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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    first trick

    Very cute! What a smarty you have there.
  2. She is beautiful Jay! Just like Ni Ah, has to give a little bite every time you put her down just to let you know, she can! Her wings are gorgeous like Nilah's too!
  3. Thanks Jay. I read somewhere else to try and not allow it. You are right, amazons are the most forgiving bird ever.
  4. Okay Doug, I don't know where to start! Your pics are beautiful ! But Ellie is stunningly gorgeous!!! I have a tag, and I find them so dainty and beautiful, Ellie reminds me of Taln, just a younger version. I LOVE how you added the branch to the top of her cage, can I ask what kind of wood you used? I would like to start adding outside branches, but am afraid of bringing in something toxic or diseased. Do you tie them with sissel rope? Again, she is absolutely beautiful!
  5. Yes, I agree with Doug, anything that is harmful to us is deadly to our birds.
  6. I agree, a vet visit is in order. Birds hide their illness until it is too late. I am wondering tho, does she have a light on that side of her cage? I have had experience with a few birds having those same effects from a light being to close to one side of the cage, they become sun burned from it. The light should be on TOP of the cage shining down.
  7. Nice toknow, I live a little over 2 hours away, but am wondering, sounds like lots of birds, but what is their toy inventory like? Id like to make the trip, but only looking for toys etc. I have 5 so, no more birds!!
  8. Very pretty. Talon had some red factor, but after she molted, it never came back.
  9. No truer rods were spoken! Than Lou for stating what I and I am sure others feel. You last sentence is a mantra that ALL bird owners should live by on a daily basis. To parront a bird is to live by their needs!
  10. Yes, Judy is orrect. I am not a believer in sharing cages for many reasons other than safety.Their cage should be their own place to be. Just like we have our own space or bedroom. Isn't it enough that they have to share you, your attention, your food, your house" etc.? I have 3 parrots and they love having their own cage where they can relax and not be on alert for the others. They are all in the same room, but feel safe when they want to get away, and all birds do.
  11. Yay! I believe we here at Greyforums are WAY more excited than you are! Why don't you pick it up a notch or two..... Can't wait to follow this new adventure. Just remember your life is never going to be the same every again, it will be better than better!!!!
  12. Judygram will be here shortly to give you the best advice ever!! Her house if filled with her husbands trophies.....so I will leave it to the expert!!
  13. Hi Jay, should I discourage her behavior when she does this, allow it but with no petting.. I don't want to encourage it, but I don't want to be mean either.....we are quite bonded so I don't want her to be mad at Meir unnecessary.....know what I mean?
  14. That was great! It always amazes me that my amazon has such recongnitioof another amazon no matter what they are saying or singing. She always freezes and listens so intently and won't move until she is convinced it is over. Soooo smart!!
  15. I don't read that anyone is being insulting here, and even if they were, do we really care MORE about the feelings of someone over a helpless bird?? Isn't our biggest concern the feeling and health of a creature that has no say in its life??? I am with many others, I feel it is cruel and this bird WILL suffer, both in health, and interaction, as someone stated cleaning a plexiglass cage will be next to impossible to keep up on. The bacteria that will accumulate on the splatters that happen when they go poop in an enclosed area is harmful....and it can't be healthy in a closed environment. Why not just stuff the bird and put it on the mantel???
  16. Talon

    Peanut Butter

    Jay and Doug, thank you for this discussion. I never even thought about the walnuts or the pistachios in the shell. I think I will make the switch.....no chance of mold in the pistachios in a shell?
  17. Talon

    Peanut Butter

    I always wondered that myself. I Do allow Nilah to have one or two every other day or so. There are some pretty I depth threads about this, I will see if I can resurrect them to continue our discussion. I DO know there have been a few members here that have had fatal peanut related health issues from feeding them peanuts.....I'm on a hunt.
  18. Talon

    Peanut Butter

    Doug, I was always under the impression it DOES apply to peanuts in the shell. Those that chose to feed them use human grade. Lucky for me, my greys ont like them, but my amazon, that's a whole other story, they are her favorite!
  19. So happy to see you back in this room! I look forward to your contributions!
  20. One of my favorite loving gestures Nilah does: When my cat crawls up onto my lap or chest as I'm on the couch watching tv, Nilah who is usually perched on knee, sees me patting the cat, and she runs over up my arm and puts her head against my face and rubs my face with her head for cuddles. She is very jealous, and if I don't pat her instead of the cat, she chases my cat away. :rolleyes: I would love to hear others stories of their amazons. My greys aren't as jealous, only Rikki, but she just keeps taking my hand away with her beak and putting her head down and saying coo!
  21. Ray, yes I too thought she was a bit young for this behaviour, that's why I posted this....wondering why she is doing this so young.
  22. Thanks Ray, how old is Cricket? I thought I had a few years before I had to deal with this. It is nothing like my 7 year old greys at all. They don't exhibit this behavior in such a way at all, their behaviour is very mild.
  23. Question to anyone who has info or experience with a female amazon. Nilah is 3 years old, and yes it is spring time, but the past couple of weeks, she has started a new behaviour, and lately it has been most times when I sit on the couch at anytime of the day or evening and watch tv or play on my iPad. She curls up against me anywhere she can find, squats, opens her wings and starts cooing like a duck.....YES, I know what this behaviour means, I do all I can to discourage it, I move her, I gently say no to her, I try distracting her, but she continues to crawl anywhere on me she can find. I am trying very hard to discourage this behavior, not encourage it, so many times I have to get up and go do something else as she won't stop. I NEVER pet her at these times, nor does it start because I am petting her. Any suggestions to curb this? Or do I just have to wait it out. She's only threeeeee.........
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