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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Google bird names and you will get tons of lists.
  2. Nilah has this...nice to know how to handle it!! I find this a very interesting thread for sharing these types of stories.
  3. I have seen both of those documentaries...both are pretty disturbing...l
  4. Talon

    Steam Cleaners

    Is it easy to use, and do you recommend it instead of just wiping and scrubbing. MY cages are too big to take outside, too full of perches and toys, it would take me all day to do the 3 of them.
  5. I hope all works out well for you. Please know my thoughts are with you. We all make mistakes as parronts, but we learn and learn to hold our head up and move forward, one step, one experience at a time....just like we do as parents of our children.
  6. I must say, I agree with Jay. The two most important things YOU as a parront can do is watch their poops daily, and weigh them regularly...very IMPORTANT to watch their weight . they can lose weight quickly and they are so light you would never know...how tragic it could be if there was a problem and something so simple was neglected...
  7. My suggestion would be to have an Honored Page for each species of Other Birds. One for parakeets, one for conures, one for cockatiels, one for macaws, one for cockatoo's etc. MEMBERS would be responsible for listing their name and their birds name, maybe age too and a picture. It would be a huge task for one mod to take on, and this way any one accidently left out wouldn't be hurt. Those of us with Other Birds can go to that page and list our own,
  8. Hello and Welcome! I love the pics! Can't wait to hear more and welcome to our greyt family!
  9. Talon

    I enjoy it

    What a wonderful story. One that I live every morning ith 3 parrots. It's times like that that make all the work so worth it! Please go easy on the cheese. They can't digest it well and it will make their poops yellow and very runny. My cag gets grouchy the next day if she gets too much cheese and she gets diareaha...
  10. Talon was named by my oldest son. She was a Xmas gift for him 6 years ago, she has since been adopted by me since I was mostly her caregiver anyways. Rikki came with her name already, I am her final and forever home #4.... Nilah I got to name. I wanted a beautiful amazon forest name, and my kids googled rainforest names as we were driving back from the store with her, they found Nilah among many others, and it was beautiful just like she was. So I actually got to,pick a name! In my house, all our animals are adopted and they came with names except 2.
  11. Thank you Jay for clarifying that for me....I'm not crazy after all! Lol
  12. What's with this "oral stage"? It's a fact that many birds enjoy eating off a spoon. I don't believe it's because of a need other than wanting whatever it is we are eating off that spoon or fork at the time. In my lifetime,I have never heard of birds and an oral stage in the same sentence before....ya just never know I guess....
  13. I agree with the others, the chain is a bit worrisome..
  14. You are right, that is so precious, it IS their choice...beautifully stated!
  15. Talon


    Research and read as much as you can here.
  16. Really? Are you that petty? If you have read the thread correctly, it is a thread of honored amazons that join us in this room. It has nothing to do with WHO you are, HOW important you are, or HOW important your amazon is. It is just a random list of those amazons that join us as we find them...... MAYBE YOU DON'T REALIZE THAT OUR MODERATORS DON'T ET PAID OR COMPENSATED IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. THEY COME UP WITH THEIR OWN IDEAS FOR TOPICS, AND VOLUNTEER THEIR TIME TO HELPING KEEP THIS FORUM FUN, USEFUL AND EXCITING! I for one am very grateful for the wonderful team of mods we have here and am forever in their debt for all the work they do as mods.
  17. That was completely uncalled for and WAY out of line Nancy. Sometimes you post very nice and kind threads and other times, I have seen you post insults, put downs and harshness. What is with you? Jayd was here long before you came here, he is highly respected due to the lifetime of research he continues to do, his experience and his lifetime of rescuing, breeding and owning a variety of birds. He and Maggie have devoted their lives to rescuing birds, they live a humble life so that they can provide for their flock which is ALWAYs put before their own needs. Just because you haven't seen Jay, doesn't mean he is some newcomer here throwing his weight around. He has suffered a sudden tragic loss of his son, and Jay has been gravely ill thus his abscence for the past year. He was sadly missed, and I can speak for many here, we are so happy to have him back with our family. Dave is another member who is highly regarded with his expertise, his experience both as a breeder and and lifelong owner who only comes here to help us. I as admin feel very honored to have BOTH these members here, as well as MANY others. There are so many longtime members here that have a niche for helping us. But you haven't been here long enough or with an open mind to see that. Your loss. There will be no more insultsor degrading remarks anymore. I will be deleting them as of this day. I tell you what I tell many, if you don't like it, then go find another forum.
  18. Wow! That is wonderful. Short and sweet but the absolute truth!!!! A sticky it is!!
  19. Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!
  20. Does anyone here use a hand held steam cleaner for cleaning their bird cages? Is it messy? I hVe never used one before nd am wondering if it would be easy to use without a lot of floor cleanup after. Also do you have to take alL the toys out when you use it, and how often do you use it if you have one?
  21. Thanks, does it make a floor messy?
  22. I think it's beautiful and unique!
  23. I amdurios how a steam cleaner would ork on cages. Does it disinfect! Are they messy,do they make te floor wet! Lots of questions as having 5 cages to clean takes some time.
  24. Welcome and I am so glad you finally decided to join our family! Can't wait to hear more stories and puctures.
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