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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Always good to have a reminder for those newbies that haven't read all the great info we have in the Health Room. I wish ALL new members would venture to that room and read all the Stickies...always better to be informed as much as possible when you have parrots.
  2. What a story, thank you for sharing! I'm in awe of the sight of you giving a praire dog cpr & having the courage to breath into his mouth..I would be in such fear of him coming to and ripping my face off!!
  3. Yikes! That was somewhat entertaining.....but mostly I watched it with my heart in my stomach. I almost lost my 3 year old Bichon frise 3 weeks ago. He was attacked by a Great Horned Owl just off my deck when I let him out to around 4:30 in the am to go pee. I scared it off by yelling. He had severe puncture wounds all over his back sides and stomach. He spent days in the hospital and couldn't move or walk for a week. This owl has lived here for about 3 yeRs, but never tried to take my dog before....he almost got him and I never would have known....as the video says, they attack in silence, my dog ever saw it coming.
  4. I use Fume free oven cleaner very sparingly
  5. Interesting thoughts. I imagine they dream because why else would some suffer from might frights? Talon suffers from them, I always felt it was from a bad dream....why else?
  6. The bird sitter dvd for those that have never seen it has footage of owners feeding baby birds of all types & ages, close up footage of parrots interacting in trees, playing, being held & cuddled, parrots preening each other, a variety of sounds and birds to watch. I admit I have never sat thru the entire thing, I only see bits & pieces. YOU have the option to have music playing in the background instead of the natural parrot sounds, I feel my birds would rather hear "Bird language" so I keep it on that one.
  7. What a beautiful legend. Thanks for sharing..
  8. Ive seen this many times before on FB, and it is the truth!! People post their "issues" & then get mad if someone voices an opinion...DUH!!!
  9. That beautiful grey will always adorn our home page. It does not belong to the owner of this site, but holds a very special place in his heart. And I don't know the sex or name..
  10. Thank you for the rescue sites. The woman I spoke with was hoping not to put them in a rescue place, only as a last resort. She really wanted to try and find homes for them.
  11. I have the Birdsitter dvd. It can play on loop if you want, I use that feature. I LOVE it, having used it for the past 7 years, my birds seem to enjoy watching it. I don't notice that they pick anything up that isn't the norm. I work full time, so I set the tv on Nick Jr. for 2 days, use the bird dvd on Wed. (that's their half way point, I think they realize that) then on thurs, I set a playlist of songs for Nilah my amazon, she loves to sing like Barbra Streisand, then back to Nick Jr. on Friday.
  12. Talon


    Thanks Dave. I've kept my house that old at night for about 5 years, and my birds are still alive, so I guess I won't worry about leaving a heater on all of a sudden.
  13. My kids , ages now 24, 21, 18., and 14 were taught cursive on elementary school. It when they reached 4th or 5 th grade. The teachers asked them to do all their homework on the computer and pri t it out cause they said their handwriting was too hard to read , instead of the teacher making them learn to write better and more legible, the teachers were lazy and gave up in my opinion.
  14. Talon


    My house temp goes down to 65 at night. I have an infared heater, but am afraid to leave it on i worry about a fire if something goes wrong at night or when I am not home. What do you guys think?
  15. Bless you.....I really wish I could tKe these 2 birds in, but with my working full time now, I feel they need someone with more time to give them than I do. Also, when you have 3 free flying parrots lose, adding new birds i feel really can mess up the flow of things.
  16. I have been a member of other grey forums years ago. Let's just say...it was a different experience. That was a big reason that we push for "family, dignity and respect of everyone's backgrounds and opinions" in this family of wonderful members we are so lucky to have.
  17. I am under the impression she is in the early stages of dementia and is still capable of making some decisions . She has given permission for the 2 larger parrots to be given to new homes, but not the others .
  18. Tonight when I got home from work, there was a message waiting for me on my answering machine from a woman I didn't know. she wanted to know if I did foster care for African greys. She got my name from a Bird lady I know who fosters birds, and sells bird toys near my home. She is a wonderful person. This woman who called me is a caregiver that has been taking care of a woman for the past 3 years. This woman is 88 years old and has a house full of animals, cats, dogs, and birds. She now has dementia, has 24 hour care and will soon need to go into a long term care facility. So before I called her back, I thought it over (took about 2 minutes) and decided if a bird needed a foster home, I will take it and foster it. Well it turns out, she really is looking for homes for a 13 year old AG, and a 23 year old Amazon. she didn't even know if it was a cag or tag, but she now knows from me, it is a cag. She said the cag is very smart and talks up a storm, and the amazon talks only a little. This caregiver has bought toys for them as needed, and brings them fruits and veggies from her home. Up until she cared for them , they were only fed seeds. The saddest part is the birds haven't been out of their cages ever as far as this caregiver knows. She puts her hand in there cages, and they will step up easily onto her hand and step down, but she as never taken them to out as she is only there to care for the animals for a few hours. She tries to sit and talk to them, but her time is limited. She has never had birds before. She said it is a very sad situation for them. They are in very large cages she says. When I heard of the situation, I knew they were plucked, and they are, especially the cag.... So she is looking for a good forever home, not a foster home. She doent want to see them go into a rescue facility. I told her if she ran into trouble, I would take them on a foster only until they found forever homes...we'll see... But my heart reads or these poor birds. Oh, and she has 6 parakeets and a larger parakeet type bird as well. What a horrible situation.
  19. I agree with Judy...move on , don't waste any more time on this so called breeder. You are losing precious time looking for your forever bird.
  20. This was so touching...
  21. Oh my, I have too many stories to share with important documents ,birthday cards, checks, etc. that my birds have destroyed before I caught them. But my least favorite...chewing up paper money...Rikki gas chewed so many $ 10 & $20 bills to shreds...I have been on my hands and knees many times collecting up the confetti pieces and trying to scotch tape enough of it together to salvage it........then walking into the bank for the umpteenth time re-explain....."My parrot chewed this, can I turn this one in for a new one?"
  22. Do you have a tv in the room? If so, I would leave it on cartoons or Nickelodeon, my birds really like watching it, it entertains them instead of the same boring walls.
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