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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Well, you just had to check it out, didn't you... B) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/03 21:16
  2. danmcq

    Greyt News!!!!

    Wow, congratulations Cassandra!!! Thats GreYt news. :-)
  3. Oh how sad Penny. Annie had been a LARGE part of your families life that you all enjoyed together. It is always heartbreaking to lose such a loved horse. Know that My and Kims thoughts amd condolences are for you and fmaily.
  4. Congratulations on Willis and his first sounds of nearby noise makers like the microwave, phone etc. :-) It's always exciting when they do something new, just busting buttons like you would over your own child doing something the first time.
  5. Awww Nick, what a beautiful baby CAG. Congratulations on the baby and landing the job at Walmart!! :-)
  6. Well no sights of Jake so far. But, I must say the posts on various online sites for lost birds has lead to making contact with other very friendly and helpful bird owners and breeders in Visalia. It's interesting how we live and the same city, yet are not "Aware" of the others with Parrots, Big Hearts and true concern. It has lead to many good email conversations and some of us are meeting in a near by city named Fresno at a birdmart Sunday. :-) I must say Jake is still missed of course and the same thoughts and considerations you go through mentally as you would of your own child missing wondering if they are "Ok", still alive and if you'll ever see them again, whether you were able to retrieve them or not, you would atleast know they are still "Ok". Still hoping and praying we get Jake back and his cage remains out on our Pool Deck in clear view of all surrounding trees and open skies in case he comes back through this area.
  7. Well it's a good question if a sleep cage MIGHT help cage agression. I personally have never heard of a sleep cage being a solution, but that does not mean that it isn't worth a try. You might want to try 1 sleep cage, before buying all 3. :-) My Grey has never been cage aggressive, he is however agressive if you try to invade his space unvited when on his hanging kitchen area hanging play ground or his t-perch.
  8. Dayo is very open and friendly to people whether they are occasional, constant or new visitors. He may be reserved for a few minutes just sizing them up. But once anyone has a beverage or especially food, he will fly over, land on their legs if sitting and say "Lets eat" and try to dig in. I must cage him if we have a planned dinner or such because he will not leave people alone if they have food.
  9. Ok, thats it... I am going to teach Dayo to respond to the word Pigeon with "I'm an African Grey Parrot, you hairless Ape!!" :laugh:
  10. Oh NO!! Thats terrible news. I am so sorry to hear this and please know you have my condolences and are in my thoughts and prayers. The pain will subside, but the wonderful memory of her never will.
  11. GreYt video of Slater doing doing his thing...I love the whining like a dog to go out. :-)
  12. Greyt additional photos. Thanks for posting them. he is one good looking grey!! :-)
  13. Very old thread, but interesting topic. Dayo shows no interest in music what so ever. I have tried various types of music since he was 16 weeks old and have just never fond any that would get more than an aggravated yawn and look from him.
  14. Thats a wonderful toy and with instructions as you have posted, it's a walk in the park to make. Thanks!! :-)
  15. Love those photos Pat, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  16. LOL! They do love those Ice cubes. :-) Thanks for sharing the photo.
  17. NO, that was from almost 2 years ago, unfortunately. I wish it was true. :-)
  18. Wow, thats fantastic! Your Grey will learn to fly with the best of them, regardless of how large and straight the space may be. Banking, turning, speed control and targeting landing areas will all come with practice. Suspending targets like hanging boings, orbits etc. would give him more options to chose and learn from. Thanks for posting this question and updates. :-)
  19. What a GreYt picture of you and Tuki in a cuddle. Thanks for posting this photo. :-)
  20. Congratulations AnnMarie!!! Looking forward to seeing the photos. :-)
  21. What a GreYt cuddle and scratch story. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  22. If your happy and you know it, clap you hands...... I love it!! Kokomo is such a great talker and singer. :-) Echo is such an adorable baby. Thanks for sharing this video. It was VERY entertaining. :-)
  23. Wow, what a SCARY, heart pounding event!! Thank God you saw it and responded so quickly and had a plan in place. Everyone should think an evacuation plan in just these types of emergency situations. Thanks for sharing this and it's GreYt to hear everyone is ok. :-)
  24. MarkN8705 wrote: Mark, did you join just to criticize someone? That is a rude and unacceptable comment that is not wanted on this board. Why don't you introduce yourself and why you are here? If another comment such as this pops up, you will be banned immediately!
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