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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Joe, I hope it all works out for you and this grey. I will never understand why someone would get a grey and decide 8 mos later they don't have time for it... I have seen this scenario too many times to be understanding..
  2. What a wonderful moment! Love following the progress.
  3. I have been wanting to share this story here. I get up at 4am in the morning to go to the gym or run before work. I let my 2 dogs out to go to the bathroom before I leave and then feed them and my cats to keep them all quiet so the others in my house can sleep until I get home again. It is still quite dark out at that time. One morning a few months ago, when I let them out, a Great Horned Owl (that has lived around my house for the past 5 years or so, swooped down and tried to pick up my 13 lb Bichon Frise, not once, but twice! He spent 2 days in the hospital. He was put on antibiotics and strong pain meds. HE couldn't walk nor move for a week, wouldn't eat, barely drank water. He would bite when touched, I had to carry him up to bed at night, and back down in the am to the couch. It took 2 months until he was fully healed and back to his old self. I had no idea my puppies weren't safe in all this time...I did a lot of research after this and it is more common than you would think. Also, I have learned that they are more apt to come back for the prey they didn't get..
  4. Aww. how adorable. Love pics!
  5. I owned a dance studio with a hard wood floor for 30 years. Due to the tap shoes, I had to have it re-finished every summer. We used polyurethane and the adjacent restaurant next door would have to throw their prepared food away as the fumes got into the food and made it taste horrible. Even tho we aired it out for days, it took weeks until the smell left, I always suffered from headaches and eyes watering. Finally we switched to water based and was able to air ir out much quicker and the restaurant next door finally stopped complaining. I personally would never use oil based urethane in my house after seeing how long it took to get the fumes to dissipate.
  6. I have 5 birds, 3 fully flighted, 3 cats. One cat is totally blind, one is an indoor/outdoor and has had a previous life outdoors before we rescued her. The other indoor cat has no idea it's supposed to kill birds.. My cats never bother my birds, they are more afraid of them than the birds are of the cats. MY birds will go right over to them when they are laying on the couch and bite them. My cats will tolerate my amazon chewing on her tail or biting her repeatedly before she has had enough and will run away. I NEVER leave them unattended, however, being flighted they will fly off if there was ever a reason to. My blind cat doesn't even know what they are a he has never seen them. I do watch a lot and shoo my birds away cause they are trouble makers at times when it comes to my cats and dogs. As for when they are in their cages, my cats show no interest.
  7. Talon

    Watermelon rind?

    Everything I find says the rind is fine..
  8. Talon

    Watermelon rind?

    I did a quick Google search and saw on one site only that all rinds are toxic...I will keep searching as I really don't know for sure.
  9. Talon

    Watermelon rind?

    I have given my parrots watermelon in the rind, but they never seem interested in the rind. They just eat the watermelon and leave the rest behind. Be careful though, Nilah ate so much watermelon one time that her poops looks like watery blood for about 2 days after. I panicked and almost rushed her off to Tufts University about 3 hours away one weekend. Then I realized what it was as it got better and the vet I called explained it to me... Now I only serve it in small limited amounts only a few times a year.
  10. Karen is correct. MY 5 birds won't eat pellets either. I give them variety of foods, veggies, some fruit, nuts etc., and they are on a parrot seed mix as well as this: http://www.mybirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=274544&product=274633 I have this auto shipped to me once a month. All 3 of my larger parrots love it!
  11. Talon


    Bongo!! Oh my fluffy feathers!! I never thought that momma could ever run out of toys....oh dear....now another worry I have.......... WAIT.................I have an idea....momma keeps dog toys around the house in baskets..I guess I could fly over and steal some.......except dog germs......yuk!!!!
  12. I have gotten Talon to pick one foot up for a high five. It actually didn't take that long. You'd be suprised, give it a shot.
  13. That is adorable!! Thank you for brightening up my day!
  14. Talon


    Momma keep talking about getting the itch to go to the Disney land bird store again...I know that means lots of new toys for us to destroy. Nilah thinks she's going with momma this time...ha, I'm older than her, and I know I never get to go.....won't she be surprised when momma leaves her in her cage for the entire day and night!! I hope momma goes soon!! Momma keeps talking about that darn tax refund again...still don't know what that is, maybe it's how she gets there...then why would she not go right away? Doesn't she know we are bored with the same old stuff? we want NEW stuff!!! I may try and throw a block at her like Wingy did...hmm
  15. I had it in storage for a while, I used it for about a month or so before I realized what the cause of Talons eye was.
  16. I bought mine elsewhere and on sale. After dealing with what I went thru with Talon's eye. I didn't care how much I had to spend to make sure thatTalon was safe, what I had for my other birds, never had a problem with those lights, so I played it safe.
  17. Welcome! Issac is a beauty! I look forward to hearing more, hoe long have you had Isaac?
  18. I use the full spectrum bulbs that coms with it. I have dome top cages, but I have rope swirl perches hanging from the top and they perch on the top of them with no problems.
  19. FYI: It was the second model. This is what I use on all of my 5 bird cages: http://www.amazon.com/FeatherBrite-White-Capitol-Universal-Light/dp/B0002PCSMG/ref=sr_1_4/182-3582332-4887359?ie=UTF8&qid=1389980422&sr=8-4&keywords=avian+light I rest it on the top of their cages, I remove them at night as I cover my birds at night.
  20. 3 weeks & we did it!!! I'm probably more happy about it than Nilah is, although, her personality is starting to come back, she is excited and is finally talking more like before! So I'm thinking she is happy too!
  21. Please be careful with this light especially: AvianSun Deluxe Floor Lamp I purchased one and positioned it just as it shows. MY tag got a very badly sunburned eye which which at first the vet thought was an eye infection. We treated her with eye drops for 2 weeks with no relief before I realized it was the light burning her eye. Once I removed it and tossed the entire light & bulb it in the trash, her eye cleared up in a few days. I previously used a different light that sits on the top of her cage, I went back to that with with no problems.
  22. I live in the country, no bad air outside, but I have noticed a deduction in the dander, and the air just seems cleaner inside. My son has asthma and after putting them thru my house and each kid had one in their bedroom, he rarely had any asthma problems. I have on in my bedroom next to Talons sleep cage, and when I vacuum the filter once a week, it is covered in bird dander. I had bought the ones that were advertised in Bird Talk for many years. But I know they don't have a very good business reputation. JWR Germicidal Bird Systems is the brand. I don't know if they sell them anymore, but I have a lifetime supply of filters and bulbs. They come with a filter than can be vacuumed and washed as well as a germicidal bulb. I run them 24/7.
  23. Yes, I use an air cleaner. It really makes a world of difference. I have many throughout my house.
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