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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Meadsy and looking forward to those photos and here more about your Grey. :-)
  2. It is wonderful and commendable that you could step up as the director of that rescue. What a sweetheart Larry is and an obviously well socialized Grey that must have had a very good home before the man/wife issue arose. That's just so sad. But, the sunshine in this story is he had you at the rescue. :-) Thanks for sharing this and do try to come back often and update us!!
  3. Welcome Doris and Layla!! It's Greyt having you here and looking forward to hearing more on Layla's progress. :-)
  4. Welcome Gordan!! Welcome I can't think of any downsides of having a Grey. So I won't list all the plus sides. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  5. Welcome timotian!! It's nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. ;-) http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/story?id=6849326&page=1
  7. Wonderful decision!! If you feel comfortable calling him Art, then do so. :-) I am really looking forward to hearing updates on him as time progresses!!
  8. danmcq


    He should be fine. In my opinion leaving him in his cage or letting him out has no control over the amount of dust he is exposed to. One thing I would do, is increase the frequency of showers/misting. That has to be a very dry climate right now and the dust will irritate him more if left on him.
  9. BMustee wrote: What a sad story Berna. I do hope that lady somehow has it in her to make peace with that Grey and give it a final loving home unconditionally. I second your advice to Pechla, get that poor grey that loves you. :-) On the other hand, since that Grey does open up to you. I would not avoid him. Help him learn that their are good and loving people out there that he can trust and have a good companionship with. If nothing else, this will set him up to readily except the right person HE SELECTS as his new forever home. You can hopefully ban any people that want him, but he obviously does not like. ;-)
  10. Seasa wrote: Based on your statement. I say go get him. :-) You already know what you are in for and are willing to go the long haul to get him rehabilitated. That Grey is very fortunate your destinies brought the two of you together.
  11. Loved those videos of Koko! In the first, he would have nailed your hand if he could have. ;-) He was going for it. :-) Thanks for sharing these.
  12. Hey, what happened to his feathers..... Just kidding, CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an adorable photo. :-)
  13. An Open ring leg band does not mean the bird was wild caught. Different breeders use different leg bands. My Grey has an open leg band and I watched it being put on by my breeder when he was 7 weeks of age.
  14. LOL - Your BF - Uh Huh, Uh Huh....I'm the man! :-) Thanks for sharing that.
  15. Thats great news regarding Chopper! It's good to hear he is on th emend and becoming himself once again. Looking forward to hearing more updates on him. :-)
  16. Congratulations!! You have a beautiful baby grey there. :-)
  17. LOL - Glad you all saw the humor and maybe a little reality in it. ;-) Now, back to the forums! :-)
  18. I am sure it is troubling. Hang in there and think positive thoughts. Your doing the right thing by ignoring it. Please keep us updated. :-)
  19. Nychsa wrote: Hi Terri - Yes, Dayo slowy and slyly took over that wine rack and counter. So it slowly turned into an entire play area and jungle gym that he spends most his time around when I am on the PC or we are in the kitchen/family room area which is most the day. Once we go into the living room area in the evenings for news ,movies and relaxing he is ready to just sit and chill with us. :-)
  20. Awwwww, Congratulations on bringing home your beautiful baby Grey. Oh, tell the Breeder I will by right over to take your "Free" Grey. ;-)
  21. I have never found a genre of music my grey shows even the slightest interest in and I have tried them all. He seems to like his own sounds and vocalizations to which he bobs, ducks, weaves and dances around while performing. I assume he must want to be a "Perform/Star" and not be one sitting out in the crowd watching.
  22. shannonzee wrote: Ok, here are answers to your statements: 1 - "That's my concern ~ who wants a bird that will only allow ONE person to play with them? When you're gone - who is that ONE person going to be?" A - You don't not have a choice of who or how many people your parrot may or may not decide to interact with. This is especially true as they age. You can help avoid this behavior by socializing your grey with many people from the time he/she is young. The bird will decide if or whom it will trust when you/I are "Gone". 2 - "No One...I know my "kids" aren't perfect, but if you really sit & listen to his advice, and think about it - he really does explain a LOT of how a bird thinks, reacts, and honestly?" A - I cannot stand to listen to his crap. He does not know how a bird thinks and each species/individual will have their own thoughts, likes, dislikes etc. If you read this forum and/or many others plus read books, you will find "Chet" is out there in his theories and dangerous at times by giving bad advice. You don't need to agree with my comments, but I can tell you they are the "Truth".
  23. Oh look - "Chet" baby realized his training lessons didn't work on a rehabbed African Grey. Go figure and note he wears gloves to force his way on this Grey. Can you believe he stated a new training seminar due to it to make more $$$??? I feel sorry for that Grey in his care..... http://www.birdtricks.com/blog/african-grey-parrot-care/<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/09 17:19
  24. Janfromboone wrote: The hookbill was made for cracking open hard nuts and seeds. Also for wood carving holes in trees for a good nest. The beak is different from the hawk or vultures though in the leverage and pounds per square inch a parrot can apply. Obviously, if "Roadkill" is found in the wild, they would eat as we see from their appetite when we eat different types of meat.
  25. Welcome kar2nz and great job on adopting Casper!! As others have said, take it slow and easy with Casper and watch for of more interest in coming closer to you as time progresses. Normally, when they have there head down as you try to get them to step-up is a sure sign you are going to get nailed if you don't stop. Looking forward to hearing updates on how Casper is progressing and some photos. :-)
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