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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations Char, that is wonderful news. :-) Your right, you just neverknow when they might just start talking in front of other people.
  2. That is an evidently sudden change in behavior. When Ecko swooped down fast at or on them, did he bite? I don't see any mention of what happened once he got to or on them. It does sound aggressive all of a sudden. Ecko is what now, about 7 months old?
  3. Wow, absolutely beautiful photos Char!! Thanks for sharing your site with us and Karma to you!! :-)
  4. Thanks all, I'm glad you enjoyed the short and to the point video. :-) For those who asked, if I am cutting up veggies or fruit, making coffee, washing my hands etc, I have the water on. Dayo will come down to the counter. It is at this point that when I am done, I will ask him to turn the water off and he will climb up and push the handle down using his weight. The this last weekend, he has started using the water to get my attention when I'm doing something. He will climb up, grab the handle and shift his weight backwards and pull the handle to the "Full On" position. At this point, I will tell him to turn it off. Sometimes he will or other times he will just stare at me and wait until I walk over to the sink and ask him in person. Once I'm there standing in front of the sink, he will shut it off and then lift his foot up for a step up or just fly up to my shoulder .......mission accomplished. I think I have created a monster at times.... :ohmy: Maybe it's better to just keep them "Uneducated" He has started doing this to Kim (wife) and she's getting a little pissed at me.... :dry: Oh well, it will remind her of me while I'm in San Jose working. :laugh:
  5. Ok, as normal he would not just do it with me and the camera going. Sso I had to coax him with his favorite treat, an Almond. Any other time, he will just climb up and turn the water on himself to get me to come over and ask him to turn it off. :-) Here's the short video:
  6. Thanks for the update Spooky!! It's always good to see people involved with good deeds like this. :-)
  7. This is a very good illustrated post on making a good mix for Greys. It is very similar to what we cook up for our birds. I feed it to our conure also, which likes it. We freeze ours in individual "Snack" baggies and take one out each day and let thaw to room temperature. Thanks for posting this and Karma to you. :-)
  8. Jan - Tobie sure has a sense of humor, what a smart boy!! Char - Yeah, whats Whisper gonna do? :-) All these Greys conversations on here certainly show how intelligent they are and have wit, humor and a huge ability to put them all together. Thanks for continuing to share these great conversations on this thread!!
  9. Wow, Pepper has certainly matured and grown into a beautiful Grey. Sorry to hear about the painful bite and bending of the braces. Its good to hear it all worked out ok in a couple of hours. Thanks for posting these photos and hopefully we'll see more and more often. :-)
  10. Happy Hatch day Judy!!! I have always thought you were a beautiful bird. :-)
  11. WOW!! Very nice!! It looks like it has been readily accepted and in use. :-)
  12. I know the feelings well. You and Polly are in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. I hope all your efforts come to fruition and you are reunited with Polly. You and Polly are in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Man Lyn, what a time Alfie and you have had. It's good to hear that he is on the mend and getting better. I hope it all contunues well and Alfie becomes fully well again. :-)
  15. Awww, in the 1st video your baby is begging to be fed. Have you tried spoon feeding Katee formula, baby food or other liquid type foods that are warm? When young, many still cherish this in the morning and soemtimes evenings. Thats some good flying!! :-) Thanks for posting these.
  16. Yes, those little "nettles" you see are pin feathers coming in. If you hit one while scratching, they can hurt them a little and they will let you know. They normally do scratch themselves during and after when you are giving scratches. If you are not already doing so, you should be misting, bathing or showering your grey atleast 2x a week with water and preferably Aloe Juice 100% strength which will help relieve the itchiness and make the skin more supple.
