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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Superluvrgurl wrote: Yes, the more your Grey is socialized, he/she will be more tolerant of having many different people around. He/she will also learn whom to be leery of like little kids running around flapping their arms and safer adults that move deliberately and calmer. The more they are socialized, the better. It's funny, but they quickly chose whom they like and whom they are leery of, almost instantly when people come over.
  2. Congratulattions on the arrival of your new baby grey!! It's good to hear he traveled well and made himself right at home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more.
  3. Congratulations Rachel!! Looking forward to an update and photos!! :-)
  4. Hi Ralph, He has only been there around 11 days, which isn't long. Right now there are many dynamics going on in your much loved Spencer's mind. He's fledging (Big Fun!!), exploring a new home with tons of stuff that gets his attention and curiosity going that tells him to go and explore, rather than sit with you. It is not normal for a bird to just want to sit and get pet for long periods, especially during the day when they have tons of energy. The cage is also his home base it seems and spies out the land from it to see what else he wishes to check out. As the day wears on and turns to evening. Your Grey will be tired and that is the time they MAY wish to just sit on your hand, lap or shoulder and receive some head scratches and just start preening and settling in for a good nights rest. All you describe is completely normal. Enjoy his antics and flying aerobatic skills as they build each day. You will of course need to go retrieve him from the off-limit places he may fly. ;-) Looking forward to hearing how all this progresses and seeing more of the photos you may have captured by now. :-)
  5. Just go with the flow and see how your new Grey acts once you get him home. Each is different in how they take a move to their new forever home. Some will be climbing the cage walls chirping for your attention and others will be much more reserved as they get used to their new cage, home and people. Looking forward to hearing how the first day went. :-)
  6. Hi Sarah, You can resize the photos using Paint on your PC which is found under program files>accessories. Just set them to a width of 500 pixels and the the height will scale down automatically, then save it and you will be able to post it to the forum.:-) You've had your Grey a long time. He sounds like a real character. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/07 14:53
  7. It just depends on the birds. It's basically a 50/50 Chance. They will either tolerate each other or hate each other. If they hate each other, then they are both limited to the amount of attention they receive from you and their out of cage time is essentially cut in half if they can not be out at the same time. If one hates the other, their is no enrichment, just a constant battle for your attention and out of cage time in their mind.
  8. Here is a link to a company that specializes in just such welded wire and you select the spacing and length/width you need: http://sierrawireandsteel.com/index_welded_wire.html
  9. Congratulaions David on getting the results. Your prize is a GreYt one that will do good. :-)
  10. Well it's good to hear your seeing an improvement and there is no discharge. :-) It is good to hear also that he is warming up to your attention each day. He needs you as bad as you want him to become a close companion. it wil just take some time for him to trust you commpletely and know that he is in a safe and loving place. Looking forward to hearing updates on him and how the progress is going. :-)
  11. Welcome Danielle and Gandolf!! It's GreYt having you here. Ke is one big and fine looking Grey. It was wonderful for you to take him in and provide a good and loving home for him. :-)
  12. Thats too bad when Parrots just abhor one another. You are obviously taking very good care of them and providing the care, love and personal one on one time each needs. Thanks for expanding on the description of dealing with them. I am sure each brings joy to you in their own distinctive way. :-)
  13. Parrots/birds cannot cough. They do not have a diaphram like we humans do. Any cough you hear come out of a Parrot is a learned sound. Shaking his head could be a behaviour. Is he sneezing? They can sneeze and do at times. Are his Nares clear and appear normal? You also said you were giving hime medicine. Did a vet prescribe it or did you get an over the counter medicine?
  14. Welcome Sarah and Flock!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) How long have you had your Grey? Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  15. I'm not sure what you mean by coughing, unless he is imitating a human cough he learned where he was before? Your not crazy, every living being wants a friend and it seems he is starting to pick up that you are interested in him and giving him a much better home and flock to stay at than he had previously. Age is impossible to tell unless they are under 3 years old. Then you can go by eye color and get with in 6 months or so for age.
  16. Thats wonderful to hear Sameera!!! It's been a long hard road for you and Zahzu. I am so happy for you and her. Thanks for the update. :-)
  17. Thanks for clarifying what the vet reccomended. That is the ruler to make your judgement by. If he felt it was not required, then you Grey is fine. The poop looks normal except for what I mentioned. However, evey birds poop is a little different and the important thing to always watch for are unusual changes.
  18. Well, there seems to be a high amount of urates in that to me. Also, the bubbles as you mentioned are strange. He must be eating a lot, based on the poop in this photo. :-)
  19. This may sound gross, but could you post an image of a poop that you are trying to describe right after it happens? I know you don't want to spend the money for nothing, but this may not be nothing. If nothing else it would atleast give you peace of mind and if something is amiss, it will be caught earlier and treatment could begin sooner. I still would like to know what your vet thinks of the bubbles in the poop and if he recommended getting the tests. Thats where I would put and base my actions on if I were you. It's really hard and dangerous for the bird, for us being online and guessing in what a problem maybe be or how serious it may be and trying to advise you in what to do.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/05 23:54
  20. If you bird only has urates and bubbles with no actual poop in it, something is definitely wrong. Did the vet mention clostridium? That would be a terrible disease for your Grey to have. some of the symptoms would be weight loss, lethargic behavior, decreased appetite, and blood stained or undigested food. Simple Gram stains can sometimes determine if your bird has this disease and it does not cost 300. But, if your vet already tried that, then the additional and expensive testing is required. Exactly what did your vet tell you? The reason I ask, is if he suspects clostridium, you should have the tests done ASAP.
  21. You have a beautiful flock there. :-) Thanks for sharing them. When you go to shrink your photos, just set the width to 500 pixels and the height will adjust to it proportionally. :-)
  22. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Darwin. What a terrible experience for anyone to go through. You have my condolences.
  23. IF you are feeding your Grey a well rounded diet, no supplement is needed and in fact could be harmful. I would never recommend adding supplements to your Greys diet unless instructed to do so by your Avian vet.
  24. Yes, I believe most of us have or "Go out in public" and "Stay at home Parrot chewing" clothes. One trick I have learned my wife was pulling though, is "Oh look, darn he just chewed a hole through my nice blouse, now I need a new one!". So watch out for this one guys.... ;-)
  25. LOL Brittany, now you must get us a video of that!!! :-)
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