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Everything posted by Talon

  1. As Dan has so nicely stated, this is a perfect example of misreading one's intentions on their post..... it was never my intention for you to think I meant to sit back and be quiet.....
  2. Criticism of others does NOT breed respect.......
  3. This is an absurd idea, a huge mistake, and i feel sorry for any baby bird you may get. Thats MY opinion based on many years of experience and research. And you will find that many of our past members who behave such as you, cant get along here because they ask for advice and if they don't get the answers they want to hear, they move onto that forum you speak so highly of. I am locking this thread for a "cooling off" period .
  4. I agree with Judy. We all have problems with many members here, and as admin, God knows I have complaints about many things that I witness here, but in the best interest of the forum and in caring enough to not hurt others feelings, I feel most of us put our selfishness aside and choose to respect others and put up with each others quirks. As a person, I feel it is a good quality to have, tolerance of others opinions and way of doing things, whether it be punctuation, writing abilities, spelling, etc. many of us have iPads that love to correct us and change our words, but we as busy People dont have time to go back and re read our posts, NOPE, not me, so be it!
  5. Sophie, momma has been working for 2 weeks straight, 10-12 hour days! We are used to being OUT of our cages, not IN!!!!!!! She does spend as much quality time with us in the am and the pm. We are used to getting up around 8 or 9 but now momma gets us up at 7 so we can join her in breakfast time.....we are getting used to it tho. But we miss her, she tells us she misses us to, we wonder where this work is and why it is more important than us.. Typed by Rikki and complained by NIlah, talon and me
  6. On second thought, WHYpost something like this that obiviously WILL stir the pot and hurt many feelings? Better to just walk out the door quietly if we annoy you. I don't believe that was your intention, cause I know you better than that (I think)
  7. Good job Dan! Oblivion, I believe you just complained about EVERY member here including me.......my saying is, if something bothers you, the don't do it, or go there. This forum certainly isn't here to annoy people, those people should go elsewhere. or not visit us.
  8. My ZON has never fallen, she can climb like a monkey, do flips on the perches in tiny spaces, hang upside down on one foot and swing.....but she's too quick and agile to fall even tho shes big.
  9. My birds go crazy for cheese of any kind. My cag Rikki will pay the consequences for it the next day though......she gets very cranky and has water, yellow poos all day like she has the runs.... But that doesn't stop her from wanting cheese like she's never eaten before. I have to be careful with her, this happens even when she only has a little bit.
  10. Yay! Cricket, she had been waiting a long time to let her feelings known! I believe they NEVER forget...
  11. Yes, Nancy is right, vet ASAP!
  12. Talon


    Wow, beautiful picture. What a great idea to put sisal rope on the basket handle. I use those same type of baskets on my kitchen counter. They are potty baskets, I put a 5lb weight in the bottom, cut up puppy pads and put in the bottom. But my amazon loves to chew the handles and I am replacing them every 2-3 months. Those might actully last longer! Thanks for the idea, you just saved me lots of $$
  13. This story reminds me of when Rikki dove off of my shoulder in a split second into a full boiling pan of water as I was pouring pasta into it....... You can NEVER be too careful!!! !
  14. I am so sorry for your loss.. Thank you Jayd for your comment, it did come across as cold and uncaring post with advice not needed, IMHO But somewhere in there, I don't think it was meant that way either
  15. Oh my! Do I have a story and photo to show you!!!! Nilah pulled a good one on Friday evening, in fact she was quite proud of herself judging from the look on her face! I am headed off to teach Zumba right now, so I will share tomorrow.....but I will give you all a hint, it ended up costing me $475....
  16. Hi fellow flock members. This is RIkki. I LUV this room. A secret place with no parronts, now if I can only keep Nilah away, she can be such a brat. More about what it's like living with her later. Sunday is MY special day! It will be 4 years ago that I was brought to this home by my other parronts. I remember it was a long car ride, they put me in a tiny cage, and put my own room into their car. I like car rides, so I whistled and chirped the whole way. After what seemed like we'd never stop, we did. I didn't know what we we doing but they took me out of the car and carried me into a house I had never been in before. There was a lady there who seemed kind of sweet and nice. They put me down, said some words I didn't understand to the new lady, kissed me, petted me, cried and left......it didn't make me sad, cause that was my third home and I had only been there 5 weeks. They didnt like my whistling and thought I was too noisy. So here I was, in another home.....wondering how long I would be here before I went to my next one. I spotted a smaller grey in a cage across the room so that was cool. We whistled back and forth. The new lady opened my tiny cage up, said some words to me, offered me a little treat and I marched out of mycage right up onto her arm. There were playstands, and hanging stuff all over the house. Pretty cool I thought. Oh, and not long after, my momma as we call her bought me a mansion!!!! I felt pretty special. My wings were clipped and I had never flown, so I sat wherever she put me for a long time. I would watch the other grey they called Talon fly and wished so hard I could do the same.....but when I tried, I went a tiny distance and crashed onto the floor It took me about a year and a half before I could fly and go where I wanted to. Boy was that fun!!! I felt like a whole new bird!!!!!! Life was great!!! BUT! I was waiting for the day when I would be taken some where else. I liked this lady and her kids, but I was very afraid to love her. See, I had loved a man and a woman very much when I was a baby living with them. They had me for a year and half, then the man died, and the woman gave me away. I missed him so much, I loved that family. After I was in my home now for 2 years, I startled to realize that maybe I was gonna get to stay here. Momma kept telling me this was my forever home. I didn't know what forever was, but she sounded reassuring. I finally after a couple of years decided, maybe I should love this family too, maybe it WILL be okay.......so little by little, I allowed myself to love this family. Well, Sunday will be 4 years, and I am still here!!!!!! I am very happy! I love all my family. Momma used to tell everyone I was moody, she was right, but what she didnt know was I was happy and loving one day, then remembered that I was gonna be made to leave, and I would get mean and nasty the next. This lasted about 2 years......it took momma a long time to understand why I was moody, but now we are all one happy flock!!!!! And the best part????? I now know what a forever home is....:cool: Rikki
  17. That's fantastic! That last picture is priceless!!!!!!!
  18. Hi ya all, my mommy (who I love dearly) told us all about this room and why she builded it. I don't really believe her, she said it was for all the birds here, but I think she started this room just to keep us busy and out of her hair. See she has a laptop, an iPad and computer, one for each of us at the same time. Hmpf! Well, I just wanted to complain bout Talon, she is such a little tattle tail. Every time momma leaves a dish or plate out on the counter, I run over and try to flip it off onto the ceramic floor to watch the explosion and hear the loud noise. It always sends my momma running to see me and she looks funny running frantically towards the kitchen and yelling. But Talonhas to tattle and yell "rikki, stop it!" then momma hears her and comes in before I get to have any fun. ( ya, I know, pretty impressive I can make a sad face on mommas iPad ) Well, sometimes I hate Talon, she's such a tattletale.....I'm gonna get her back one day......not sure how, but I will! Thanks for listening, I feel a bit better now...Rikki
  19. Talon


    Thanks Jay, you learn something new every day here....thats what I love about the forum!!
  20. That's great! My birds hate green leafy things.....
  21. Talon

    Some Babies...

    Omg! How adorable!!!! I have never been around a macaw that flies...would love to experience that one day! Never mind 3!! Guess I would follow Rays advice and duck.
  22. I have all girls and they talk lots, so I can't comment on males.
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