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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Dually!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) The others have all given really good advice and comments on a rehomed greys behaviour. The good news is she is obviously very well socialized, therefore the interactions with strangers comes easy for her as you encountered when first meeting her. She is in a strange home, strange items around her and now right in the middle of a strange flock. She is by nature going to seek the the closest initial companionship to her previous owner, which was male. This will will take a little time for her to feel safe and secure, but it will happen. Looking forward to hearing more as she progresses and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  2. Welcome Mikio!! Thanks for the wonderful introduction of how you came to be the proud and loving owner of a Grey in need of a home. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. As others have said, a trip to a good avian vet with experience in dealing with a scissor beak problem is in order. They can get the beak back into proper alignment many times when action is taken early enough.
  4. Thanks Dave, I'm glad my birds won't die, cause I could never give up that morning Joe. The lights, well I do some of my best work in the dark. So that woouldn't be a problem.... ;-)
  5. What a wonderful update on Clyde. :-) It sound like thing are going very well and youre right about going with your instinct which I'm sure is couple with paying close attention to his reactions and body language. Karma to you for putting so much effort into Clyde and posting this great progress report!!
  6. Oh that is so cute!! Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  7. As Sheila said, this is sometimes a normal attitude and testing time once the initial "Honeymoon" is over. If you don't want to get bit or have him fly out when you open the cage to get him out, then don't open the door enough for him to fly and only offer your hand for step-up, but watch his body language VERY carefully. If he tries to bite or does get you, Close the door and walk away. Do this everytime he does not get with the step-up program with out behaving properly. Most importantly is to be consistent in your words and actions when doing this. Turn and walk away preferrably into another room or if he can see you with your back to him and ignore him. After a given time, like maybe 10 minutes try again, if he doesn't comply, close the door and walk away. Believe me, it won't take long for him to figure out that bad behaviour in your house is not acceptable. :-)
  8. It's wonderful that you have taken time off work just to spend with your new CAG. Prior issues will take time for him to get over and start trusting women more. YOu are making great progress and with patience, time and lots of love it will slowly get better. I would not add any calcium suppliment unless youve had a full check up on him with blood work and your vet advises you to. Just provide him with plenty of dark green veggies like broccoli, green leafy ones like chard, mustard green etc. Almonds also have a high calcium content and of course a little cheese, which they love. :-) Thanks for posting this update and keep them coming!!
  9. A Parrots Motto is "This Beaks made for chewing and thats just what I gonna do and if you can't handle this, I'm not for You!!". :-) I will not list all the things Dayo has chewed.....it would be too long and I can't even remember them all. :-)
  10. Welcome Karen, Ruby and Jasper!! It's GreYt having you and your flock here. Looking forward tho hearin more about the beak issue and seeing some photos. :-)
  11. Welcome armywife25!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  12. Thats wonderful Spineyro. They do have a very short attention span as you indicated, especially until they get used to it and you will start seeing their curiosity gain as they become accustomed to training and find it stimulating to learn new things. Just do short sessions through out the day as time permits in one or two minute sessions. Sometimes you may see that they are not interested from the get go, so just drop it and do it later when they are not interested in something else they have their mind on. :-)
  13. Welcome Nick and Partner!! It's GreYt having you here. It's always nice to hear of a person such as you taking a Grey in that needs a good stable loving home. The way you have the cage setup is GreYt and I would definitly add foraging and other challenging items as you indicated your going to. The photos are wonderful and he looks like one happy and healthy Grey. Thanks for sharing the photos and the good introduction. :-)
  14. Ok, there are a few things you listed that are very disturbing: Constant Cold and Nose is always running since birth. This is more than a cold and I'm uncertain whom told you this. This is either the result of a fungal disease such as Aspergillosis or some other serious disease. Losing balance constantly. This is probably a result of the underlying health condition with runny nose and breathing problems. Flailing around in the cage. Perhaps a seizure as others have mentioned. This bird needs a complete examination with blood work-up by a competent Avian Vet.
