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Everything posted by Talon

  1. How wonderful! I am so happy for you. Personally, I would not contact the previous owners, greys never forget, and it may be too traumatic, and or confusing to them, it would bring back a lot of memories, maybe not such a good idea as they are now starting a new chapter of their forever home with you. It could slow down the process of adjustment in your new home as they wont know its its forever, or temporay cause they were reminded of their first home. Just happy, moving forward memories for them now.
  2. OMG! That's hilarious! Cricket is right, Nilah said she was feeling snubbed too. So I posted the video of her new toy! She is always trying to show off on this forum. Tonight, as usual, she tried to bully Talon off of the top of the kitchen cabinet, well, I think Talon has had ENOUGH (as Nilah likes to yell) and she must have refused to move, I don't know if she bit Nilah anywhere, or what happened exactly, but next thing I knew, Nilah yelled and flew off onto the tree stand in the kitchen. She started yelling quite loudly, " NO! NO NO! TALON NO! ENOUGH! STOP STOP STOP, I WANT YOU TO STOP! NO NO STOP ENOUGH!" And of course you could see she was quite upset,many carried on for several minutes. I tried to calm her and talk quietly to her, but she didn't want to hear it, she continued to be upset and scream at Talon. Hee hee, personally, she has bullied Talon, and I thought, YAY Talon, you go girl, it's about time she stood up for herself
  3. I went to the pet store today to buy 2 things. Dog Food and a corner rabbit litter box for Talon & Rikki........LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND!!! They only had one...it cost $50, and I had trouble deciding to spend that much, but it was so unique, and PERFECT for NIlah's chewing addiction these days. Figured it would last FOREVER!!!! Well, you decide, this video is after her seeing it for about 20 seconds....ya, I know that was a long time for her.....
  4. Talon

    Help asap!

    Hee hee! Just watched a few screaming cockatiels, I call that quiet whistles compared to Nilah and her yelling!!!! I am waiting for the womans email back. She wanted to check me out, see pics of my birds etc. I sent her a few, and sent her here to check me out. So the wait is on....... I live about 20 min away........so I can be there ASAP!
  5. Talon

    Help asap!

    Oh my gosh, Janet, I saw 3 videos and I am in love!!!! They have such sweet voices and whistles!!!
  6. Talon

    Help asap!

    I am such a sucker...just what I need another bird cage to clean... I just dont want Nilah my amazon to pick up screaming, she yells now, but it is the human language, dont need her to scream like I hear other amazon owners say...SO??? MORE ADVICE PLEASE.....................
  7. Talon

    Help asap!

    Hi Janet, I cant look at any bird and make any decision other than YES....she is looking to rehome him as she has no bird experience and has not had him very long....so........
  8. Talon

    Help asap!

    I answered an add on Craigs list a few weeks ago, and never heard back, so I assumed someone else adopted him. But I just got an email from the woman and she rescued him from a humane society as it was next to barking dogs. She is looking for a forever home.......so..... what do you guys think?
  9. Talon

    Help asap!

    I need a quick answer to a question. If a cockatiel is known to occasionally screech, is that normal behavior for them? I cant give you any more info, other than he occasionally screeches....I have the chance to adopt a free male, and he does talk, allows some head scratches, but was told he occasionally screeches...dont need a screeching bird...what to do, what to do?
  10. No, I would not chalk it up to just being a baby.....follow your instincts, if he is acting differently and irritable and sleeping more and you are seeing a change, then you do,what your instinct is telling you, DEFINATELY have him checked out at the vet. Better safe than sorry when it comes to a bird. Please let me know,what you find out. My tag was acting the same, I took her in and she had a bacterial infection and ecoli that she had since I got her from the breeder, she was more sick than I knew. But a few days of antibiotics and she was back to normal and good as new. I hope that it is nothing, but you are doing the right thing by taking your bird in. Keep us posted.
  11. Dan, that is a wonderful story. I am so happy you shared that with us. It is a testament to how long it can take for an abused bird to come around. He looks beautiful and is really thriving on your tlc. I have the same hanging stand in your middles picture. Nilah loves it!
  12. Last warning, if this doesn't stop..I'm locking this thread, all GOOD intentions have ended, such a shame, this thread was too be helpful.
  13. Talon


    I have heard that Cockatiels can be very dusty. Anyone have one or knows if this is true or not. I already have 3 parrots, 2 parakeets, not so sure I need more of a mess.
  14. Omg!! She is beautiful!!
  15. Just wanted to vent a bit.......we have a local animal shelter called Dakin Anuimal Shelter. When it started many years ago, it was literally almost a shack of a building, trying to rescue and help animals in need. They are a no-kill shelter dealing mostly in cats and dogs, an occassionally bunny or bird, etc. Over the years, they have recieved enough donations to build a better building and start a bigger facility in another area. They offer low cost vaccines and spaying and neutering for anyone. Their animals are kept in areas out of view from the public, you have to enter, and be allowed to go into the rooms to see those up for adoption. From the outside, it is mostly brick with nothing to see. This past Tuesday night, someone thru a cinder block through their front window, and went into the building and stole 2 parakeets and a cockatiel..........that was it. Unbelievable!!!! It infuriates me someone did that, there are so many available on Craig's list, it is easy to get a free bird!!! Ugh,
  16. I don't agree with grabbing their beaks for any reason...... It isn't a behaviour that they can possibly understand. They are not dogs or kids. They should not to be expected to behave as such. Our birds need to be treated as the species they are, They should NOT be expected to behave as a family member with the same expectations we expect from our dogs and kids, etc. they have special needs and need to be treated in the language that they understand, not ours. No offense Nancy, I'm not trying to pick a fight or arguement, but you always tell us how Sophie must live by YOUR rules, YOU are the PARENT. That is not at all how I believe a relationship should be with any bird. I can't help but wonder if Sophie is so well behaved as you say, because she is fearful and not allowed to flourish as a true grey.......JMHO
  17. Yes, I agree. Fabric softener is HIGHLY dangerous. Try empty cardboard boxes, my birds love shredding tem up. But as we call it, they like to renovate their apt.
  18. Talon

    A First!

    Aww.....that's wonderful!
  19. Welcome! Sounds like you have a very well adjusted and well cared for new addition! I love the pics. Thanks for sharing them, and I look forward to hearing more.
  20. Talon

    Exciting day!

    They are adorable! Can't wait to hear how you decide which one...or two...
  21. Jay offers very good advice. You haven't said, how she has been behaving for the past 6 months? Has she left her cage, does she seem to enjoy you sitting next to her cage and talking to her? Does she show any interest in what the family is doing? Where is her cage located. She may not like the location. Is she getting enough sleep time? What's her diet? It is like being an investigator, YOU have to try and figure out what is wrong by the things you try and how she reacts. Keep us posted. She needs a lot of tlc and understanding....
  22. Don't worry if they get along or not. Many of us have birds that learn to tolerate and live as a flock, even tho they may not like each other. They eventually settle in to a flock order and know their place. Mine never preen each other, but Talon my grey and Nilah my amazon love to play chase thru the house. My tag starts it and loves it cause she can fly so much better than an amazon!
  23. That's a greyt story Nancy! Thanks for the laugh. I can picture how cute that must have been.
  24. Finally, the answer we have all been waiting for! Thank you for your post! It was written with the upmost truth!
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