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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Purchased a tree stand and a Table Top stand, just could not pass up such good deals.... Tree stand $135 with toys and SS cups included Table Top Stand $39 with Toy and cups
  2. Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!!
  3. danmcq


    One possible way to get him to venture on to the stand, is if you find a treat he will go to any lengths to get to. If the stand has food cups, show him his favorite treat(s) you have and let him watch you drop them in the food cup. As others have said, it may take a while for him to "Trust" that evil stand. :-)
  4. GreYt videos. I truly enjoyed watching Ecko "Get Bad" on his hanging play gym. :-) Thanks for sharing these videos, I absolutely loved them all!
  5. Thank you all for your GreYt responses and support. :-) Jake did nothing yesterday but, eat and preen, eat and preen. He ate at least 10x what he normally did. But, I guess when you've been on the verge of starvation, thats what you do to gain your strength back. He did play with his toys half heartedly and he is still a sleep this morning, which is a little later than he normally awakes around 6 and starts squawking to be let out. Of course, Dayo is already up, but covered and trying his best to get my attention with his usual verbal antics of peek a boo.. peeka boo boo boo...peeka boo peeka peeka peeka booooooo.... :-) It is good to have our family back together again. I can not describe the void left when just one of them is missing. Other than the normal sounds and livelihood of the home is just not the same. Well, I gotta get these birds uncovered, fed and fresh water, then we're off to the Birdmart for a few hours. I don't want to miss it, since it only happens 2x a year in Fresno. The cool thing, is I will be meeting other Parrot owners that were helping search for Jake and also the people that found him I believe they wish to now become Parrot owners after having Jake there for a day and a half. I could tell the wife really did not want to let Jake go. I am glad they responded to my online post. I think it is every Parrot owners fear that someone finding a parrot will either not search for the owner or just not let them know they have found your bird.... See you all later and I hope I NEVER need to post a missing bird again!!!
  6. Judy gave GreYt advice. A good Avian vet, if mites were suspected would simply scrape a little of that area and check it out under a microscope. The other possibility is, does any toy exist that has a matching hole or slot size that your grey could be putting his beak through and rubbing that portion raw? My Grey has a foraging toy, that if he gets too aggressive at getting to the tasty morsels I place in there, will leave small vertical bald spots on each side of his nares. :-)
  7. Azzie wrote: Right on! All these critters give unconditional love and they do not put on "Fake" faces like people. If you do something a critter doesn't like, they let you know immediately, you correct your action, then all is forgiven and the love continues. :-) Humans are much more work and complex to maintain a good relationship with.
  8. I feed Dayo a well rounded diet that since day one, I felt was well rounded and as close to the natural diet in the wild we can match in civilized areas away from the natural habitat. He eats nuts, seeds, veggies of all types, some fruits of different types, 15 legume mix with oat groats, flax seed, dried fruits etc all cooked up in a huge pot, cooled and then bagged up for freezing and is then fed daily portions of this as well. I always have Harrisons and zupreem pellets available to him as well, which he eats a few of each day. I feel the same way regarding processed dry pellets that are touted as the "Cure All" and only food you should strive to feed your Parrot. If pellets are the path to optimum health, why is it that they haven't tried to convert all us humans over to such a fantastic diet? Also, if you note the ingredients of say Harrison's, note that those pellets are 80 percent ground up peanuts and sunflower seeds!! Anyway, thats just my take on all the diet controversy and touting by commercial companies making these hard compressed dry morsels for all our critters from fish to animals and birds for pennies per bag and making a 1000 percent profit off each. :-)
  9. danmcq


