welcome SophiesChoice!! It's nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. Welcome BecoG!! It's GreYt having you and your flock here. :-) Coco sounds like one "Wild and Crazy Guy"!! It seems your raising the level to Defcon 1 was a wise decision. It seems by his tactics of hiding behind doors and then attacking as you walk past is a very wise decision on his part. If he can take out your feet, you can no longer pose any type of threat to him It sounds like you have been making great progress in interacting with Coco. Just keep up the same style you've been using and he will slowly become more accustomed to you and your ways. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  25. I thought I would see what interesting facts this topic might bring out about African Greys. I will start by positing a question. Later I will give the correct answer and give a karma to those answering correctly. :-) Q - African Greys are known to sometimes do a very strange and unusual thing, what is it? A - They can cry a tear of an orange pigmentation when stressed or restrained. B -They grow red feathers on their back when in reproductive mode. C - They lay brown eggs when they are getting very old. D - They can swim underwater like a duck.
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