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Everything posted by Talon

  1. THAT is exactly why...the prep. ANd I really dont think in my case it would be necessary considering my state of alkalinity. It's being too acidic that causes such problems, cancer, etc.
  2. So glad you are back and all is well. But that's the one test I won't have done. No way! I drink high alkaline water from the machine that the DR. who invented the colonoscopy, who gives all his patients and he himself drinks this water evey day. His results and photos of his patients have the cleanest colon ever seen.
  3. Yay! Can't wait to hear all about it! How exciting!!!!
  4. That's very funny! Talon knows when she is doing something she's not supposed to...when she does the behaviour, i will say to her, "talon, what are you doing?" she then looks at us and has a body movement she does that is DEFINATELY her version of f#*% you! She turns her head to the side, and puts her wings and and pumps her body a couple of times. It happens all the time at those moments. Another story, whenever Rikki is doing something wrong, Talon is the first to tattle on her, talon yells loudly, "RIKKI! STOP THAT! NO!" then I know to go look and see what Rikki is up to. That happens daily... Both Rikki and Talon yell at Nilah as well. When Nilah does something wrong, she start humming ....so whenever we here her humming, we get up and see what trouble she's up to. It's the only time she hums. Needless to say, we don't sit much in my house, we jump up and down checking on one of them always!
  5. I would have highly recommended an Amazon, but If you get annoyed by your grey making garage door sounds. No way would you tolerate an amazon. They talk a lot more, are loud and require more attention and babysitting than a grey. You should probably get a quiet bird......I have 2 greys, 2 parakeets, and an amazon. I LOVE the noise! But it's not for everyone, I have to hide in the garage or bathroom to talk on the phone at times...
  6. I keep asking...how messy are they to use? Does it get the floor wet, etc, is there much of a wet mess to clean up after?
  7. I have never seen anything better ever written. I think this should be my new motto!!
  8. Pria, Parrots can sense your moods, your anxiety, your frustration, your anger, your happiness, your good moods etc. They will react to it even before you realize your not happy. If I am upset, or angry, my birds entire behavior and moods change. You have to remain patient, loving and calm. 8 weeks is way too early to expect any behavior changes. Your bird's still doesn't know where it is, and that this is a forever home. She will test you and try everything she can to see what and how you will react to. Its going to take alot of time of trust and bonding until she will relax and you will see a change. My grey I adopted as her 4th and final home took months and months to relax and begin to understand so that we could read each other with full trust.
  9. Lovely pictures, Thanks for sharing them. She's is adorable!
  10. That is just beautiful! Your birds are so lucky!
  11. Talon

    Bug Spray?

    Best to try and keep them out of your home. Not a good thing if your bird gets bit.
  12. Guys lighten up here.....if you would like to start a new thread about vinegar, then go for it. But egos and tempers need to remain out of here. I'm sure you understand. Thank you!
  13. Yes, I have had to give medicine by syringe a few times to Talon. No question, it is difficult.
  14. Doug, that is a riot! It happens a lot to me, especially here. Members must think I'm an airhead cause I can't seem to get the words right. I have nerve damage in the ends of 8 of my fingers, thus touch screens are difficult for me to use as i have cant feel the touch. but sometimes my iPad has a mind of its own!
  15. DAMN iPad!!! Hate that spell changer.... Glad you had a good laugh! Lol
  16. They only regurgitate a few times in a row and it doesn't dribble out of their beaks like drool. He is acting strange, my advice is a vet ASAP.
  17. There is lots of controversy on the safety of micro chipping. Many pets develop tumors around the area of the micro chip over years and years. There is such a small risk of them being found so you can check them for a chip. I have one dog micro chipped, but after researching and talking to many few, I decided against mice chipping any of my other animals. I have also been told its extremely painful for the pet during and after while they are healing. But I am one of those who don't believe in putting foreign objects in ones body, although my ears are pierced and I have tattoos. but that was a lifetime ago. Micro chipping is like wing clipping, it will always be debated and owners are on 2 different sides of the fence. It has to be Decision that YOU are content with.
  18. Fun Weekends?? I had most of the week off, and I am exhausted!! Spent 2 days washing all the windows inside and out, washed all the curtains, then spent the last 3 days weeding, cleaning up the yard from winter, mowing and putting bark mulch down..I need to go back to work so I can rest!! What happened to a resting vacation?
  19. Thank you, that's a great teaching tool for those of us gals that don't have a man who can build one for us, nice to know how to do it!
  20. Talon

    Deep Fryer

    I am probably one of the healthiest eaters on this forum. I haven't had a deep fryer in over 30 years, nor do I eat deep fried food when I go out. But I wanted to make corn fritters to have at our Easter dinner, not something you can purchase, thus my purchase of a deep fryer, haven't used it since other than my daughter made her and her boyfriend French fries and fried dough twice.
  21. Doug, you may never find her even if she clipped. The stories of lost "clipped" birds are endless......I was doing a lot of volunteering several months ago in trying to locate the owner of a found grey. The countless stories I heard as I contacted owners of lost greys were heart breaking, most of them were clipped birds.......food for thought, it is not always the safest way to keep a parrot......my 3 were clipped in the beginning, (not my choice), and as I let their wings grow out, they became entirely different birds.....
  22. Wow! That is beautiful. You made it out of a dog kennel? Send your hubby my way, my 3 lbirds would love it!
  23. Talon

    Deep Fryer

    I look high and low for a stainless steel rice cooker, now that took some research....but I found one and use it all the time.
  24. Talon

    Deep Fryer

    There is no teflon liner from what I see...I checked thoroughly. Also this deep fryer does not go above 325 degrees.
  25. Oh my that's terrible! you are in my prayers. Dan, I am so sorry to hear about your son. Hope all is ok now and no one got hurt.
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