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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Oooohhhhh mmmmyyyyyyyyy! And here I thought it was my extravagant lifestyle! Lol! Thanks for putting it all in perspective. I have 3 wow, now I know why we never have $$ to take a vacation!
  2. Talon

    I found him

    Hard to read your adventure, poor wild caughts, my heart breaks for them. But congrats on your new addition! I'm happy for you.
  3. Actually, it is their plate for breakfast, I get to sneak a few pieces when they aren't looking...
  4. Talon


    Thank everyone. Rikki doesn't do it too often, but Talon does. I always wondered if it was normal...
  5. I bought it from a place in Canada, I will post the link if you want. Very reasonably priced and all handmade.
  6. I had to put empty cardboard boxes on TOP of my kitchen cabinets to keep my birds from chewing the tops of my cupboards. There are about 5 right now. They spend lots of time renovating them......every once and a while. I throw it away when there is not much left and replace it. That keeps them busy starting all over again. I know it isn't necessarily a good thing as it encourages egg laying...but for now, I am risking it.
  7. Nilah's new toy! She LOVES it!! Well...it was supposed to be for Talon, but Nilah didn't give her a chance to try it out yet...
  8. Talon

    Peanut Butter

    Just wanted to share how Talon prefers her peanut butter...
  9. Talon


    Does anyone else here with a timneh have wings that do this? This seems to be her preferred position....she can hold them tucked in like Rikki does( normal) but she tends to prefer them this way. She is an excellent flier, better than my others bigger birds. Sorry about the blurriness, but these were taken with my cell phone and she kept moving every time I took a picture.
  10. Here is a perfect example of how Nilah feels about food. It's all hers!!!! When we have chicken & gravy,sShe stands in the gravy and eats, or stands in the spaghetti and sauce...!!! It's always on MY plate!!!!!!!
  11. Welcome! I too am glad you have waited to bring your baby home. You are one smart parront already! Keep us posted.
  12. Oh how adorable!!!! thank you for sharing for those of us who never get to see that beautiful start of life!
  13. Hello and welcome our greyt family! Look forward to hearing more! Love your pic!
  14. Nice to have you back! Please share soe more stories, love reading them!
  15. I don't know what that 'honking' is. I have never heard that sound before from any of my birds. Nilah has even yelling more, but she only speaks my language, have yet to hear et make any amazon sounds.
  16. Yes, I love hearing about Kiki. There is nothing like an amazon. They have no fear of anything, toys, food, new people, new surroundings, etc. the only thing I have found that scares my amazon is the hose for my central vac. Can't wait to hear more about Kiki. Love to share amazon stories!!!! How bout a pic??? Please...?
  17. Oh boy, I can't wait.....sitting back in my chair and getting some popcorn....let's begin! I got Nilah when she was 6 months old, she was an adorable well behaved angel who adored everyone. Now she is 3, and believes the world revolves completely around her and we are here to serve her.
  18. Yes Doug, Talon will only go in the box if it is on the counter in the kitchen. Won't touch it near here cage or even in it...
  19. that adorable! My Talon LOVES cereal boxes. She can spend hours in them!!
  20. Talon

    Let GO!!!!

    Oh my! I know how painful that can be, and frightening. If she bites your lip and doesnt let go, you have to do whatever you can to get her to let go. I would take my other hand and use my fingers to try and force her beak open until she released my lip. Other body parts, I have good luck with lightly blowing on her face, she will let go to shake her head from the breeze. After one bite like you had, I would keep my face away from hers. One bite and you could end up at the doctors getting stictches. I have 3 parrots, one is not allowed close enough to my face as she is unpredictable and startles easily. I know she is an occasional biter when frightened, so I never allow her near my face. She can sit on my shoulder, but I keep my face turned away just n case.
  21. When Nilah did that, I would head her off with a HI Bird! Or every time I walked by her cage, she eventually picked it up and now yells it at me the second she hears the door open or hears my voice.
  22. Sarah, I like the way the top opens and the corn on it. Pretty cool!
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