  15. Congratulations!!!! :-) Now wheres the photos??? :blink: :woohoo:
  16. Almonds are GreYt for your Grey. Also, most birds absolutely love them. I give them to my birds both as treats and also in their seed mix. I would say on average my Grey eats 6-7 a day, but figure the way he eats them by biting them and letting the pieces fall to the grate and he probably only actually ingests 1/4th of the actual almond. :-) Here are the nutritional facts on Almonds, baked and unsalted: Calorie Information Amounts Per Selected Serving (1 Cup)%DV Calories546 27% From Carbohydrate 83.3 From Fat393 From Protein 70.0 Carbohydrates Amounts Per Selected Serving%DVTotal Carbohydrate20.6g7% Dietary Fiber 11.6g 46% Starch 0.7g Sugars 3.7g Sucrose 3420mg Glucose 114mg Fructose 85.5mg Lactose 0.0mg Maltose 38.0mg Galactose 47.5mg Fats & Fatty Acids Total trans fatty acids 0.0g Total trans-monoenoic fatty acids 0.0g Total trans-polyenoic fatty acids 0.0g Total Omega-3 fatty acids 5.7mg Total Omega-6 fatty acids 11462mg Protein & Amino Acids Amounts Per Selected Serving%DVProtein20.2g40%Tryptophan 203mg Threonine 568mg Isoleucine667mg Leucine 1414mg Lysine 551mg Methionine 143mg Cystine 180mg Phenylalanine 1064mg Tyrosine 429mg Valine7 76mg Arginine 2324mg Histidine 529mg Alanine 976mg Aspartic acid 2766mg Glutamic acid 6470mg Glycine 1396mg Proline 980mg Serine 900mg Hydroxyproline~ Vitamins Amounts Per Selected Serving%DVVitamin A1.0IU0% Retino l0.0mcg Retinol Activity Equivalent0.0mcg Alpha Carotene 0.0mcg Beta Carotene 1.0mcg Beta Cryptoxanthin 0.0mcg Lycopene 0.0mcg utein+Zeaxanthin 1.0mcg Vitamin C 0.0mg 0% Vitamin D~ ~ Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol)24.9mg 125% Beta Tocophero l0.3mg Gamma Tocophero l0.6mg Delta Tocophero l0.0mg Vitamin K 0.0mcg0% Thiamin 0.2mg13% Riboflavin 1.0mg 57% Niacin 3.2mg16% Vitamin B 60.1mg 7% Folate 47.5mcg 12% Food Folate 47.5mcg Folic Acid 0.0mcg Dietary Folate Equivalents 47.5mcg Vitamin B 120.0mcg 0% Pantothenic Acid 0.4mg 4% Choline 49.5mg Betaine 0.5mg Minerals Amounts Per Selected Serving%DV Calcium 251mg 25% Iron 3.5mg 20% Magnesium 255mg 64% Phosphorus 460mg 46% Potassium 670mg 19% Sodium 1.0mg 0% Zinc 2.9mg 20% Copper 0.9mg 47% Manganese 2.2mg 109% Selenium 2.4mcg 3% Fluoride~
  17. danmcq

    Ear Wax

    Definitely get your Grey to a vet as all others have recommended. That is not normal at all and an infection is probably at the root of this. Please keep us updated. :-)
  18. Hahahahahaha Jan, thats too funny and I love Tobies ability at using the word "Damn" appropriately to emphasize that he is becoming irritated, to say the least. :-) I love all these conversations posted so far. Thanks to all for what you've added so far and keep them coming!! :-) I'll post more as I have time.
  19. Judy is spot on. I personally would go with 3/4 inch bar spacing. I do not want my Grey to be able to get his head outside the bars at all. Dogs might just lop it off for him. ;-)
  20. Wow, AnnMarie Alex certain had rown rapidly, as they all do at that young. Thanks for sharing the photo and bring us up to date on how it's going. :-)
  21. This is a great thread to have started Casper!! :-) On average, Dayo and our Jake are out of the cage 4 hours weekdays in the evenings after work. This can very down to 2 hours if a grandchilds baseball game or other necessary tasks are required to leave the house in the evening. Weekends and Holidays they are both out from 6am to 8pm. However, out of cage time is not the only time spent on the birds, as all us bird owners know. There is food preparation and feeding each morning and night. There is cage cleaning each day. There is shopping for food specifically for them along with toy purchases, making toys, thinking up foraging ideas etc. The above listed task take up at least one hour each day in addition to the out of cage time and sometimes much more time than an hour or two. This is going to be a really good thread for potentially new Parrot owners to reference when thinking they have the time for a Parrot. :-)
  22. Welcome Madhuri and Gaia!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. Welcome Sonia and Simi, it's GreYt having you here!! Judy gave good advice on the training. You don't want to use hunger as a ploy to try and train you bird. Just use a treat you know are their favorite such as an Almond, Sunflower seed, peanut etc. I would not recommend trying to train first thing in the morning either. They will be the most hyper then and just want to get out of their cage, play and interact with you etc. It's better to wait until later when the are less excited. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. Welcome Leon and Zulu, it's GreYt having you here!! Thanks for posting thep photo. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  25. Welcome Nicole!! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like your on the track to find a Grey. If the man is saying you need to wear gloves to handle that Grey, it may be one that you want to avoid. Gloves just scare a bird more than your hand, which is what properly raised and socialized birds are used to stepping up on and interacting with. It certainly would not hurt to go and see the Grey to find out how it reacts to you and check on it's health condition. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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