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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome kili and congratulations on finding a Grey!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) You have made the right dicision to have your baby hand fed and weaned by a knowledgable breeder. Looking forward to hearing updates as you baby grows. :-)
  2. Thank you all for your continuing support, good suggestions and thoughts. Those who commented on Jakes being wild caught are spot on, he knows how to survive in the wild, find food, water and watch for predators. I do know, when searching for food they can travel many miles to keep that belly full. In regards wing clipping - I am so glad that Jake was fully flighted which gives him a 1000 times better chance of survival. The last time he flew 2 years ago, he was clipped and could barely fly and we didn't think he could at all. As everyone knows, most clipped birds if frightened enough, that adrenaline kicks in and gives them the power they need to gain enough flight to escape. It took a lot of work back then to get him out of that tree due to NOT being able to fly down. I will not clip Dayo. The thought obviously came to mind the minute you see a much loved Parrot take of. But, I will not lock the dogs up for hours when I have Dayo out and I want Dayo to remain a fully bird that can enjoy being flighted. For those whom chose to keep their birds clipped, I totally understand there are reasons you chose to and thats your decision. :-) Those who asked if Dayo acts different - Yes, he looks at the blank wall space where Jakes cage WAS, but it is now outside in full view in case Jake happens to fly by. Dayo's demeanor since Jakes flight is very hard to describe. He looks at the boing, hanging play-gym and other places Jake always resided looking to see if he is there. So there is no doubt in our minds that Dayo, regardless of the fact that they always maintained a distant relationship, with some fun to watch chases and beak battles, that Dayo misses Jakes presence. This home has a hole in it that was left when Jake flew. The feeling here is always one of unwelcome quietness of his squawks and larger than life personality. He is missed greatly and we hope he will one day be back. He is up on online boards, on bulletin boards in the pet stores, vets and animal shelters. So if someone did happen to see him, hopefully they will see one of those and contact us.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/31 17:29
  3. Update - We had a Thunder Storm blow through Thursday night (Unusual for here) that was just CrAzY. Lasted 2 hours, over 350 lightening strikes, winds gusting to 60 MPH. Trees went down, limbs cracked and fell all over etc. I know most birds shelter in place and hang on, but I am even more concerned that Jake probably freaked out and flew all over hell, hopefully not hurting himself in the process. I went out this morning and walked all the streets and my and surrounding neighborhoods calling for Jake, no return squawks,,,, I have not heard anything so far on my internet posts in lost sections, SPCA or Humane Society etc. I do know they were busy out rounding up dogs everywhere that broke out of yards, chains etc. and went running scared during that 2 hour storm. Our Doberman Chloe was so freaked out, she went into our walk in closet and huddled in there until it was all over. I know birds can be found weeks, months later, so hope is not given up, but I am confident he is not in the near vicinity. I appreciate all the support and good wishes you have all posted. :-) I must say, I have really been struggling with the thought of clipping Dayo to ensure I never lose a bird again. The only thing stopping me is the danger posed by my Dobermans if he couldn't fly. In reading all the boards for lost and found birds, it is really concerning at the number across the country that "Fly Away". I am NOT clipping him, but I truly understand why people chose to clip and more importantly keep those flights maintained. To ensure they never gain too much lift, but just ensure they can flap at a 45 degree angle down and safely land.
  4. I think they are HIGHLY addictive. If I could, I would start my own rescue/sanctuary. If my wife would let me, I'd have atleast one and maybe two of every Parrot there is.
  5. Torry is a GreYt name and he sounds like a wonderful mature Grey if he has straw colored eyes. He seems to be blossoming in his new loving home with the new flock. :-) Karma to you for taking him in!!
  6. Natasha wrote: You go girl!! :-) That woman has many misconceptions and no common sense obviously. I hope see will see the light through your kind gestures and helpfulness. Letting the Grey out, especially if it were to attack could be harmful to the infant. Does she know how the Grey acts when let out? I hope you are successful in your endeavors!!
