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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, a home tormentor is exactly what Nilah is...but we love her just the same. She loves to fly, but just as much, she loves to walk around on the floors to see what trouble she can get into. She also loves to run after the dog and chase him off.....I hate that, have to stop that instantly.
  2. As I was eating breakfast with the birds this morning, Nilah want the least bit interested as usual. She was off playing or should I say getting into her usual trouble, chewing up ALL the bananas and pears I bought at the store yesterday, running around on the floor...she was playing in the cat door to the basement, she crawls thru it and wanders around there. My daughter asked, " does anyone's else's amazon go thru cat doors like Nilah, or is she just weird?" Okay, answers please, do they????
  3. Really......what st ate is that? Never heard of that before.
  4. I would DEFINATELY put her food in air tight containers to keep the flour moths away. The smell could just be a combination of all the new things you have. Give it a few days, and it most likely will dissipate . I don't notice much of a smell with my greys, but my amazon is completely different.
  5. Well, my Bird gats mad at me when I get into something Sticky.....I don't even know what "sticky" is????? Nilah
  6. I have an entire thread in the amazon room as my amazon would fight me every night to go to bed. There were many ideas that worked! Check it out!!
  7. I wouldn't use this, not in a million years....it doesn't exactly look safe, too many gadgets, clips, latches,ect to get hung up in. Can you imgie a leg and added to that? My bird would chew themselves free and fight to get it off. If you want to take your bird outside, it s much safer in an adventure pack in my opinion.
  8. My vet did both my birds very easily. It took about 5 seconds. They didnt even know what happened. Cost $7 @ piece. He also gave me the bands back for my records
  9. My grey Talon is the same way. Won't poop in here cage, no way, no how! I have a basket with a loop handle on it, I put 5 lb weights in the bottom and cut up a small puppy pad to lay over the weight. When I get her out of her cage, I then put her onto the potty basket and she will go poop every time! No mess, and I keep three of them on my counter in the kitchen for them to perch on and watch me cook. I wouldn't worry, there will be times when eventually they will go if they have to. Talon will if she is left too long, but she is reluctant...
  10. Judy is correct! Thank you Judy.
  11. My vet has seen the same, a couple of greys that actually chewed their leg off while stuck on a toy in teir cage when their owners were at work. All 3 of mine were removed for safety.
  12. I would say, most definitely a yellow crown. I have one and she looks just the same.
  13. My greys do way more than mimic and imitate. They have a thought process that they use before they speak. An amazon DOEs mimic, they do with out thinking first, a grey thinks long and hard about things before they do it. One of my greys plays jokes on us, that require some planning in advance, she then laughs at the consequences. Imitate, no way in a grey.
  14. I have a tag and a cag. My tag is sweet, calm, loving, friendly and very much a joker. Many friends and members that have tags have said, they are much sweeter, much more easy going and adjust well. I find that my cag is much more nervous and doesn't like new things, my tag is the opposite, and I know you will read this in any research you find.
  15. Talon


    Oh my, the poor thing....he is probably in a bit of pain and soreness for now. That can make any bird grouchy. I would watch him carefully for the next few days to make sure nothing is broken. If he is able to use it and stand on it for a bit, then he probably is ok, but he will be sore for a few days and favor it for sure. My amazon and grey both got their foot shut in our house door, and they were grouchy, wanted no one to touch them, so I allowed them their time and when they wanted to be with us or on our shoulder, we allowed them to decide when and for how long. It can take to a week for the soreness to completely go away. But certainly if you suspect anything serious, please ake gim to the vet asap. Once he is feeling better, he will allow you to touch him again, they are very forgiving...
  16. Wow, never knew that. I do cover my cockatiels cage on 3 sides with a lite blue sheet. He doesn't seem to like being covered, but onc it's done, he seems to enjoy the privacy. Thanks for the info.
  17. Talon


    Closed until further notice.
  18. I am sooo very sorry.
  19. The bottom row are older pictures of the birds on top. I have 6 birds, 2 cats, 2 daogs, 3 horses and 3 teenages of 4 kids still at home. Not so bad, you have a lot at your house too!
  20. Nilah says, mommy has been working full time plus overtime........she took on 2 jobs on top of her others... She says it should slow down a bit so she can tell everyone all the bad things I do when she comes home and lets me out of my cage, but she barely has time for cuddles. Soon it will get better she says.
  21. I will have to post a pic of Nilah on hers . As per your recommendation, I bought many things from Oliver's Garden and they were the best purchases ever made. My birds love their toys etc.
  22. I habe 3 of them but My 3 birds don't like them.......wish they did, they hung for 3 years, and they aren't too interested in them.
  23. Nancy, my amazon Nilah chews all my wooden window panes....
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