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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Birdgirl and Taco!! It's GreYt having you here. You've had your Tag a long time. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your flock when you get a chance.
  2. Welcome Viktor and Paco!! The others seemed to have covered all the questions you had. Dealing with a wild caught Grey is definitely different than a hand raised. I must say, that it seems from your description of how you can interact with him at this point is excellent progress. :-) He is a beautiful Tag. Thanks for sharing that photo. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  3. Goralka08 wrote: Using the opposite hand to block her from climbing up should work. You just need to NOT let her climb over it and do not let her grab a sleeve for example to pull herself up. Its hard because the are persistent once they are used to doing something. The biggest thing is you need to be just as persistent in not letting her do it. :-) It's your call on if you want her on your shoulder or not. You just need to decide if you can react and handle the situation when you feel her weight shift. The other thing is, if you know she is all excited because you just got home. Do not let her get on you at all until she is settled down. It's tough, but we have to do that with our Grey. Their just like a child or a dog running around crazy with excitement. Just let her calm down a little. Stopping her from sitting on your shoulder will not make her mean. You can still do all the scratching, cuddling etc. that she lets you do.
  4. So sorry to hear this Ralph. My thoughts and prayers are for you.
  5. Welcome b_wheeler36! It sounds like you have your hands full with that newly re-homed Grey. Are you able to slowly offer him treats through the cage bars? This is one way of getting him used to hands and building trust of you and your family being close. You can also sit next to the cage and read, watch TV etc. to build trust with you close by. There could also be something in the room that is scaring him. Cage placement is critical to them feeling safe with a wall behind them, not right next to a door that people come in and out of etc. Were you able to talk to that lady at all regarding how the Grey was handled, treated and fed? There are many things that could contribute to the fearfulness you are describing. He definitely sounds cage bound at this time. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. Wow nice net and it looks like she is enjoying it immensely!! Thanks for sharing these photos. :-)
  7. Thanks Penny!! :-) Talon and Rikki are certanily giving a great example of Grey intelligence, emotions and cuteness at the same time!! :-) Hopefully others will chime in too with examples.
  8. Congratulations Ralph on having your new baby grey at home!! Sorry to hear about your brother in-law. It will take a little time to get your new baby settled in and comfortable. But it will happen. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos.
  9. Oh Man, You are very lucky. I know you don't think so, but that lip area is so soft and easy to bite through. You are a fully honored member of the bite me club with a blue cross for your taking that and writing about it with photo included. Letting your Grey take or even try to take anything out of your mouth is just asking for trouble. If he is excited because your home, the shoulder is a very easy area for him to give you what he thinks are just little love bites, but are painful as hell. A pinch that would just normally make you winch a little will go right through a soft lip. I am very sorry this happened to you. Ive had a nips around the face, neck and ears too when Dayo is excited. It takes a little time, but you'll become very alert to his body sifting that you can feel through your shoulder and have enough time to turn your head in the opposite direction so all he can get is hair on the back of your head. The other solution of course, is to stop allowing him on your shoulder and keep him on your Arm instead. Only you can know what you need to do based on how unpredictable he is. I hope you heal quickly. :-)
  10. Well Rierie, as others have already stated. You can't stop a Grey or other parrot from chewing. The Cage, playtops, boings etc. must be kept far enough away from the wall so they can not get to items you don't want chewed on. Since some Greys are flighted, you have to watch them every minute or they will back back at the forbidden fruit tree trying to grab a bite. ;-)
  11. Yes, I need to either get a microphone with a VERY long cord or hide the camera somewhere much closer than 20 feet away. Sorry, his voice sounded much louder as I was taping it. After I posted the videos, I went and listen. You definitely can not hear his talking at all. Dayo is 100% back to himself now. He has been going through a pretty big molt and looks pretty scruffy I think compared to normal. Plus the many tail feathers pulled out by the dogs didn't help either. I catch him him........ one of these days even if I have to hide the Camera and turn it on remotely. :evil:
  12. Welcome TC2 and Pogo!! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like you are truly enjoying your new baby Grey. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  13. Nice photos of Pogo. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  14. Welcome Terry! It's nice having you here researching before you make a decision. Ask all the questions you wish. All members are more than happy to help. :-)
  15. I was finally able to capture Dayo vocalizing from a distance from the darkened living room. He shuts up the minute I get a video corder out, if he can see it. So to hear the words, the volume needs to be a little louder than normal due to the distance. He makes sounds much louder than speech. :pinch: I also had to spilt the recording into 3 due to the limits of photobucket. Clip 1 - http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo1TalkingClip1.flv Clip 2 - http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo1TalkingClip2.flv Clip 3 - http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x289/danmcq/?action=view&current=Dayo1TalkingClip3.flv
  16. I am not certain if the ingredients in those pills could kill your Grey or not. The ingredients are: Boneset (Eupatorium Perfoliatum) 6X, Mistletoe Leaf (Viscum Album) 6x, In a Natural Base Containing: Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Cellulose, Lactose, Maltodextrin. You really need to get a hold of a vet and find out. The longer you wait, the time will come that the pills will be processed in his system and there will be nothing you can do.
