Chezron, I have known you almost since the beginning here. I have always read and looked forward to what you contribute to our family. NEVER EVER make life changing decisions when you're going thru a divorce, depression or any other type of grief. You are grieving, but you are grieving for a person that didn't exist. He is not the person you thought he was, you were in love with someone you thought existed, but really never did, or he wouldn't have left you. He did you a favor, but you won't realize that for quite some time. Trust me on that.
You are living day to day in a fog, unable to see things clearly. You NEED your birds to help you thru this difficult time. And you will get thru it. They will help you. They understand, and having you as a depressed person is something they will accept for as long as needed. They know your sad, and in them keeping quiet, they are just letti g you know they don't need your excitement and interaction, they will just be. It won't change them, it will make them show you their love for you even more. They need you and only you to keep their life and home stable. It is not the time to uproot them.
I am very sorry for the difficulty you are experiencing, but we are here for you. Please come here and vent, share,cry, or just let us know how your day is. It WILL get better, but for now, you need to take care of yourself and your flock, one day at a time, don't look past that. The future will wait.
We are here for you, we are your family