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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Awww. that is adorable!! Thanks for sharing. You put a big smile on my face!!
  2. Well, it seems you learn something new every day...never realized this...this MIGHT just save what is left of the woodwork in my house thanks to Rikki & Nilah!! THANK YOU!!!
  3. Could it be that it is just swollen due to the impact...kind of like our finger swells if we hit it too hard or something like that? Its not bleeding, and seems fine otherwise. Guess I would just watch and see if anything changes.
  4. Thank you Jay and Thank you Kim for the link you,posted as a GREAT reminder. This thread I started was not to prove WHO is right or WHO is wrong. It was only meant as a reminder that is is NEVER OKAY FOR HUMANS TO KISS OR SHARE OUR MOUTHS, ETC. WITH OUR BIRDS! So as Nilah would yell.....l..l.lENOUGH!
  5. That's exciting! You can be the first to show off in the new Caique room coming soon!
  6. Talon

    Sub Room List

    Sorry ray, but there was a forum glitch and your cockatiel thread was accidently erased. Please hang on, and I will be restarting those sub rooms this weekend..... sorry
  7. Nancy, I believe it what is positive bacteria on us is NEGATIVE to our birds. I hope Dave or Dan or Jay or Ray comes on soon to set me and you straight on this.
  8. ???????.....???????????........boy do I feel stupid.........
  9. There has been some conflicting info posted in another thread. I am hoping to clarify it here. Please Note: no one here is a vet, this is information I was told by my vet and have researched. PLEASE DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR VET FOR FURTHER CLASSIFICATION. It is my understanding that Human Mouths have bacteria that although it may be a Positive Bacteria for Us, It is a Negative Bacteria for our birds. Birds that are allowed to eat off our forks, out of our glasses, take food from our mouths, or kissed by our mouths on their beaks are highly susceptible to Bad Bacteria for them resulting in sickness and even death. It is NEVER a good idea for any reason, including the risk of a bite to kiss our birds on their beaks. Please read this link: http://www.cockatiels.org/ownersandenthusiasts/avian-bacterial-disease.htm In my house, I kiss my birds lightly on the top of their heads if they are in the right mood and I see by all indications from their body language that it is okay. They will allow my Hand to lightly bend their head down for a kiss on top. I always keep my hand lightly guiding their head so I can't be caught off guard for a sucker punch. Another thing I do for kisses is ask for a kiss if again they are on the right frame of mind for it and I pretend to kiss their beak with my finger and make a kissing sound. This works for my flock and is safe for all of us. I expect Dave our Health Room moderator to chime in here and set us straight with more facts. So keep reading and watching........to be continued....................
  10. As was suggested, we will be adding a Sub Room for different species in our Other Birds Room. Please feel free to list all suggestions, I dont want to miss one. I will take the thread that Ray worked so hard on and use that as my guide, so if I miss any, please let me know. Thank you, and Thank you Ray for all you have done on this. It wasn't easy to do, but you were successful! And I love it!
  11. Ray, I will need your help perhaps when putting together the sub rooms.
  12. Talon


    Would love to see a video of him being so happy!
  13. Congrats! merlin is beautiful!!! I don't know much about them, but soon we will have a Senegal sub room in our Other Birds Room and you can teach me!
  14. Just to add.....have you ever touched that the second day is when the bite is at its most painful? And a bite from my grey Rikki always results in an infection.......not my other two tho
  15. Acappella is correct, I have had some terrifying moments with the boing rope toys, they are under my watch all the time, I cut the frayed rope away and replace them as needed. Talon once got here foot stuck and we went thru that horrible screaming and a few bites trying to flee her....never again tho!
  16. Yes it is safe. There is a thread here that I started about a deep fryer that is made with the same materials, and we find it to be safe.
  17. Those moments are wonderful!
  18. Yes, as Dan says, why not just use your daytime cage with a nightlight and cover it partially until he understands the routine ad is more comfortable. He has only been with you for 6 weeks, hardy enough tie to settle in and be comfortable. Don't AR too many changes in the beginning by trying different things. I gave 3 parrots, 2 of them sleep downstairs in their cages covered, and one sleeps upstairs in my room in a large sleep cage. She also has a daytime play cage downstairs. My upstairs one does have night terrors, always have, so she has a nightlight and a soft towel on the bottom of her cage for the times when she has them.
  19. Wow, poor you. I can say with 2 greys, I can feel your pain! We have all at one time or another experienced a similar episode, and it can be a shock at how painful it is. You can't get mad at them, as they are only using their instincts in a scary situation, they don't realize it is YOU they are biting.......
  20. Congrats! Can't wait for pics!
  21. Talon


    GRRR..................JUDY!!!! I think Nilah would bully it...
  22. Talon


  23. Nancy, step back and take a deep breath. I have been watching you and reading all you post. You have been on Jays case for quite some time. Please stop trying to have the last word. You have YOUR opinions and we have ours. You need to learn to respect others even though you don't agree. I have seen ENOUGH and I am lockong this thread because it is no longer being helpful to others by the bickering that is going on. Time for a cool off.
  24. Talon

    Pepino Fruit

    Thank you so much! It actually looks quite yummy. Wish we had some here to try in the States, but haven't ever seen or heard of them before.
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