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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, GOTCHA!!!! Thanks for the morning laugh, is your head ok? ;-) :laugh:
  2. What a GreYt update on Chiki. :-) It sounds like he is doing well. I have done the same to my Greys toe once and it does make you feel very bad. If you don't see any wound or swelling and he walks about with out favoring that foot or toe he is fine. Thanks for the update and looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos of him!! :-)
  3. Welcome Debbie and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here. Those are nice photos of your flock. Thanks for sharing them. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos as time goes on. :-)
  4. Awwww, congratulations on Slater being a male and a fine looking one at that!! Wow, with the present Disneyland environment he is in, your gonna need to get going on the wonder-world you'll need to provide him. :-) Thanks for sharing this photo and update.
  5. Hello Pam and Kiki. The down and other small feathers coming out are normal for a young bird. Use the Aloe Juice full strength in a misting bottle to keep her skin supple and moist 2x a week if possible. There will be lots of pin feathers coming in and that equals irritation that the Aloe will minimize.
  6. What a GreYt update and beautiful photos Spock, but you forgot to include your Master in them and your buddies. :-) Thanks for the update and don't be so long in the next one!! :-)
  7. Oh what a beautiful Sparrow he is. Thanks for the constant updates with photos, looking forward to bath day. :-)
  8. Thanks for sharing that video of Jacko, he is very entertaining. :-) As far a training goes, you just need to decide what it is you want him to do first and then figure out how to best get him cooperate and use a favorite treat as an enticement or reward.
  9. lovethatgrey wrote: He is hanging on the left over 12 inches of chain links that hold the wine rack up. :-) There are 2 chains on each side of the rack. He places one foot into a one chain and the other foot in the other chain. He then does many amazing moves like a gymnast and gets really crazy screaming at times and flapping his wings. BIG FUN!! :-)
  10. Apollo is a wonderful name. :-) They do the hanging on and wing flapping in preparation for their first flight. They are building wing muscle, checking out those awesome wings and feeling the lift as they flap like a mad man. Standing on one foot or the other with one tucked under is normal for them, as is the beak grinding. Apollo is just happy, content and kicking back. :-) Let him preen himself, as all birds do through out the day. You should mist him 2 or 3 times a week and if he's interested, take him in the shower with you and see if he likes getting a few gentle droplets on him as you shower. It sounds like you are a GreYt parront watching every move and sound of your new baby. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/06 12:31
  11. Awwww, thanks for the photos of your baby B&G. Beautiful and Healthy looking babies there coming a long nicely. Is it a long distance for you to the breeders? They are so adorable and cuddly when young like that. I swear they remind me of a big puppy dog just loving to play and cuddle. We have had a lot of fun at our Breeders (Friends) playing with the young B&G's, Scarlets and Green Wings. You are certainly going to have your hands full, but with your situation (envy you) you have all he time in the world to spend with all your FIDs. :-)
  12. Congratulations Loukas!! It sonds like the big homecoming went very well and you did a GreYt job in making it easy for your new baby Grey. :-) Looking forward to hearing more about him and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  13. danmcq

    changing diet

    The others have given good advice on trying to convert him over to pellets. You could try only having the seed mix out for him for only 20 minutes in the morning. Then take it out and replace with veggies like carrots, broccoli, kale, mustard greens and maybe a small portion of fruit like apple, grape etc,. Also, place the pellets in there. YOu may need to try different types of pellets like the Kaytee fruit blend, spicy blend etc. YOu can also try soaking the pellets in apple juice to soften them up and make them a little more appealing at first. Those people that suggested him being put down are whacked. I guess thats a side effect of this "Throw away society" attitude we live in. It's GreYt hearing from you again GUs. :-)
  14. Awww, they are adorable at that age. I assume you will be able to visit your baby and that will make the wait a little more bearable. :-)
  15. Welcome Lauren and Taco!! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like you have a wonderful new office worker there that is helping keep you alert and going during the business hours. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. Thanks all, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I noticed watching the photobucket version that they had capped and cut my video to 5 minutes. It is actually 7 minutes long, so I uploaded it to Youtube and changed the link in this topic to the full theatrical directors cut version.
  17. Since Dayo was being so accepting of the Camera today. I just took advantage of it while we were settled in and watching a movie tonight.... Dayo whistling...err me, I'm not doing anything....:whistle: Dayo slowly starting his sneaky plot, oh look, a blanky ..... ;-) Dayo sneaking ever so gently so as not to be felt as he slides into the blanky..... :huh: Ah Ha!! He has been discovered and is being dealt with accordingly for this dastardly deed.........Lots of cuddles until he can't stand it any longer... :evil:
  18. Ok finally got Dayo not to be shy to the Camera. You can hear the Waterfall in the background, sorry I had the Patio Door open with the screen closed. Dayo whistles, dances, says many things, says numbers randomly, Ive been trying to get him to understand you can count anything (Besides colored blocks) so that's what is with the kiss(s) and then he'll say a number...doesn't quite have the correct....yet. :-) edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/06 03:36
  19. Happy Birthday Pepper, it looks like you had a wonderful day yesterday!!! It seems like just a few months ago when you joined this forum as a baby. :-)
  20. Is this Parrot flighted? If not, let it become so and see if that helps. :-)
  21. LOL Penny! You need to get a video of that one. :-)
  22. Good idea!! Maybe putting together images of items damaged, blood spurting wounds, fruit and food on walls, poop on various items etc. might get the "It's no walk in the Park" message across.
  23. Most like cool water and if theres ice cubes in it, it's party time!! :woohoo: Although it does get a bit messy when they crack the ice cubes and pieces go flying everywhere, but hey, it's just water, not sticky fruit!!
  24. Welcome Simon!! Hope your finding your way around from the help Davey gave you. Looking forward to hearing more when you get a chance. :-)
  25. The only thing you can do about this, since your aware of the problem, is to go get her immediately upon her landing. Yes, you will need to do this a 1000 times, but it is the only way to stop them from going to forbidden areas or items. Even after this behavior has slowed down, every once in a while they will test again to see if it's ok. The moment she gets there, start moving towards her and get her off. I have had to do this with Dayo on a few different locations and items. Now when he flies and lands on those spots (Rarely) , he looks to see if I'm coming and most the time (not always) he will just give up and fly away before I get there. Then say "Good Boy". :-)
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