  17. Yeah, but it's worth over looking all that, for the pleasure they bring both visually and physically. {Love-0002006C}
  18. I try Judy :-) I just hate to see someone feeling pressure that if they don't by something right now, when they would rather wait a little and have that pressure. I know this isn't that sort of high pressure sales tactic by a car salesman. Saying that the price is only good today, but it always pays to do some research if you have time and don't need something this day or week. :-)
  19. Ok, I uunderstand now that your in Canada. Heres an ebay-canada search. You can get nice NEW cages for the prices with shipping shown in one column and it's all in Canadian currency: http://shop.ebay.ca/items/__bird-cage?_trkparms=66%253A2%257C65%253A3%257C39%253A1&_fromfsb=&_sop=3&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_pgn=2
  20. LOL Nyscha, aren't all the words and descriptions for events, actions and items we associate to them funny when we hear them back in the correct context? I laugh at Dayo also everytime he uses them when something happens. :-) I wish more would chime in with their stories and comments on how their Grey(s) illustrates correct context usage and the emotions etc. bring correctly displayed. I know most of us do not need scientific studies to agree with what we already know. ;-) It does seem the present generation of scientists are saying "Ah Ha" critters really do have feeling s and are self aware. I personally do not believe the mirror test is a good test of whether a critter is "Self Aware". Some look, yawn and know thats themselves in the mirror and do not pay much attention to it. Others react by checking themselves out and making sure they look good today. ;-)
  21. That price seems high for a used cage. I would not be worried about an open top scalloped type cage. Both my Cages are scalloped open tops. Sized properly, a Parrot can not open either side. It is too heavy. Also, it is just an automatic procedure to latch the top when you close it. I have read of one instance of someone that claimed their bird got stuck in between the top rotating pieces. However it seems like a fluke and I doubt the post is completly trueful. There are literally tens of thousands of scalloped cages out there without any incidents as mentioned in that one online incident. Here are some links to good cage prices, new with free shipping: http://www.qualitydiscountcages.com/products.asp?id=16 http://www.birdcagesgalore.com/large_Parrot_Cages/8003628.html http://birdcages4less.com/page/B/CTGY/Large_Bird_Cages
  22. Cute Berna. Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  23. It is truly sad, heartbreaking and your right, sometimes life is just cruel and unfair. But, you tried your best to provide him with a warm quite room to rest and fight that disease. You took him to a vet, got the tests and medicine administered. We all look back and think such thoughts of what or how we could have done something different. It is a normal reaction to such a terrible loss. He did love you and keep that memory of him as he would want you to. That little precious life brought joy and love to you, just as you did to him. Thank god he found such a loving home to have during his short life. Atleast he knew what it was like to be loved and to give it. This will pass, but the fond memory will always bring a smile to your face when you remember him as he was. He lives on in your memories and is now at peace and painless. God Bless you for giving him a good home.
  24. danmcq

    butternut squash?

    Butter Nut Squash is good for them as are most yellow veggies. They can be given to them raw or cooked. Some like them raw and others like them cooked. As Judy said, scrambling the egg gives you more opportunities to add in healthful items such as part of the shell, Red Palm Oil, Flax Seed etc. I even mix in a teaspoon of baby formula sometimes just to add nutrients and variety.
  25. Oh no. I am so sorry. I know words can not console or take away the grieving. But, please know that you did all you could and that my thoughts and prayers are for you.
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