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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I would ask when or if the bird has ever seen a vet. Me, myself would swoop it up without thinking twice... I would ask about his diet, favorite foods, nighttime rituals. Words he says & words they use with him. YOU want to keep things as close to what he knows as possible. Does he bite, does he scream, has he been around kids or other pets, etc. Is he used to showers or baths, spraying etc. Is he a shoulder bird? There are a lot of threads about new parrot ownership & what to expect...they are not quiet birds, they are messy, etc. They will bond with a new family, but it can take time depending on the bird & his transition. Lots to read here.....please read as much as you can & research so you understand the commitment you are making. YOU need to be this birds forever home and except him for who he is & what he brings to your family.
  2. Just an update: I have been leaving Nilah in her cage in the mornings before work & letting the others out. It breaks my heart every day & I feel terrible about doing so... Nilah has turned into a very quiet bird, she pretty much clings to me when I am home. She isn't talking as much or is as active, or being a showoff like she was. I don't like it,,, SO, today I decided to let her out and give things a try on this work morning. She was SO happy! Even my daughter kept commenting on how happy she was. She was talking up a storm and was a bit like her old self! I knew she wanted to fly off when I went to put her in her cage, but I kind of moved fast & blocked her and before she realized, was in her cage. I made a HUGE big deal about her going in her cage, praising her, clapping, carrying on... (yes, it was a sight to see! I'm glad no one was watching) SO, SUCCESS for today, I will let her out again tomorrow as she was so good today, but the day she flies off will MEAN THAT SHE STAYS IN THE NEXT DAY.
  3. Congrats on yor new sweetheart. He seems to adore you and see something in you that makes him feel safe. I would offer him any new foods that you want. Offer him seed mixes with pellets in them or you cN make some birdie bread and hide the pellets in there. I DEFINATELY would get him off the bologna ASAP. Offer him a substitute that Hester's you eating, perhaps a small pieceof cheese, that's hard for a parrot to not want. Good luck, keep us posted, he sounds like a wonderful grey. Perhaps one that was totally misunderstood and maybe that's whyhe acted out towards the other family he was with. I am happy you took him in and offered him a better life!
  4. My birds love to climb up and down the stairs. Cute video!
  5. My cockatiel just had the same symptoms. Feel his foot, is it warmer than the other one? If not, he may just have injured it. I took my cockatiel to the vet and he said he sprained it somehow, probably when he fell, as he only has feathers on one wing and lands hard when he does all on that side. The vet said it cN take 2 weeks for him to be better, but we already see an improvement after4-5 days.
  6. To our Professor Dan! https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1381927_173917326139099_69380568_n.png?dl=1
  7. I'm wondering, how many of you use a food processor to make chops, for your birds? Someone suggested it, but I have never tried one.
  8. Talon


    Great thread! Never thought about using baby foo and adding veggies. Looks like some baking this weekend!!
  9. One of my greys has a sleep cage in my bedroom. She was our first parrot, and it has been this way since day one. Even tho we moved and have several other birds, I always kept her sleeping arrangements the way she always knew. She LOVES her sleeping cage. If I make too much noise in my bedroom, she shushes me..if that doesn't work she starts smashing her bell! M others sleep in a room off of my living room, covered for quiet time. My birds would never get any sleep if they were in the middle of everything. Her sleep cage is quite large. It has toys, food & water also.
  10. No, the vet showed her the other wing and he parted his feathers to show her it looks the same. He seems to think it was coming along....
  11. Oh, I can't handle him, he hates me even tho, I am the caretaker....my daughter picks him up, we towel him and then I get to be the nurse...he then runs away from me and stays with my daughter
  12. Yup, I try & tip toe as I get up at 4am also. They always hear me, as I am coming down the stairs, Nilah will shake to flutter her feathers, Rikki will say, "Coo.." They have to wait until 7:55 to get up, as that's when I get home from bringing my son to school.
  13. UPDATE: My daughter just texted me from the vets office. He said he believes the reason Pipers wing looks like it does, is because the ointment is messing up what few feathers he has left under his wing. He wants us to continue the ointment once a day & wipe down the area with a warm washcloth once a week. He also said he is limping because he sprained his foot, probably when he fell, as he always falls hard to that side & it was just a coincidence. He is going to call & check on him in a week to see how he's doing, but he feels he will be much better in 2 weeks . Personally, I think it looks much worse, but then again his feathers are now always gooped with ointment...
  14. Thanks Dan, I just made an appt. First one I could get is 10:45am my time...my daughter will take him as he hates me, I don't want to stress him out by being the one to take him, and also I absolutely can not get out of work on Wednesdays for any reason.. Anxious to hear what the vet says & I will let you know asap. Thanks for your support everyone. I know it looks pretty bad....I cant imagine what they will do.
  15. No way! Really??? I want that on video...
  16. I put empty cardboard boxes on top of my kitchen cabinets on their side. It keeps my birds from chewing the top of my cabinets. They won't go to the bottom of their cages for anything! I do have a corner shelve which I cover with vet wrap for them, sometimes I put old phone books on them for them to chew up.
  17. That's a riot. Would love to hear that!
  18. Oooohhhh...NOW I understand your sig. line... I never got that before. Thanks!! Yes, I wonder if anyone has taught their bird to call them slave! LOL
  19. Very cute! Thanks for sharing.
  20. I am curious what your bird calls you when they are yelling for you. My 3 parrots call me "Bird!" When I get home from work, I hear the 3 of them calling..."Bird..."and when I answer back, they say, "HI Bird!"
  21. Do not educate your child to be rich, educate him to be happy, so when he grows up, he will know the value of things, not the price.
  22. Jeez..Dayo...you let the secret out....and here I was sitting on the throne & getting all the credit .......
  23. So this morning, Piper is limping on the same foot as his wing...we put cream on it in hopes of alleviating the pain. I will see how he is when I get home from work...looks like we are off to the vet again soon..
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