  7. nanmadpad - I remember your story well. It is amazing how your Grey has stayed there. I would be happy if that turned out to be the situation with Jake. Atleast then you see them and know their ok. Thanks for your post, I appreciate it. Baxters Mom - Wow, that was a scare!! Thank god your husband was able to catch him in mid-flight!! I believe Jake was startled and thus flew out the small space of about 4 inches between my head and the top of the patio door, which I only open wide enough for my body to fit through. he had never done this in the previous 3 years. Sometimes Dayo flies at him and then chases him around the house as "Big Fun", I suspect dayo was crouched and ready to fly at Jake and thus Jake flew. He brushed the top of my head to get through that very cramped escape path. Thanks for your kind words. All the others - I appreciate all your support and kind words as well. Update - Kim and daughter in-law walked the surrounding neighborhoods yesterday afternoon and later in the evening calling Jake, no return squawks came back. No food has been eaten in his cage either which is sitting outside by on the pool decking in clear of all trees surrounding the area. The cage will remain out there until he is found or comes back or it just doesn't make sense to leave it out any longer.
  8. Sounds like a GreYt xam was done. :-) Hopefully a dietary change will improve the liver results. Youve brought Ziva a looooong ways already and with you care and patience, I have no doubt a stepup will happen over time. LOL on the "Oh Sh?t". Ziva is probably thinking "Now what the Hell is going to happen at the next place?"
  9. Congratulations on such a brilliant and strong young baby!! Thanks for sharing the video. :-)
  10. Thanks for all your supports, kind thoughts, prayers and helpful comments. We will never give up searching for him and keep all our wires plugged into the neighborhood, Shelters, newspaper found sections etc. I just fear he will starve to death, but if he is a wild caught bird as suspected. He will have a good chance of surving from previous experience which will greatly lengthen the time we can find him or someone else may. :-)
  11. Well, Monday evening at dusk as I was going out the patio door, I felt a quick brush across the top of my head. As I looked up, it was Jake and he began flying circles in the patio area doing about 4 laps. On The second lap, I had stepped out and left the patio sliding door all the way open so he could see a wide open way in. I then stepped out and over out of the way to block Jakes path and hopefully steer him in to the patio door. He came flying directly at me and then quickly veered around me and I watched as he fly about 50 feet high and into a huge Japanese elm that stands directly over our Gazebo area. He disappeared into the tree. Kim and I called Jake for hours, but it was dark and in the back of my mind I knew he was scared and silence is there way of protection along with staying visibly hidden. This normally lasts atleast 24 hours and maybe longer before they will return a call. We rolled Jakes cage out in very open view of all the surrounding trees and left the porch lights on all night, just incase he might decide he's thirsty or his cage would offer him better protection. No such luck. I called for him Tuesday morning for a few hours, but then had to leave for work in San Jose....no choice, I had to leave due to a very hot project I'm on thats already behind schedule for release. Kim continued to call for Jake with no responses. We had our daughter in-law come over, which Jake knows very well and continue canvassing the area and calling for Jake. Still no responses. We have alerted all the vet offices, SPCA and animal shelters and placed an ad in the lost section of the paper along with speaking with all our neighbors. The bad thing right now, is there are many different bird species nesting all around our house and neighborhood also. Crows, Mocking birds, black birds and blue jays etc. and you know how they chase other birds away from their areas. I hope Jake see's his cage and returns for food and water. But, not hearing any replies around the house or neighborhood is not a good indication of him being close by any longer. We and family will continue canvassing and if nothing else hope that Jake is found by someone. The problem with Jake, is he is a suspected wild caught Peach Front Conure and is very leery of people. He will accept food from people he knows, but thats as close as you get. He will fly off in an instant when or if you try to slowly get a step up. Hoping for the best and just wanted to let you all know what has happened. I almost didn't even bother to post this, but decide to. :-) Believe me, the first thought that came to mind was "Ok, we need to clip Dayo". But, after consideration of him being eaten by our dogs if not able to fly away, quickly changed our minds and of course I believe it would change him mentally also to lose the one thing that makes him a bird, FLIGHT!!
