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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welome chefseehus!! It's Greyt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. What a beautiful and playful Grey Emma is. Thanks for sharing these photos!! :-)
  3. Oh that is wonderful news. :-) Thanks for the update and it sounds like you are making great progress in diet modification. Sherlock is lucky to have you as such a caring parront.
  4. Welcome Farrah!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you as you quest to have a Grey by summer comes closer. :-)
  5. Welcome Kyle and Sabian!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-) Now, I'll go check the Health room....
  6. Congratulations on continuing your education!! You are going into a field that is still increasing in demand, not receeding like many others. As all the baby boomers keep on aging, millions more will need such attention. :-)
  7. I use both water and Aloe. First I get my Grey drenched, then spray thoroughly with Aloe. One thing I do know, is there is a HUGE difference between using just water and no Aloe. The Aloe makes the Skin it reaches much more supple. You can feel it when giving head/neck scratches. Also, I have noticed when only water is used, the dander comes back much faster and in larger quantities.
  8. LOL!!! GreYt video, thanks for the laugh. :-)
  9. You should mist your Grey with 100% Aloe Juice atleast 2x a week. This should be done until they are completely soaked and dripping wet on the breast and underbelly, back, tail and try to shoot a stream in between the front wing and chest. They do hate it, but you must just do it anyway as they climb around the cage trying to avoid it. The dust is created from their skin, they do have a preen gland that supplies the Oil they use to preen their feathers. When it's warm and sunny, I roll my Parrots cages outside and spray a mist in the air using the hose with a nozzle attached which soaks the Parrots and their cages, then blast the cage clean with a high pressure stream of water. They get this 2x a week during warm months.
  10. Congratulations on having Tim at home!!! Theh trust will come over time as he becomes familiar with his new surroundings and flock members. Just hang in there and let him know he is safe and loved. :-)
  11. Don't worry about talking abilities yet. As others have said, most do not talk until 1+ years old. They practice, calibrate etc. under their breath and while no one is around. Then one day "Hello", "Whats Up?" etc. and then it just starts rolling out. As they learn how to pronounce different letters of the alphabet, they become faster and faster at blurting out words and complete sentences. My Grey did not start talking until 1yr. Now he will say a new word or sentence that has been appropriately applied in 2 to 3 days. Just make sure your words are associated with an action or item and it will make them want to use them. Most will not just mimic a TV show due to it having no meaning. The only things they will pick up from it are sounds that they like. Just hang in there and happy early Birthday to Malibu!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/08 16:03
  12. Hi Julie - What a great and thorough job you have done on that site. It is packed for of useful information for everyone to consider when procedures must be performed by an Avian Vet. Always ask tons of questions and make sure answers are given that make sense and fill you with confidence, which is what you did. It very disturbing to here of someone that can not just simply state "I made a mistake and it cost that Parrot it's life". Sometimes "Unknowns" do happen on operating tables and there was nothing the doctor could do. But, if that was the case or an underlying health issue existed pre-surgery, those tests should have been required whether the customer wanted them or not. You would have had them done if that would have been stressed. Thanks for sharing this. It will help many, I'm sure. :-)
  13. Awww, look at Monty at one year old and those Silver eyes and proud of it. :-) It's GreYt hearing from you again Di!!! You need come around more aoften, you are missed!!
  14. Congratulations on bringing Sherlock home in much better health. :-) It's GreYt to hear the issue was found and you have been given good advice on the diet. They will eat veggies sometimes and others times not. It's almost as if they are human and think Naaaaaa, I had that yesterday...thanks anyway. The important thing is that Sherlock does eat them. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  15. Wow, sorry to hear of this traumatic event to your Grey. You Wrote: "All was good until he hung himself by the soft spot under his beak and I had to get him off before he hurt himself any worse." Did this happen ON you or right next to you? What did he get hung up on? I know the questions do not solve your problem with rebuilding trust with him. But, just curious how you became associated with it other than going to his rescue (Which sometimes then associates you with it). Only time and patience as you are showing him will overcome this. I know it's killing you not having that loving relationship you had with him. But, it can return, it's the question of how long before that happens..... Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. It is good to familiarize them with new things and places, including other rooms of your house. Remember, when you take them in a new area EVERYTHING is new and they will of course be on highest alert while in there. It will take a few trips (maybe many. Just start out slow with short entrances. Only go as far as being able to see in the room and let your Grey look in. Once you think things are well with the door entrance, the next time in, step in SLOWLY and just reassure her it's ok calmly. If you note she starts shaking and grasping hard, leave the room after a few seconds. Normally they are ok, if they are with you and not to close to some object that may frighten them.
