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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, another hit out of the Ball Park Davey, you have a wonderful gift. :-)
  2. Acappella wrote: Wow!! Thats very good control that Dorian has gained. It sounds to me like he is well on his way to be the glorious flighted Grey he was meant to be. :-)
  3. Welcome Justalady and congratulations on getting your Grey this coming August! :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  4. Welcome Mark! GreYt introduction and it's wonderful to here how you researched thoroughly before making that decision. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  5. Char wrote: Now I can really relate to this statement. It is very liberating to be able to actually NOT see the poop that ran down the middle of your back. Go out in public. Get home and realize you went out like that. Then not care, because you just don't give a crap what society thinks any longer. Example: Dayo bit my nose while we were playing on Sunday and it left a good smile on one side that bled excessively. Needless to say, I go to work Monday and people that you run into are of course staring at your nose as your talking, then finally say "You have something on your nose" ... The response of "Yes, my Parrot bit me too hard while playing", gets a weird stare. But, one person actually cracked a joke, remembering the old cartoons of a person running around screaming with a Parrot hanging on to their nose. :-) I am glad I got over my very self conscious years and come to realize that what people think just doesn't matter anymore and enjoy life to the full.... :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/03 14:16
  6. Nice of Fergie, it seems like the hormones are really flowing for her right now. :-)
  7. Ah, wonderful poem Dave, thank you soooo much!! :-) I love it!!
  8. Oustanding job Dave, the hits just keep on coming. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/02 16:18
  9. Awww, lovely photo's of Ecko Caitlin, thanks for posting these. :-)
  10. Very good poem about just one of Judy's many fascinating and exhilarating facets and talents. She's definitely our own sweet little Oakley Annie. :-) I've always loved a woman with big guns and bullets. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/02 15:28
  11. These poems are wonderful Dave! :-)
  12. You have a true gift Dave, GreYt work :-) I won't volunteer any info, lest it be used against me .... I'd like a poem....... I think :unsure:
  13. It's GreYt to hear Jacko received a clean bill of health and just needs a littgle diet adjustment. Wait until the vet feels a real bite.... Thanks for the update and wonderful photo of Jacko. :-)
  14. Thanks for making your arrival here official Leora and welcome!! It's GreYt having you here! :-)
  15. What wonderful news, congratulations!!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing tons of photos and videos as you get to be there while your TAG is growing up and getting ready to come home. :-)
  16. Oh such beautiful photos of Annabella Heather. I always love viewing your photos. :-) Those photo's along with all the others you have chronicling her life would make for one awesome photo album. Thanks for sharing all these.
  17. Meliawen wrote: How do you know she is over weight when eating pellets, with out a gram scale? Cut way back on fruit in small quantities 2 to 3x maximum a week. She must have proteins, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D3 from either the pellets or direct sunlight. Being Protein and omega 3 and 6 fatty acid deficient can cause some very serious health issues in your Grey or any other bird for that matter. Out of curiosity, what type of pellets do you feed her?
  18. Wow! Very beautiful photos and I love the outdoor Aviary. :-) Thanks for posting these.
  19. I would expect a pup growing up with birds, cats etc. to be much more adjusted to and mellow with them. Yes, we only have rescues now. We have presently have had the two we have now for 4 years. One is 8 years old and the other is 6. Neither of them likes cats, other dogs or anything else that moves quickly for that matter. The Doberman we raised from a pup, liked people, cats, birds etc. He was raised very well socialized with people and other critters. He would only go into protection mode if something was wrong. You could train your Dobermans from pups to be the same. Ask all the questions you wish, I don't mind at all. :-)
  20. Christina - I have my birds out all day with the dobies. You just need to be keenly aware at all times where your birds are. You can have dobies. :-)
  21. I have had Dobermans for 15 years. The first from a pup of 6 weeks. After He died at 7 years of age, we began rescuing them and have had them since. They each have different personalities and rescues, depending on what happened in their previously life dictates how you must deal with them to get them to become a loving and dependable Doberman. I will say, that they are very sight oriented and the flapping wings excites them greatly. I had to crate them or take them in other rooms the first week we had Dayo home to ensure his safety. We spent weeks socializing the Dobermans and Dayo. They will now lay next to us calmly while Dayo is out all day long, however, when he and or our conure start flying around they become very alert and I must give them the "Stay" and "Down" command or they will try leaping to catch that moving wind generating thing flying through the air. You can NEVER trust a Doberman or other sight oriented breed around your birds. You may want to look at calmer less sight oriented dogs if you wish to get one. :-)
  22. udannefitz wrote: They learn very quickly where windows are and what they are. They will stop and hover right in front of a window once they are accomplished flyer's. Regarding wing clipping, they can still fly when frightened as Judy stated. I had a very well clipped conure fly off when startled by my dogs. It was a royal pain trying to get him out of a 70 foot tree once we finally found him several houses away. He was frightened, hungry and thirsty and of course could not fly down for rescue. He is now fully flighted. Having confidence in wing clipping is one of the biggest reasons people watch in horror as their bird flies off....
  23. Wow, what a magnificent rescue and or sanctuary for all those Greys and other Parrots. They are obviously taken very good care of and are probably enjoying life more than they ever have, barring any time they may have actually spent in the wild. Thanks for sharing the story and all the GreYt photos Judy!! :-) Wish I lived close to that part of the woods, it would be a GreYt place to frequent, helpout and support.
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