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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations Annmarie!! It's wonderful to hear you are able to visit and interact with your new baby grey. :-) Now you know we need to see lots of weekly photos... ;-) :-)
  2. Great photo of Noah's outside adventure. :-) Thanks for sharing it.
  3. Welcome Cocorocks!! It's GreYt having you here. The average age to start talking (if they do) is around a year old. You may hear them mumbling under their breath at times before a year and catch little things that you believe is a word. Before the talking stage however, you will start hearing a plethora of whistles that come naturally and also sound imitations like your phone ringing. :-) Let her out of her cage when you can pay full attention to her. There is no set time limit on how long they can be out with you. There is a minimum though and that is 2 to 3 hours a day. They need flock interaction and your the flock. :-) I do not agree with wing clipping at all. You need to bird proof your home when you are going to let your Grey out, close curtains, blinds, cover mirrors etc. to ensure your grey does not fly into them or put stick-on pasties on your windows so it will know there is something in they way. At such a young age, your grey is just starting to learn to fly, building coordination, control, strength etc. It is important that all birds gain this ability as it is a natural way of transportation for birds and also an important physical and learning factor that if they do not learn, they will suffer for the rest of their lives in lack of coordination, confidence and physical strength along with a shortened life span due to poor health in the cardiovascular department. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/03 15:26
  4. GreYt photos, thanks for sharing these! :-)
  5. Awww, what a beautiful shot Pat. :-) It's really good to hear and see that Tyco loves Adaya so much. Thanks for posting this update and photo.
  6. Raposa, i hope you didn't think I was signaling you out, I wasn't. :-) I just wanted others to know that there are times a bird must be caged for both it's safety and the visitors. This is true whether the bird is clipped or not. Great post Dave, you are so spot on with this great information!! I know it will be helpful to new bird purchasers waiting to get their baby home.
  7. Great posts Kaedyn and others that have experienced having a clipped Grey. :-) It is encouraging to see how much hard work, time and effort into to helping your Greys grow those primaries out once again. It is a long process in the more severe clips as Kaedyn noted, but not insurmountable. It is also good to read the rational side of why some my have or are considering the POSSIBILITY of why they may need to clip their Greys. One thing to note on the reasoning that if strangers, kids or others will be running in and out of doors, sliding glass doors etc. and you don't want your grey to be able to fly away....The answer is you Cage your Grey during those times and events. Even if your Grey is not flighted, there are times that for your Greys and guests safety, you need to cage your Grey. It really good to see how this has not even turned into a debate, but just a friendly posting of each persons "State of Flight" and why/how that came to be. Thanks everyone for all these GreYt Posts!! :-)
  8. Welcome faith!! It's GreYt having you here. It's sounds like you are definitely addicted to parrots and it's GreYt to hear you have taken in a Grey in need of a good home. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  9. Welcome Notjanet and Jake! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get time. :-)
  10. CNN article today on how a researcher believes Parrots get the beat to music.....Surprize, NOT! ;-) :-) http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/science/05/01/dancing.parrots/index.html
  11. We'll said Dave and in a very informative neutral way. :-) I must say this entire thread so far is only comments by us "Flighted" ones. I hope others that do keep their Greys clipped, do not feel compelled to just NOT post due to the possibility of being attacked. Hopefully that would not happen and their reasons/views on clipping would be respected as the other comments here so far. We have debated this before on the forum, but had a real "Heckler" that made it a nightmare which finally resulted in him being banned from this site. With that said, those of you that keep your birds clipped, on out and get friendly with your conversations. :-) If there are none, then I guess everyone here has been converted to the flighted side of the fence. ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/30 21:00
  12. Dayo went through this phase also. Rather than reaching up and getting him, after several times I decided my head would become a poor choice as a landing zone. I simply wobbled or shook my head as he was ladning and of course he would then do a "Fly by" and eithe try again, getting the same results or finally decide he should land on my shoulder. It did take a week or so for him to give up, but it worked. :-) It's the same principal as them learning that if they try to land on a light object such as a lamp shade that will tip over, they soon decide to not try it any longer. :-)
  13. Welcome Zicodee!! It's GreYt having you and Zico here. Thats a great photo and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Azzie wrote: Why? Just because we make up words on the fly too? ;-) It is a threat to all mens intelligence to think our Greys have the ability too, but obviously Jenna is no ordinary female, she's an African Grey female which puts a whole new level to thinking abilities. ;-) B) Congratulations Raposa!! Thats very cute. :-)
  15. Sorry to hear you received bad advice from someone you considered a professional. As others have said, it will take time, but your Grey will come back around as she settles down and starts trusting again and adjusts to the limited mobility currently being experienced. The good news is, the wings will grow back and she will once again be able to fly as she was designed to. :-)
  16. Welcome Pete!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  17. Welcome Angie and Millie!! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like your new grey is flourishing in your home and bringing much joy with her. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos when you get a chance.
  18. Thanks for the link to photobucket and hopefully some videos coming this way from you. :-) My Breeders Greys usually copulate in the morning for about ten days before the hen lays. Once they start copulating in the evening as well, laying is eminent. I am certain there are variances from pair to pair as well as diet and environment. But from the other Breeders that also visit at times, it seems fairly consistent. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more. :-)
  19. I agree with Char, nasal discharge indicates an illness. Please find a good avian vet to check out your Grey.
  20. Is he whistling bubbles this morning? :-) It's great that Dave got with you quickly on how to resolve this issue. Hope all is well this morning. :-)
  21. That's wonderful news on Harley, he definitely wants the attention and love from you. It just has to been on his terms as he progresses in fully trusting you. Looking forward to updates. :-)
  22. It's good to hear you had a vet wellness check done. Concerning the weight, is it possible for you to contact the previous owner to see what his normal weight was while they had him? Also, while getting information from them, ask what brands of foods they were supplying him that he liked. A change in diet can certainly lower weight due to less intake of foods they are not familiar with. I am uncertain of the reasoning of "Several" feedings through out the day instead of just leaving the pellets, some nuts and seeds in there for him to eat when he desires. Birds do not gorge themselves on 3 meals a day like humans. They eat constantly all day long. For good bacteria, you could also just offer your grey yogurt with bacteria in it. The come in many good flavors that your grey would love and accomplish the same thing. :-) On the "Bird Rain", it's not the product that will get your Grey to appreciate getting misted. It's just the fact that you need to do it whether he likes it or not and getting him good and wet. :-) Water works just fine and there are a lot of threads concerning bathing your Grey. Most DO NOT like getting misted or taking a shower. Some will get into a pie pan of water and splash around willingly themselves. :-) Looking forward to how this progresses.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/29 15:59
  23. Welcome Tarah and Harley!! It's GreYt having you here. It is always wonderful to hear of someone taking on a fully mature Grey and giving them a good home to thrive in. :-) Just take it slow with him and watch his body language for clues as to ho comfortable he is with you up close, offering a treat from your hand such as an Almond, shelled peanut, grape etc. How does he act if you open the cage door, does he lift his talon? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. Welcome Akili and Slave!! ;-) It's GreYt having you here and hope to hears a lot more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance to have your Slaves take some. :-)
  25. Welcome Miki and Gary!! Congratulations on taking in a Grey in need of a loving home. :-) It will take time , patience and lots of love, but Gary will come around. Just don't push him or it will slow down the trust building process. Looking forward to hearing more.
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