    Oh those are both beautiful birds!! Thaks for posting these. :-)
  10. It's Jake and He's Home!@@! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got him in his Cage, he's sitting on his perch preening after he made his way up his ladder to his top perch where he always sits. He is now preening very contentedly. :-) I would say about 1 mile from our house, he walked to the front of the carrier I had him in and grabbed the front door watching the trees go by and his eyes and excitement becoming greater and great until we pulled up in the driveway and he could see the front of the house, then he started rattling the cage door. He is very tired, eating like a horse at their house while I was talking to him. Something very scary happened to him though, that only he knows what. But, something had got a hold of his tail feathers and the center portion is missing about e feathers and around 4 are shredded to varying degrees. He obviously narrowly escaped something. Also, his voice is very weak (Squawk actually) maybe he has laryngitis from screaming so much during these last 10 days. Well that's it for now, I'm (and Kim)going back over and wooing him to a peaceful sleep. :-) I want to thank you all again for your support and encouragement through all this!!! {Characters-00020078}
  11. What beautiful photos of Zero, he certainly a GreYt looking Grey with lots of attitude and confidence shown in those photos. Happy soon to come hatch day and thanks for posting these. :-)
  12. Well Jen, I don't have any real entertaining comments for you ;-) .....other than to ask if there might be a can of black shoe polish near the cage. The others have all given GreYt comments and thoughts. I follow the theory of others posts that it' just genetics with a vet visit not being require. It would be interesting to see a photo of him with the lighter beak and now as it has become darker. I will say in the many photos of TAGs I have seen, the beak varies greatly in how much of it is horn colored with some almost containing no black at all to others that only a small percentage of the beak is horn colored. Here are a couple of examples: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/05 15:49
  13. Nick, he is definitley practing words and they do start making calls and verbalizing when you leave a room and they can non longer see you. Toni, thats very cool. :-) Alcazar is getting into the excitement and fun as well as the children. :-)
  14. The others have all given good advice. The first step is a trip to see a good avian vet.
  15. Thanks for the report, it sounds like positve results. :-) Looking forward to hearing more.
  16. I have never seen this behaviour before outside of a mating dance, so maybe she's trying to attract a mate. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/05 15:15
  17. Whoops, sorry Christen I'll edit it to read Dalia.:blush: Awww, look at soaked Ecko!! :-)
  18. Cute photo of a soaked Dalia, can't wait to see the larger version. :-) Rather than a photo, here is a video we took of Dayo almost 2 years ago playing in a pie pan: edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/04 21:01
  19. Oh he is a beautiful TAG, thanks for sharing the photos and updates on him. :-)
  20. Awww, how touching Raposa. Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  21. LOL Talon, I just got off the phone with her, I couldn't stand it any longer!!!! It definitely sounds like Jake. They have him in their house in a small bird cage. He IS a peach front conure and has NO leg band, which is rather unusual. He was eating at their feeder yesterday and they went out to see that weird looking bird. He walked towards them and they just waited until he got close enough and grabbed him. :-) I could hear Jake doing his screaming in the background as I spoke with her on the phone. I must say, she was very cautious and asked many questions for me to describe specifics about him and she volunteered NOTHING, which is what a person finding a bird or critter is supposed to do to ensure they truly are speaking with the owner. I even sent her more photos and closeups of Jake to ensure she could view and compare very closely down to the couple of pin feathers on his head that have not been removed due to us not being able to handle him that close and personal. :-) I am going to drive back to Visalia tomorrow (unfortunately I'm in San Jose and can not leave until then. I will stop by on my way through fresno and ensure it is TRULY jake and if so take him home!! I can not describe how HAPPY and Encouraged I am at this time and if I could I would just walk out the door and start driving!!! So, for others who have lost parrots or ever do, make sure you post on every website you can, contact other Parrot owners and have them contact others they know. It is exponential in growth of the number of people and cities that are aware of the lost bird and if they find one they don't know, they start search the web. This lady found me through Craigs list, of all places. But, that just goes to show, place posts EVERYWHERE!! :-) God this is going to be the longest next 24 ours in my life!!!! But, I am sooooo happy!! :woohoo:
  22. danmcq

    Cant fly 2

    Thats GreYt news!! Sometimes it just takes a little "push" to get the first flight out of the way. :-)
  23. GreYt photos Natasha!! Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  24. What a GreYt story and conversation with Ziva!! Thanks for posting it. You know Ziva was just trying to help you through your splitting headache.
  25. Thank you all again for your thoughts and Prayers. GreYt News, when I checked my email this morning, a lady in Fresno says she found a bird at her feeder yesterday and she thinks it may be Jake!!!! That is 45 miles north of us and a truly long distance, but as I described in an earlier post, a hell of a Thunderstorm rolled through our area last Thursday night at 8 pm with winds up to 60 miles an hour. Also, considering he as been gone 14 days, I guess that distance is not so surprising since he is obviously lost and heading in the wrong direction. I replied to her email and she did include her phone number, but I am hesitant to call her at 630 am, so I call her around 9. I also sent her a close up photo of Jake to help in identifying him. Oh I sooooooo hope it is Jake!!!! The next hour and a half is going to be sooooooo Looooooooong before I call.
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