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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Awww, thanks for the nice post this morning Laurie. Klaus is quite the thinker. :-)
  2. Great to see you back Toni!! You were missed. :-)
  3. I love that story, it's GreYt!!! Thanks so much for sharing that. :-)
  4. Maybe you were gored in a past life. ;-) No phobia's, except I don't like the thought of dying much. But, thats where the spirit lives on and I can live with that. :-)
  5. The others are all spot on with their comments. It is detrimental to your birds respiratory systym. Please advise them that no smoking will be tolerated in the house. My wife and I both smoke, but we stopped smoking in our house years ago. It's nasty, turn everything yellow in your house and leaves it smelling like an ashtray. Although, we are both working at quitting now. It's bad for our health as well. :-)
  6. danmcq


    Buuuuaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha, Good One Dave!!!
  7. I am so sorry to hear of all the tragedy that has fallen upon your family. Your grey, at 6 years old, kept in a basement with free reign of the area, with no guidance or interaction based upon rules, expectations and how to get along with the entire family flock is going to take a lot of work to bring him to a level of cooperation suitable to you. It is going to take a lot of time and many practices like you just went through with him. One thing on the not stepping up in the cage to be let out. Your Grey could be very territorial of his cage and does not like your in it at all. Thats ok though, let him climb out on his own. :-) Sometimes my Grey will not step up either. I just respect that most the time and let him come out on his own power. One thing I do though, is sometimes, just to keep him in the stepping up mode. Is I will offer my hand at a distance while saying step up. if he does not position himself properly and raise his foot. I remove m hand, close the door and walk away for a while. He will normally start climbing all over his cage, whistling at me etc. and then when I go back and give the step up, he raises that foot like a pro and comes out with out an incident. Unfortunately, it's not an easy task, but is well worth the rewards once you have him under more control. :-)
  8. Is it just the Claw/Nail or the entire toe? If it's just the nail, it may grow back. It depends on how your TAG lost it.
  9. Welcome Oozie! Judy made some great observations. The outside view may be a bit alarming at times for Bill. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. danmcq


    Dave007 wrote: LOL Dave! Your right, it's a very secret trick they use. The one that is going to get bit, does not know which end is coming at them. Both of which, are DEADLY!! :-)
  11. Awww, congratulations Margie. Thats wonderful news and I can visualize you smiling and bursting at seems with joy in this update. :-) Looking forward to reading more.
  12. What a trooper that baby Grey is! Acts like it didn't phase him/her at all. I love the photos. :-)
  13. Nice photos of Chico. He is one fine looking Grey! :-)
  14. danmcq


    Congratulations Rachel!! Looking forward to hearing more seeing seeing photos soon. :-)
  15. danmcq


    LOL Judy, I just light mine with a match and the flames kill the noise and the smell. Along with putting on a great pyrotechnic show at the same time. ;-) I am not sure what Dave does, guess we'll have to wait for his show stopper. B)
  16. The problem I see that nhrh stated, is it's not the cost of the Cage, it's the shipping to get it to Dubai. The shipping would be more than the cage. It seems nhrh is aware that the only cage that was available at the time of purchasing her Grey, was what you see., It is a whole nether world in the middle east. Things are not plentiful at all and hard to find. If so hope some large cages have come into the pet shop for you. :-)
  17. What a great update on Merlin. He has really come a long ways since your last update. Thanks for posting this and don't be so long in between updates next time. :-) You've been missed!!
  18. danmcq


    LOL - This thread is HILARIOUS!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  19. It is definitely for her best interests as you say. to put her back up when she gets off without your permission. These sneaky little rascals can walk right up to your foot without you knowing they are there. They are completely silent when doing so. I once kicked a grey around 2 feet when I turned away from the sink and started to step away and felt a very small thud. Poor girl, I felt so bad, but the good news was she was not harmed at all, but was a little leery of me after that. The big issue is, I could have actually killed her if I would have been in a hurry to walk somewhere.
  20. danmcq


    Ive heard Dayo do this once or twice. It's from the Dogs. ;-) :whistle: :laugh:
  21. LOL!!! Thats too funny, but it will help others that may encounter such strange behaviour out of the blue. :-)
  22. Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of $hit.
  23. Hello and Welcome Lisa!! Only being in his new home and getting to know his flock for 2 days is not enough time for him to trust you yet. Just be patient and keep offering treats by hand, talking to him, sitting next to him etc. In regards the perch, it is alarming and scaring him. Therefore, do not use the perch to have him step up on. Many react this way to a perch held in the hand. It's just not a natural place for a perch to appear and move toward them in their minds. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  24. 4 1/2 month sis highly unusual. The average is around 1 year or more. The mumbling can go on for a Looooooong time as they calibrate the words before they announce them to the world. It does not mean he will be a closet talker at all. He's just practicing like they all do. :-) Mumbling can go on for weeks or months. He may even stop completely (as far as you know) for a while also. Your doing everything just fine, so relax and enjoy your grey. :-)
  25. judygram wrote: Wow Judy, I didn't know you were a ventriloquist!! ;-) Love Ya! - Dan :-)
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