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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I just had another idea....if you can spare the extra $$ ....for $99 I bought a wireless one way camera with audio that I have in my bird room, I can log onto my phone as it has an app & watch & look at my birds anytime anywhere. But give you piece of mind to know she's ok.. You can also use a computer to log on. MY daughter also checks on her phone as well as me. It's D-link if your interested. Has a mobile app, very easy to use & set up.
  2. Great advice about the hanging toys & timer for tv/radio. Don't be surprised if she is mad at you when you get home and gives you the cold shoulder of bites...some birds will let you know they weren't happy about your disappearance.. But they get over it soon after
  3. Since you have only had her 3 weeks, I would leave him/her home. It is a lot of trauma being placed in a new home, that can take a long time of adjustment, but to so soon take it somewhere else and then back again is a lot of stress in my opinion. Put the tv on so it doesn't feel so alone, and make sure to have plenty of food. Is there anyone who could come over and just sit and visit with it?
  4. An old farmer was hauling a load of manure when he was stopped in a speed trap set up by The State Police. “You were speeding,” the police officer said. “Now I’m going to have to give you a ticket.” “Yep.” the farmer said as he watched the trooper shoo away several flies. “These flies sure are terrible!” the officer complained. “Yep,” the farmer said. “Them are circle flies.” “What’s a circle fly?” asked the officer. “Them are flies that circle a horse’s ass” answered the farmer. “Them are circle flies.” “You wouldn’t happen to be calling me a horse’s ass, would you?” the officer angrily asked. “Nope, I didn’t,” the farmer replied. “But ya just can’t fool them flies!”
  5. My oldest son named Talon, (she was his bird) Rikki came with her name, & Nilah was picked by me, I wanted something sweet & thought Nilah sounded sweet & pretty.
  6. It really depends on the bird. My cag will come over to the side of her cage and put her head down for scratches. My tag, o way, youllet a bite, and NEVER put your fingers near an amazon cage no matter how sweet they are when they are out...nope, not allowed, it is their domain and you are rarely invited....
  7. Great advice so far. I have a cockatiel with one wing, the other was damaged, is halter and will never grow. I have had to cover a pillow in newspaper and place it on the bottom of his cage to protect him when he falls or he will bleed from his wing stub, a towel will work just as well. Also soft towels whenever he is out in case he falls if you have perches or tree stands. I would be careful a out pulling any feathers out, it could irritate that wing and cause him to Pick at it.
  8. Sterling...you may have missed this thread, but this is an ongoing event in my house. We NEVER EVER leave dishes or plates on the table or counter for this reason. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?194705-Rikki-the-Menace!&highlight=Rikki+breaking+dishes
  9. Find out what kind of hair oil, and call the animal poison control center. Have a list of ingrediants for them. They are your best bet for the weekend.
  10. Oh my gosh! What heartbreak. I am so very sorry for your loss. But I thank you for taking the time to one here and share your story with us. Many here will learn from this tragedy, you have saved many birds lives I am sure by having the courage to come here and tell your story. I am glad you were able to save your tag due to your quick thinking. In the moment, of devastation from losing your cag, you had the good mind to put that out of your mind and do what you had to to save your tag. Bless you, my prayers are with you.
  11. I have always kept quiet when it comes to threads regarding Alex and Dr. Pepperburg, and any birds she uses for research. I feel very much like Luvparrots. My thoughts are that Alex was stressed out from all the expectations that were made towards him. He was not left alone to be just bird....he plucked and for a reason just like Griffen is doing. I feel it is waytoo much stress for them, they are pushed to get things right. Yes, they loved him, took care of him etc. But they used him and it took a huge toll on him and it is on Griffen now. Unlike us bird owners here on this forum, we put our birds first, us second. Dr. Pepperburg was selfish and used Alex for her own selfish reasons, and for what? Did it change anything? It only confirmed what us bird owners already know, they are SMART! they have feelings and comprehension And understanding. I could go on and on, but I won't. I know many will disagree with me, I dont care . I won't say another word about it. There is nothing anyone can say to change my feelings on Alex. He deserved better than an existence of being a lab parrot .
  12. Nice to know I am not alone in the carvings on all my woodwork, doors, window sills & frames! Now they have decided it is time to hang on the kitchen cabinets, open them & throw everything onto the floor, climb in & make claim of their new digs! IN the process, they are carving up the doors by hanging with their beaks...
  13. Looks very nice. I have a one winged cockatiel that has a hard time perching. I think I will order him one.
  14. It can take a long time...You will see the start, but they grow slowly.
  15. Hi & Congrats on rescuing this wonderful soul! Others have given you excellent advice. You want HER to be the want of attention, and offer it slowly....I have an amazon that loves to do the sucker punch, she is a sweet & adorable one, but if you put your fingers near her cage, she will bite & hard. It's HER territory! I respect that, but if I say softly, in a sweet voice, "cuddles?" , she will put her head down for a lite scratch, but I ALWAYS leave her wanting more, I take my hand way before she can think about it & bite. You might want to try this method when she is ready.....
  16. Aww. so sad to hear what her poor life was prior to you. You have done a wonderful thing in rescuing her. You will be surprised at how well she does once she understands your home and sounds. I rescued a blind cat over a year ago. He gets around so well, climbs on the counters, table, couch tops and does incredibly well. We use finger snapping sounds & tap lightly on his food bowls to help him find things. He has become very verbal as well just to know we are around. Maybe your grey will make more sounds once he settled in.
  17. Aww. She is beautiful & so lucky to have found you.
  18. Good luck and can't wait for the homecoming update!
  19. He sounds like a sweetheart. Could you possibly substitute a small piece of turkey for bologna? My birds didn't like bidie bread for a while, so I froze it and offered it later, over and over. They will eat a bit now, but they love the breads I eat as a rule. How about a whole wheat wrap as a substitute & call it bologna...he might be fooled..
  20. Ugh..no good news today.....was just like she was before....I was almost 45 min late for work..
  21. Too explain my comment that greys can be noisy....I rescued my cag from a family that had her only 6 weeks, they joined this forum wanting to know how to make it be quiet as she whistled and talked alot thought the day...yes, she has a loud voice, but she isn't noisy at all compared to other birds.
  22. I agree, a towel through the bars would help. Could you move the perch away from that side, maybe its too close. I personally feel that 23" is too small for a big grey...just my opinion.
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