  17. Praying and hoping all is well with Sherlock and you today.
  18. And to add to events on this day.... the last is my favorite ;-) 1945 - Almelo Netherlands freed 1945 - Kuniaki Koiso resigns as PM of Japan; replaced by Kantaro Suzuki 1946 - 1st performance of Charles Ives' 3rd Symphony 1948 - WGN TV channel 9 in Chicago, IL (IND) begins broadcasting 1949 - 60 year old St Anthony's Hospital burns, kills 77 (Effingham Ill) 1949 - Fireside Theater debuts on television. 1950 - Prague espionage trial against bishops & priests begins 1951 - Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, atomic spies, sentenced to death 1952 - Henry Wittenberg wins his 8th AAU wrestling title 1953 - Babe Didrikson-Zaharias wins LPGA Babe Didrikson-Zaharias Golf Open 1953 - WEYI TV channel 25 in Saginaw, MI (CBS) begins broadcasting 1954 - Elvis Presley records his debut single, "That's All Right" 1955 - Winston Churchill resigns as British PM, Anthony Eden succeeds him 1956 - In Sri Lanka, the Mahajana Eksath Peramuna win the general elections in a landslide and S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike is sworn in as the Prime Minister. 1958 - Ripple Rock, an underwater threat to navigation in the Seymour Narrows in Canada is destroyed in one of the largest non-nuclear controlled explosions of the time. 1959 - 23rd Golf Masters Championship: Art Wall Jr wins, shooting a 284 1961 - Barbra Streisand appears on "Jack Paar Show" 1961 - Dutch governor Platteel installs New Guinea Council 1962 - Herb Gardner's "Thousand Clowns," premieres in NYC 1962 - Mgr J Daems appointed bishop of Antwerp 1962 - NASA civilian pilot Neil A Armstrong takes X-15 to 54,600 m 1962 - St Bernard Tunnel finished-Swiss/Italians workers shake hands 1963 - Beatles receive their 1st silver disc (Please Please Me) 1963 - Susuga Malietoa Tanumafili II becomes chief of Western Samoa 1964 - 1st driverless trains run on London Underground 1964 - Mary Lena Faulk wins LPGA St Petersburg Women's Golf Open 1965 - 37th Academy Awards - "My Fair Lady," Rex Harrison & J Andrews win 1965 - Lava Lamp Day celebrated 1965 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 1966 - WTVX TV channel 34 in Ft Pierce-Vero Beach, FL (IND) 1st broadcast 1967 - '76er Wilt Chamberlain sets NBA record of 41 rebounds 1967 - ATS II launched but fails to reach orbit 1968 - Jack Murphy Stadium in San Diego opens 1968 - US marine base Khe San Vietnam, appalled 1969 - Vietnam War: Massive antiwar demonstrations occur in many U.S. cities. 1970 - WSNS TV channel 44 in Chicago, IL (IND) begins broadcasting 1971 - Fran Phipps is 1st woman to reach North Pole 1971 - Mount Etna erupts in Sicily Italy 1971 - US Lt Wiliam Calley (My Lai Massacre) sentenced to life 1971 - WNJT TV channel 52 in Trenton, NJ (PBS) begins broadcasting 1971 - In Sri Lanka, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna launches insurrection against the United Front government of Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. 1972 - Baseball season is delayed due to a strike 1972 - Mets trade Ken Singleton to Expos for Rusty Staub 1973 - NFL adopts jersey numbering system (ie QBs, 1-19) 1973 - Pioneer 11 launched to Jupiter 1974 - Last day of Test cricket for Garry Sobers & Rohan Kanhai 1974 - Then tallest building, World Trade Center opens in NYC (110 stories) 1975 - "Letter for Queen Victoria" closes at ANTA Theater NYC after 18 perfs 1975 - Soyuz 18A launch aborted short of orbit; cosmonauts return safely 1976 - Harold Wilson resigns as James Callaghan becomes PM of England 1976 - Tom Stoppard's "Dirty Linen," premieres in London 1977 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 1979 - Balt manager Earl Weaver wins his 1,000th game as a skipper 1979 - Ex-premier Pol Jar flees out of Cambodia 1981 - 10th Colgate Dinah Shore Golf Championship won by Nancy Lopez 1981 - Phila Flyers amass a record 2,621 penalty minutes 1982 - British fleet sails to Falkland Islands 1982 - Cards' Jim Kaat, pitches in record 24th consecutive season 1982 - Lord Carrington, British foreign sect resigns due to Falkland Is war 1983 - France throws out 47 Soviet diplomats 1983 - NY Met Tom Seaver's sets record 14th NL Opening Day assignment 1984 - "Human Comedy" opens at Royale Theater NYC for 13 performances 1984 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar