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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome missmybuttons!! It's GreYt having you and your flock here. From the sounds of your experience and the Greys previous home environment as breeders, your setup pretty well. Looking forward to how this progresses and also maybe a link to the nest box cam's you have if they are web or ip capable. :-)
  2. What a BIG boy Dorian is, Congratulations on making the transition so easy for him. GreYt job!! :-)
  3. Awww, thats wonderful news. Thakns for updating us all. :-) I thought earthquakes were rather rare there. Being here in california, it's just another event, like weather that comes and goes. :-)
  4. Oh what wonderful photos, they are beautiful!! They grow so fast from week to week it is almost unbelievable. Thanks for posting this update Carol. :-)
  5. Tom is spot on with the GreYt advice given. If yo u open the cage door, how does Harley react and if you place your hand/arm in SLOWLY, how does he react? Based on the reaction, you can determine if he is ready for a step-up.
  6. He may be very frightened and probably flapped around. It is a good idea to have your hubby check to make sure he is ok and no blood feathers have been broken and bleeding. He will be "Ok", but perhaps a little distant for a day or two depending on how he reacted to it. Please update us on how this all sorts out. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/28 14:52
  7. Awww, baby grey photos are always so touching. I love the zoom and clarity of these photos. You can even see the new pin feathers on him/her, absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  8. Welcome Kathy and Ziggy. It's nice having you here and thanks for the wonderful introduction you wrote. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. Welcome pughster25!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Your baby sounds like it's coming along quite well under your loving care. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  10. Dave is spot on. It takes a few times before they will let you get them completely harnessed up and then they may not want it on for more than a minute. Every bird is different and some may readily accept it when very young. Make sure you practice putting it on many times using another persons hand for example so you get get it down precisely and quickly, although it is a little different trying to get them to let you pick their wings up. The wing pick up should be practiced with your bird before you add the harness to the mix which just makes the situation worse by too many unfamiliar things happening at once. If you have the DVD that came with the aviator harness for example, You should watch it a few times and follow the excellent instructions given. My Grey did a few somersaults the first few times I placed it completely on him and I Must say, getting it off with him upset was much more of a challenge than getting it off. I finally just gave him a peanut each time to crunch the heck out of while I quickly removed the harness. It takes time and patience, but the most important thing is to NEVER make it a bad experience, if you do, you can forget getting the harness on them. Do not towel them, it just makes the experience that much more stressful to them. :-)
  11. Hahahahahahahaha, your kidding right? :-) In all seriousness, it's hard to convince a person or bird they should go to their room. The only way I can get my Grey back in his cage if he does not want to, is to either demand a step-up and take a bad bite or two or "Fake him out" using a game where I open one of the side doors, leave the front door open, stick my hand and arm in and ring a large bell on one of his favorite toys. He tries to get to my hand to bite the crap out of it for invading his private collection, before I can remove my arm and hand. :ohmy: However, after a while of doing this he has caught on and now just flies to the top of his cage, climbs down at mach 3 speed and sometimes nails me before I can get my arm and hand out. :pinch: So, I have now discontinued this method and just take the bites when I MUST put him back. In the evenings when he is calm, relaxed and tired, he perfectly willing to step-up and just carry and place him back in his Cage as he gives me a kiss and says "Good Night, I love you". :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/27 16:18
  12. LOL, what a hilarious Topic!!! Thanks for posting it and the morning laughs Dave!! :-) I just can't believe all these people responding thought you were joking about that being Parrot abuse. Their responses truly made me belly laugh..... ;-)
  13. It could be one of two possible situations Pat. 1) Tyco wanted to continue interacting with your full attention or 2) Tyco wanted Adaya to stay. Either way, you definitely took the right action to let Tyco know that behaviour, whichever it was, is not going to fly with you. :-)
  14. danmcq


    kilang wrote: Give it up!!! It is Illegal!!! No bird loving or honest person will help you. Please place an Ad in high crime areas like Chicago, new york etc. for "Professional criminal wanted" to illegally export bird eggs to India. If you truly have the money to purchase these Egg's to help the poor children in India, Spend it on them and help them!! Otherwise, just get the hell off this Forum!!!:angry: :angry: :angry:
  15. Welcome Ther!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. Welcome Dana, Rhett and AppleJax!! It's GreYt having you here. Those are two beautiful Parrots you have there, regardless of the unfortunate feather plucking Rhett has began since the move. Hopefully this will be a temporary episode since he has no previous history of plucking. The Move must have really stressed him out. Looking forward to hearing more from you and thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  17. Thats a huge step forward for Dorian. I do hope that you are successful in letting his wings grow out so he can have the mode of transportation he was designed to use, flight. He loves you so much. That was a very valiant effort on his part to to get to you. :-) Thanks for sharing this story.
  18. danmcq


    Kilang - What you are asking for is illegal, both in your country and ours. Nothing good is ever done for the "Good of the People" by someone wanting to perfom illegal actions and finding other unscrupulous criminals to assist them. If you truly want to help the needy..... feed, cloth and give them the basics of life they need.
  19. Very cute photo. Thanks for sharing it Pat. :-)
  20. Interesting concept, but at almost 4 bucks a pop, I'll stick with the newspaper liner on the bottom. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  21. Thats a perfect style cage for a Grey. Hopefully you and your Grey will find it a much better habitat until you get you new one later.
  22. Nice looking perching area you made. It looks like Emma will have lots of fun on it. :-)
  23. It's good to hear the first unsupervised close encounter went well between the two. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  24. The water bottles do work well. In regards throwing food about, thats what a parrot does. :-) My dogs pick up any food that hits outside the cage. The rest falls through the grate on the bottom.
  25. Welcome Mark and Bogie!! Were you involved in Bogies life before inheriting him? Did your uncle let him out of the cage and interact with him much? The answers to these questions will determine how long it may take to get him used to having freedom and socialization with humans at a very close and personal level. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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