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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Thank you, I am sooo relieved!! Now that you are part of our family here, when you get time, we would love to see a picture of Mr. Tiki and hear more about him and your story! Karma for you and all you are doing for this rescued grey. I am also curious, how did you manage to capture it from the tree. It's a difficult task getting a bird down out of a tree!
  2. I don't believe a bird, especially a grey, would forget their family. I hope you don't give this bird to her without better proof!
  3. Talon


    All I have to say about myself and leftovers...is DUH?! Why do I throw it in the trash and not give it to the wild birds? Sometimes the most logical thought is just not in my brain! :pinch:
  4. You are so right Dan! Actually getting that bird down OUT of the tree is the biggest challenge we face..... :evil:
  5. Carolyn, That was an excellent post! Very nicely written, and very much true! Karma for you!!
  6. Sandra..that is a very interesting link! Thanks for sharing that with us. Karma for you!!
  7. My 2 cents worth: I like to think that MOST people are not that selfish and heartless. Yes, there are greedy people out there that would keep that beautiful parrot they managed to capture, but after some time, I think maybe they may be clueless and give that bird up to due the demands and needs of that bird. I like to think there are people out there like me, and our new member, who would do everything humanly possible, that would explore ALL avenues to keep that bird from loosing the only family it knows, and try to find his owners. There are a lot of GOOD people out there that WOULD pay the $$ to have that bird scanned. It wouldn't matter to me if it was free or not. I would still make it a point to scan it no matter how much I wanted it. Too be that selfish, to find a bird or any animal, and just keep it without making any effort to find it's home is heartbreaking..... I know that there are people out there like Dave mentioned, but I also like to believe it is the minority. MY dog came to me micro-chipped. I have numerous pets over the years,never had them micro-chipped, and let me tell you, that to know, that if he ever got lost and was brought to an animal shelter, police station or vet, in my state, the first thing they do IS scan them. It is a comfort to me knowing there is a CHANCE he would be brought home to his loving family. Without it, he would be lost forever to us.
  8. Talon


    This harness looks too loose. Please check it.
  9. Nice idea! I like this..Karma for you!! B)
  10. I do use a hair dryer in the same room with both my greys and have for 3 years. It doesn't seem to bother them.
  11. One more interesting link...... http://www.crittersonthings.com/microchipping.htm
  12. Just found this link... http://www.animalresearch.info/en/medical/veterinary/birdmicrochip
  13. WOW! After reading this thread. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/rescue-room/110257-found-cag.html#110362 Imagine how nice it would be for the family and this lost grey if he was micro-chipped and he was returned to his loving family? Reading something like this really makes you give micro-chipping your bird, a second thought. Although my thoughts have always been, MY birds will never get out and escape...no need to micro-chip...I must say I am having second thoughts....:huh:
  14. Talon is left footed. Rikki is right footed! <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/26 20:56
  15. Talon

    Rikki is 3 Today!

    Thanks everyone! She had a nice relaxing and fun day. Today she is saying Happy Birthday!:woohoo:
  16. {Holidays-000200B0} Happy Christmas to all!!
  17. Very cute! Thanks for sharing that!! B)
  18. HEY! I like that idea Dave! Maybe it's time to re-invent myself, after all, I'm at that age......:blink:
  19. Talon

    Rikki is 3 Today!

    Thanks guys, so far she's not the least bit interested in anything NEW!!! Even tho she's been looking at it for weeks!
  20. Talon

    Rikki is 3 Today!

    That's so cute! Thanks Judy!!
  21. Happy Birthday!! It is Rikki's too! {Nature-0002008E}
  22. Well, Talon has done it! She has started hanging out on the back of the couch when I am watching tv. She was pulling my hair with her beak and I was getting a little upset at her because she wouldn't stop and it kind of hurt!! :ohmy: . My kids said, "Mom, it's okay, she's only preening you, she loves you!" So...of course my heart melted at that thought, :kiss: and I allowed her to preen me. Well, 4 days of preening later, when I looked in the mirror.....:ohmy: I look like Dennis the Menace, with a cowlick sticking up on the top of my head!! :pinch: Her "preening" was breaking off my hair which happens to be very fine... :( I have about 2-3 inches of hair sticking up off the top of my head!! :blink:
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