breaks Wilt Chamberlain's all-time career scoring record of 31,419 points (31,421) 1986 - Record for a throw-and-return boomerang toss is set (121m) 1986 - US soldier & Turkish woman killed in West Berlin disco bombing 1987 - 16th Nabisco Dinah Shore Golf Championship won by Betsy King 1987 - Fox TV network premieres showing Married With Children & Tracey Ullman 1987 - Wayne Gretzky wins 7th straight NHL scoring title 1988 - Democratic convention picks Michael Dukakis as their pres candidate 1989 - David Letterman becomes 1st network TV series to use dolby stereo 1989 - Orel Hershiser ends his 59 consecutive scoreless pitched inning streak 1989 - Solidarity grants legal status in Poland 1990 - John Stockton reaches 1000-assist mark for NBA record 3 yrs in a row 1990 - NY Rangers beat NY Islanders 2-1 in 1st game of preliminary 1990 - Paul Newman wins a court victory over Julius Gold, to keep giving all profits from Newman foods to charity 1991 - Joe Dumaars (Detroit) ends NBA free throw streak of 62 games 1991 - Kitty Kelly publishes a book knocking Nancy Reagan 1991 - Southeast Airlines Embracer 120 crashes in Georgia, killing 23 1991 - Space Shuttle STS 37 (Atlantis 8) launched 1991 - US begins air drops to Kurd refugees in Northern Iraq 1992 - "Search & Destroy" closes at Circle in Sq Theater NYC after 46 perfs 1992 - 11th NCAA Women's Basketball Champion: Stanford beats Western Ky 78-62 1992 - 4th Seniors Golf Tradition: Lee Trevino 1992 - Comedian Sam Kenison marries live-in girlfriend Maleeka 1992 - Dana Lofland wins Las Vegas LPGA Golf International 1992 - Game 2 of Mayor Challenge - NY Yankees sweep NY Mets 6-5 at Shea 1992 - Peru's Pres Alberto Fujimori suspend constitution & dissolved Congress 1992 - Thailand General Suchinda Kraprayoon installed as president 1992 - Wrestlemania VIII, 62,167 at Hoosier Dome, Hulk Hogan DQs Sid Justice 1992 - Several hundred-thousand abortion rights demonstrators march in Washington, D.C. 1993 - 55th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: NC beats Michigan 77-71 1993 - 73,293 see Yankees beat Indians 9-1 1993 - Colorado Rockies 1st game - lose to NY Mets 3-0 1993 - Construction begins on Cleveland's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 1993 - Florida Marlins 1st game - beat LA Dodgers 6-3 1993 - Republican Guard kills 64 in Chad 1994 - "Jackie Mason Politically Incorrect" opens at Golden NYC for 347 perfs 1994 - Miami Heat beat NY Knicks ending 15 game NBA winning streak 1996 - John Bobbitt is put under house arrest in Las Vegas for 120 days 1996 - Marlon Brando makes anti-semetic remarks about hollywood on Larry King 1997 - Galileo, 3rd Ganymede Flyby (Orbit 7) 1998 - 10th Seniors Golf Tradition: 1998 - wins Longs Drugs Golf Challenge 1999 - Two Libyans suspected of bringing down Pan Am flight 103 in 1988 are handed over for eventual trial in the Netherlands. 2063 - Earth's 1st contact by extra-terrisials (Vulcan) accord to Star Trek
  19. It is an interesting photo. It almost makes him appear to beat his wings as fast as a Hummingbird, making them invisible. :-)
  20. Very cute photo and story. Thanks for posting it. :-) Karma to you.
  21. That is a very good price. Let us know how you like cooking with them. :-) Thanks for posting this and Karma to you for doing so!
  22. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of Darwin. She is one good looking and inquisitive TAG. :-)
  23. Oh, Ahjari is such a cute and sleepy baby. :-) They are so precious at that age. It was wonderful of your breeder to provide that video and thanks for sharing it. :-)
  24. You need to keep your Grey in the Cage with the door shut anytime you are not home, in bed, busy and can not watch your Grey etc. They are very inquisitive and can get into something in the blink of an eye that could either mame or kill them. Such as biting through an electrical cord, chewing through a container that holds something poisonous to them, falling into a toilet bowl if you don't keep it shut and drown etc. One thing on the Cage. If it does not have atleast 3mm thick bars or better, as you see in photos of our cages here. Your Grey can easily bend and break them which can cause serious injury to them. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
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