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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Pat gave GreYt advice. Your Grey is starting to mature a little and deciding watching mom and dad eat is no longer the greatest attraction in her life. It sounds like that sliding glass door has opened up a new and exciting world for her to watch. :-)
  2. Congratulations Pat, it sounds like the 3 of you are going to have some GreYt adventures together. :-)
  3. Beautiful photos of a soaked Adaya. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  4. The scratching is normal and especially prevalent when they are young. The ceramic food container you have pictured would surely stop the scratching. Just try it and see how Adaya eats food from it.
  5. Thats GreYt news Casper!! They the minty breath, atleast you'll be able to smell them coming.
  6. These are GreYt!! Thanks for posting conversations so quickly. It looks like this will be a very entertaining and informative thread for us all. :-) And to think, most people think they just "mimic". ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/08 15:25
  7. Oh congratulations dawn, that is wonderful news!! :-) He is really coming around very rapidly. You are very fortunate to have rescued such a well socialized and loving Grey. :-) Of course, He is very fortunate for having you there to rescue him when he needed a home.
  8. Congratulations on getting Chikki!!! Love that photo, thanks for sharing it. :-)
  9. Welcome annacorrea!! It's GreYt having you here. Congratulations on getting your Grey. In regards the biting more often and harder, it could be that your Grey is starting to show a preference for your husband and thus starting to limit the more personal interaction with you on a touching basis. You are doing the right thing by saying a firm NO and placing him back in his cage for a time out as you walk out of the room and let him think about his actions for a 10 minute break or so. You need to start paying close attention to his body language. Watch for his eyes pinning, neck feathers ruffling and perhaps leaning down and forward. Those are signs that they are giving you that indicate what your doing is not being well received. It's better to learn body language and keep the bite from happening, which you will be able to do for the most part once you get his peculiar body language figured out. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. I think it might be interesting to hear others conversations with their Greys. We all know how intelligent they are, so let's hear your conversations. I work out of town all week and call my wife every night. At some point towards the end of our conversation, she always puts it on speaker phone so I can speak with Dayo. Dayos conversation last night: Dayo - "Whistle" Me - this means the Andy Griffith song, so I whistle it. Dayo - "You like that?" Me - "Yes, I like that" Dayo - "Ok" Me - "I'm coming home tomorrow" Dayo - "Be Careful!" Me - "Ok, good bye Dayo". Dayo - "I love You" Me - "I love you too". End of conversation and I say good bye to my wife. Now, lets hear all the others conversations with their Greys.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/08 14:55
  11. GreYt looking birdy Boesman is! Thanks for sharing the photos...... I kept scrolling down real fast to see if they would play like a movie. ;-)
  12. Tennis? I thought he was a Grey Clock. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  13. Wow, Grey Update and news on Clyde. It sounds like he is settled right in with you and very trusting along with friendly to strangers. Thanks for this update. :-)
  14. Christina gave excellent advice. I had the same issue with Dayo when getting the harness off the first several times. A peanut or two kept him busy shredding while I quickly removed the harness. :-)
  15. Congratulations Jason!! The first word spoken is always a thrilling and happy ordeal!! :-)
  16. They will not over eat and yes food intake goes up. The looser stools could just indicate they are eating a lot of watery fruit or veggies along with solid foods.
  17. danmcq


    They sleep with their head turned backwards naturally. The others are all indicators of a sick bird.
  18. Baby powder works great, so does cinnamon, but I left cinnamon off the list because I'm selfish and like it for myself. Both smell good too, to thats a plus along with the good riddance to ants. :-)
  19. Whistling to get you to let them out is a very normal thing for a grey to do along with pacing back and forth and climbing around their cage. if nikko wants out that bad to be with you, by all means let him out. He sounds like a wonderful Grey. :-)
  20. Awwww, very sweet. :-) Thanks for sharing that first moment with us Char!
  21. Raw beef or any other meat is not safe for them due to the possibility of very nasty bacteria residing in or on them such as e-coli or salmonella. They do love cooked chicken, chicken bones for the marrow, cooked beef etc and yes of course they eat bugs in the wild. :-)
  22. Yep, your over analysing. :-) Maybe the head rub helps her with the act of going pop. ;-) After she goes, get real excited and tell her what a good girl she is etc. They love praise and can tell by you voice and facial expression. That poop moment sounds very touching.
  23. Jinxs X Natasha, my thoughts exactly. The Parrot speaks German, Guten Tag!! That firm beak you receive when requesting a step up, is a "No thanks, I'm good" done in a Parrots best polite skills. He does not mean you any harm, as you thought, but is simply communicationg in parrot beak language with you. Does he say "Nein"? Meaning No. It sounds like you two are getting on very well for such a short time and it's GreYt to see you are paying such detailed attention to his body language. :-) Your doing a great job.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/07 15:32
  24. There are some "Bird Safe" and of course people and animal safe home remedies that work. Here's some Ant deterrent tips: Here's some things you may want to try before reaching for that can of insecticide, depending on the application: - Ants hate vinegar; so spray it around doorways and other areas they frequent to repel them. A small container of vinegar mixed with honey placed in affected areas appears to do the trick too. - Baby powder will stop them dead in their tracks. It dries them up, like diatomaceous earth. - Baking soda can deter ants - pour a solid line in areas of activity and they won't cross it. - A ring of coffee grounds around entry ways, critter food bowls, sensitive plants etc. can discourage ants. - Planting mint around vegetable patches, flower beds and around the house - Quite a few people have found cinnamon sprinkled across ant scent trails to be very effective - Citrus oil is a good deterrent; it can soaked into a piece of string and place around scent trails. - Use a piece of chalk to draw a line over trails - again, the ants won't cross it. Chalk also has the advantage of being able to be used on vertical surfaces
  25. LOL - Get that mean old monkey rexxy!! :-) Thanks for sharing this video.
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