  17. This is terrible news and I am so sorry to hear this happened. It is devastating, heart wrenching and worrisome beyond description. Things you should know: 1. Normally the first 24 hours they are scared and being such, will not return contact calls which would disclose their location. So I am not surprised of your not hearing or seeing him. 2. Putting the cage out in open view is great to do. Seeing it if in eyesight may cause him to expose himself if nothing else and stay close to it. 3. Since he is clipped and probably not used to flight, he will probably not come out of that tree of his own accord. he has never been that high and will probably not overcome his fear to ty and fly down, atleast not without your coaxing. You may need to rig up a long pole with a small playstand he likes or a perch to have him step on to so you can lower him down. I had to do this 2 years ago when my "Clipped" bird Jake flew away the first time. he would not fly out of the tree. he would however return contact calls on the second day and try to climb down branches to get down closer to us, especially when we rolled his cage directly under the tree and showed him his food and water. 4. You have done all the right things in alerting friends, neighbors and posting notices at petshops, notifying the animal shelters etc. 5. You Grey may have flown to other near by trees if frightened by other birds or critters. Just walk the area calling his name and listening. Being clipped, it is doubtful he is very far off. 6. It may sound surprising, but he could actually be on the ground area hiding in bushes. Just don't give up and keep contact calling. 7. Post on every Internet board you can. Look up, call or email any local breeders you may know or other parrot owners so they will be on the look out and also listening for parrot squawks and sounds that other birds do not make. Many may also have feeders in their yards that your Grey may find and grab some food from if he is brave enough to come down. I'm hoping and praying for you and know that your in my thoughts now constantly, along with others here.
  18. GreYt photos of Cookie, he is a very good looking Grey having some fun. :-)
  19. Thanks or the update on Vlooi, it sounds like it is going very well. :-) Get some photos when you have a chance!!
  20. What a GreYt job you have done on that room! It looks wonderful and they both seem to be right at home. :-)
  21. Very scary situation, I'm glad neither got hurt. It's always better to let birds move closure to each other on their on timing and terms. They may do some play beaking when first contact happens, but not intense fighting if they are interested in each other at all. Just give this time and let it take it's own course as it will naturally, one way or another. It's GreYt to hear Torry has joined the flock and enjoying it. :-)
  22. The others have all given GreYt advice. #1 There is no smell normally in a clean cage or of the poo. That will only occur if you have old spoiling food in the tray or your birds poo smells, which is a sign of illness. #2 When giving scratches etc. or Grey will also turn his head and clamp down hard at times. I am uncertain of what it means sometimes. He will turn his head clamp down hard then put it back down for more scratching. To him, I think he's letting us know it feels good and to keep it up. If however, he turns and bites VERY hard, we either hit a pin feather growing in or he wants us to stop. If he wishes us to stop, he does not put his head back down again and his body language definitely says thanks, now let me just sit here and chill. #3 Sitting up on anything and you reaching up to scratch or retrieve. This is where you are going to need to watch his body language and eyes for pinning. If you see head leaning down, any feathers starting to ruffle or eyes pinning STOP. He does not want to be touched or moved. You will get a nip as you have been if you continue. #4 Nipping at ears, finger nails etc. I normally read this as I have quit paying attention to him for too long and he gets me focused back on him. It seems to be their little nudge, just like they do to their friends or mates when they want attention or for them to move in case of danger in the air. Your Grey is now at the age he is establishing a sense of self and independence. You will see these types of behaviour become more frequent and you will become very in tune with his body language as this continues. The best way to stop biting is to NOT put yourself or him in a situation that it becomes necessary in his mind. read his body language, learn where the places are that are his "hang out" and chill and he does not like being removed from except by his own accord. There will come times of course that you must cage him, thus making it necessary to have him step up whether he wishes to or not. In those cases, ball your hand into a fist and go in with the back of you hand drawn tightly moving it at his lower belly and just keep pushing forward so he has no choice other than to step up. He may try to bite your tightly drawn skin, but will quickly learn it is to no avail and your not withdrawing. After a while, he will learn that the hand coming in this fashion means, just give up and do it cause your not going away. Mine just lifts his foot when he see's this coming knowing that he has no choice.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/12 15:22
  23. That is scary Pat. Adaya is young and sometimes they make mistakes like that. Dayo had his wing stuck once in the bottom grate and also once through the side from playing and not paying attention. His cage is 3/4 bar spacing. So even going smaller spacing will not help with just the right circumstances. It is scary when that happens, they get scared, then you get freaked out to try and help etc.
  24. Pictures or a much more detailed description is needed to understand this completely.
  25. Char is spot on regarding the toys possibly being the terror factor. It could also be the reason she is not eating, she may not wish to expose herself to danger as she unguarded eats. It's good to hear she is eating outside the cage. I would strongly recommend getting a digital scale ASAP so you know how her weight is doing. Most all of us track our Parrots weight daily at first and then go to weekly at the least. Weight is a very good indication of how your Greys health and appetite is doing.
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