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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    I personally use the sears kenmore 6 gallon hundifier with No purifier. Thats strictly a personal choice. The humidty is good for their general health, nasal passages, lungs etc. It also helps keeps the dander down a little more as well do to the increased humidity in the air.
  2. danmcq


    Yes, I keep mine set at 45% humidity. If you start going over 50%, you run into mold issues possibly.
  3. I keep reading in various books, articles and comments by bird behaviorists that biting is a learned behaviour from their human owners. I personally think that is a slap in the face to observed wild behaviour that is documented both in writing and even videos of late in several different parrot species. Macaws are seen fighting over a hole in a tree and sometimes one of their beaks gets ripped out. Nipping is seen in both sexual play and more so in move or I'm gonna nail you to one sitting next to them. We see parrots of different species taking toes off, beaks ripped out etc. I am just tired of seeing completely wrong information being promulgated in the web, in print and proclaimed by behaviourists as a Truth. I want our forum members to know that if their parrot beaks them hard or even draws blood, they did not learn that natural behaviour from you. The beak and body language is the only means they have of signalling their intentions and protecting themselves. Ok, now those that don't believe can blast me. :-)
  4. I agree with Caitlin, a vet visit is in order asap. They hide illness very well. Please let us know how this goes. :-)
  5. David - Your right and that though crossed my mind as well. I can only hope and pray they go collect those tail feathers during the molting seasons and NOT purchase them from the illegal trappers.
  6. This is a great video and unbiased reporting just stating the facts. I think anyone thinking about purchasing a parrot should be required to watch this video or one like it. The lady who had the Too for 19 years was was giving it up was heart breaking to me. I could not image doing that simply due to noise or plucking issues. However, I do understand people have their limits in regards this and also that sometimes circumstances change beyond our control that demand a new, good loving home be found for the loves of our life. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  7. Oh Chimaysmommy, you better set the grounds rules with that friend. ;-) My son and wife come over sometimes when we are not home and enjoy the pool and watch some movies at times. Dayo one day started to slip off my wife Kim and after he flew to recover and landed on his cage, he said, disgusted with himself "Sh!t....GODD@MNIT!!".... Needless to say, we both knew the only people that could have come from and advised to NEVER use any such language around Dayo in our home. Dayo continues to say it now, but rarely, I use opportunities like when I drop something, break something etc. to change it up to Shoot...God Dangit!! He has started to use this in place of the latter know when he slips or stumbles etc when playing.
  8. GreYt post Madmax. Looking forward to hear how your Grey responds to it. :-)
  9. Welcome Ernzzz and congratulations on the baby Grey!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. Cute video, thanks for sharing it. :-)
  11. Congratulations on finding a bab CAG and welcome!! Amazons are very challenging Parrots to maintain and the rescues full of them testify to that fact. Kudos to you for having yours all this time. :-) Greys do not have the same temperment as a zon, but they can and will bite when they feel threatened or provoked and also if they decide they just don't want to step up right now. Every parrot will bite including conures etc. Heck, they even bite each other, which I know is not what the "Experts" in books claim, but they do!! I look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  12. GreYt job Jellybeanz!!! Dave- Right on as always!! Along with the bites taken :pinch: :-)
  13. I love all those sounds they make when their happy and just singing away. He certainly has a plethora of them and many seem very similar to mine and other Greys at that age. Just wait, the list gets longer!! Thanks for posting this. :-) Karma to you!!
  14. caitb2007 wrote: I buy the Dole Fruit Bars.
  15. Carol, this is another GreYt photo story. I love it!! Karma to you! Jen - GreYt photo also!! Thanks for sharing it. Kinda makes the bedroom talk difficult though. ;-)
  16. I'm glad you all enjoyed this story. :-)
  17. He'll be fine and I am sure your parents will keep him occupied, well fed and converse with him so he will feel as welcome as possible. You never know, he may warm up to them quite a bit with them feeding and caring for him during that time. :-)
  18. Jen that is too funny!!! :-) I can not think of anything I would stop saying other than the obvious bad language. This is a great topic Accapella! Karma to you. :-)
  19. LOL!!! Thats hilarious!!!! :-)
  20. Welcome Madmax!! It sounds like your Grey has had a fairly bad set of previous owners that just didn't know how to deal with and help a Grey learn proper behaviour. It GreYt to hear he has found someone interested enough to spend the time, training and patience needed to get him to a point he is going to learn humans can and will be consistent in behaviour as well and what to expect of them. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  21. Welcome Steve and flock! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like you have a wonderful Grey and Anazon residing at your home with a good atmosphere to thrive in. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  22. I am so sorry to hear you haven't had any positive results so far. I know there is noting I can say other than, I feel for Ya.
  23. Chimay is one quick learner. I love that toy, thanks for posting the link! :-)
  24. Left for a Nutriberry, man that hard to hurt. ;-) LOL - Thanks for sharing this Carol!! :-)
  25. Congratulations on the first spoken word heard Azzie!!! :-)
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