  12. Wow, this is turning into a wonderful thread. :-) It's GreYt to see so many are near by. The idea of many of you going on the same day is a GreYt idea. Maybe have a Grey Forums Volunteer Day? Lots of people going meaning getting to meet each other and of course with all the cameras and camcorders there, lots of photos!!! Woooo Hooo!! Hope it works out. :-)
  13. danmcq

    shy grey

    "can grey baby be trian to be not fearfull? Short answer, yes. If you bring them up and socialize them properly exposing them to many different people and surroundings they will become accustom to it.
  14. Thats GreYt news Caitlin, Congratulations!! Ecko is one beatiful Grey and loks happy and healthy as a well errrr Horse to use an expression. :-) Thanks for sharing the photos, you know we expect more and videos too!! B)
  15. Azzie and rbpittman - Your Greys are definitely at ease with you both. That is the ultimate level of trust. Dayo will also do that and it is those precious moments that say " I love you this much". :-) Congratulations to you both and GreYt job on bringing your Greys to this point. :-)
  16. Char wrote: Ok Char, you just committed yourself, now we're ALL expecting those videos!! ;-) I will have to try the tripod. The only problem is, Dayo moves around quite a bit and I need to follow him with the video camera. But, I'll give it a go, maybe when he is sitting and preening. Many times he will run through every word, phrase and whistle he knows while doing so. Just sitting here waiting for those videos now. :-)
  17. GreYt video Ahjari try his damnedest to get your Daughters attention. He slowly worked his way over until he was square in the middle of your daughters face doing the little baby chirp which translates "Do you see me now?.....Do you see me now?" Thanks for sharing this Carol!! :-)
  18. Caitb is spot on. Please take your baby to an avian vet to have this checked out. Youve had your baby for about 3 weeks now, did this just happen? Has it fallen or gotten it's foot stuck in something like a toy or door?
  19. Devin - It's good to hear Sundance is having such an affect on you. :-) Just a thought on your "Pushing" to take Sundance. That the current owner is in ill health and loves Sundance VERY MUCH. I am certain it is a comfort and companionship for him to have Sundance there during this tough time. Maybe try looking through the owners eyes and love he has for the Grey. Your going over and helping out is truly commendable. But, perhaps some more patience and empathy for the ailing man would be a good thing for you both. You've really only been visiting for 3 weeks now and that is a speck in time of possibly spend 50 years with Sundance. :-)
  20. danmcq


    Thats wonderful news Sheila!!! Thanks for the update on your Mu. :-)
  21. rbpittman - GreYt story, you have one smart bird there. Nick - Just wait, it only gets better and better. :-) Natasha - Boesman is hilarious!! Jan - You really must start a topic by itself for that "Bedtime" video, it's Greyt!! Thanks for posting it. :-)
  22. caitb2007 wrote: I just whistled it, did the crash sound effect at the end and then said "Crash!". I associated this with our game he loves to play of get the Ball, Boing or Baby. When he throws one down to the floor I would do the crash whistle and sound effects. It took him all of 3 days to start doing. They pick things up very quickly when it's associated with something or they just happen to like the way it sounds. :-)
  23. Thanks folks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Carol - I feed Dayo a seed mix by Kaytee called Fiesta mix, Kaytee spicy blend pellets, Harrison's pellets, Veggies of all types, my own 7 bean mix with oat groats, pasta, flax seed, safflower seed and some small veggies like peas and corn all cooked up in a huge pot then frozen in snack baggies so we can take one out each day, thaw it and feed. We drip Red Palm Oil on everything except the kaytee seed and nut mix 3x a week.
  24. Dayo was jabbering up a storm ............Then I pulled out the camcorder to record this.......He talks a little, but mainly seems focused on watching me record him...... At one point he says to turn the water off. When I am using the water in the sink and he is down on the countertop, I will ask him to "Turn the Water off" and he will climb up on the water facet, climb up on the handle and his weight pushes it down, thus turning the water off. :-) During the video, he says peekaboo, dance, whistle and I don't remember what else.... Hope you enjoy this video...
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