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Everything posted by judygram

  1. That pied pearl is just like the one that landed in my wood shed and I took in, haven't found its owner yet but it is a beautiful bird.
  2. Not if you want the conure to stay alive. You cannot put another bird in your grey's cage, it has to have a separate cage no matter what the other bird is even if it is another grey. Outside the cage they might get along and might not, I have a grey and a sun conure and they do not like each other but they coexist as long as I keep them a safe distance from one another.
  3. Nah, not enough meat on it to be worth the trouble, just kidding everyone, this bird will end up with a good home even if I never find the owners but it still remains to be seen if it is in my home.
  4. Omg, if I name it then it will mean I will want to keep it but no I haven't found the owner yet but it has taken a liking to my hubby since it calls more for him when he leaves the room than it does for me, still holding hope that the owner will be found for it is a beautiful tiel.
  5. Murphy is definitely practicing as they do this a lot before they finally get it down pat and then it comes out more clearly, practice makes perfect and then it will be rolling off his tongue and you will be amazed at how it sounds so much like the person that said it.
  6. Sylvia is adorable and I look forward to seeing more of her in the coming weeks as she settles into her new home.
  7. judygram


    Tanya you knew you couldn't keep both of them in the first place but I know it is hard when you handfed it every day and loved on it but do keep an eye on her and make sure she takes proper care of Cricket and its not like you will never see her again, besides how would you have handled two flying greys at the same time, one is a handfull.
  8. It sounds to me like you better find a vet and quickly, not as active, being lethargic, sleeping a lot and not eating is sure signs he may be ill, we are not vets here and can't diagnose your bird but I would take him in as soon as possible.
  9. Cocoa is so lucky to get to go on all kinds of excursions, she gets to visit pretty places and experiences many new to her things, thanks for sharing the pictures with us, beautiful country you have.
  10. So glad to her that Charlie is settling back into his home and routine after his adventure, thanks for updating us on him.
  11. If I could wish upon a star It would be for a brand new car To take me here, there and afar Maybe even down to the bar Hope I don’t get into some tar But then that would probably be par For my luck is all but bizarre Wish it would come in a jar From a long awaited bazaar Har, har, har, har, har har!!
  12. That Tobie, what a ham he is, I love how he says "its suppertime" "I love you" and my favorite "Tobie has a little red butt" I tried to get Josey to say Josey has a little red butt but she continually leaves out the red part, thanks for sharing your little entertainer with us Jan.
  13. When you recheck yourself in the mirror before you go out because you want to make sure there is no bird droppings running down your back, eww!
  14. judygram


    I knew it wouldn't take Jackson long to start flying and Cricket will soon too, remember she is a little younger than Jackson, wow you will have your hands full from now on with Jackson doing aerial manuevers, more pictures please Tanya.
  15. Hello Cheyenness and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new Tag baby. You baby grey is so adorable, they are so lovable at this age and I would just like to grab it up and squeeze it. No I would not attempt to handfeed a baby grey myself but you have experience so you should do fine and I look forward to seeing more as the baby grows for they do so quickly.
  16. Hello Rick and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jack, wow we have several new Jacks. Its not uncommon for a grey to pick a favorite person and that person is the one who can handle it without any problem and my Josey is the same way, she will give my hubby kisses but that is about the extent of her interaction with him. Some greys prefer one type of toy over another and you will just have yo observe Jack to see what type he prefers but do look around the toys and playstands room for lots of ideas to make toys from common items found around the house and other suggestions. We all know how expensive toys are to buy ready made and be sure to browse the baby aisle for items suitable for greys to play with. I found out that the vacuum cleaner makes some birds want to bathe but it doesn't bother my grey but it does my conure, she will jump right in her water bowl and get herself wet. I like the idea of a big bowl like some type of ceramic or heavy stonewear that you can find in the dog section of the pet store, they are big enough for a grey to get in and won't tip over. Sorry to say but some greys are classified as closet talkers, they won't talk in front of anyone and there is not much you can do to make him talk in your presence, maybe as he gets older he will relax that some but don't count on it. Thanks for sharing the pictures of Jack, he is a handsome fella.
  17. Hello Vabr and welcome to our family, you have quite a flock going there and they must keep you on your toes cleaning, feeding and interacting with them but what enjoyment it it. I can imagine it does get very noisy, quakers are notorious for being vocal and when they all chime in it must be some kind of music. You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions you may have, you said you have some, and we will do our best to find you some answers as we have many knowledgeble members here. We love to look at pictures here so if you have some of Jack you would share with us and we have an other birds room where you can share some of the other fids you have.
  18. By all means, have a big one for it might be awhile, hard to get the ole brain working.
  19. Thats wonderful news and a lovely parrot.
  20. Just give me a little time, just got home from work, drained at the moment getting ready to start the second shift.
  21. Wow she is a poet and didn't know it, thats good Jules, real good and Janet yours isn't half bad either.
  22. Happy Hatchday Tobie, hope you had a wonderful day.
  23. You are so fortunate to have such beautiful birds together at one spot to admire, thanks for sharing them with us.
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