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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Julie, My reply was not to put people off, it was to warn them that it was graphic and disturbing in my opinion. We have had many others post the same link, and many videos that are disturbing as well. I ALWAYS warn members about the content. Lots of us here are willing to help, but would prefer to do it in such a way without having to watch that sort of abuse. As Dave said, those videos have been around, and helping financially can be done without witnessing the horror that is shown in a video.
  2. Please click on the link below to clarify your worries about microwave popcorn. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/newsroom/93798-microwave-popcorn.html#95419
  3. We have a topic about us called: WHAT ARE YOU DOING... Talon and Rikki seem to think that it's more important what THEY ARE DOING.....so this is for them. :cheer: Let's have a thread where we can come to share what our bird did that was new today! I get so excited sometimes, and I want to share it with others that would get as excited as I! Today when I called my son from his room to take him to basketball practice, I yelled, "Josh!" immediately Talon said, "WHAT?" then she said, "Oh my God!" :laugh: Also, I have been teaching Talon and Rikki to say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS, HO HO HO!" . That very same night, as I walked past the 2 of them in the kitchen, Talon said, 'MERRY CHRISTMAS", to which Rikki immediately replied, "HO HO HO!" Now every morning, I wake up to Talon in my bedroom saying 'MERRY CHRIS,CHRIS, CO CO CO!" :laugh: :laugh:
  4. Please be warned. The u tube video contains disturbing footage. Personally, I refuse to watch such horror.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/09 01:44
  5. This is very normal with cags at around 2 1/2 years of age. They will change their preference. I don't know if this lasts. As far as the research I have read, some birds it will last, others go back to the other person after a year or so.
  6. I think you are CRAZY to even think you can take him with you on horse back. But this is only my opinion which I have, based on MY experience. We have 3 horses, have owned and run a boarding stable for 20 years, I grew up with horses, and I know what they are capable of, how easily ANY horse, no matter how bomb proof they are, can spook at the least little unknown thing. Either your grey would get spooked, thus spooking the horse, or your horse could spook thus frightening your bird. Then a terrible tragic accident would happen. At the very least, it would affect your bird causing it to never trust you enough to ever want to go outside around your horse with you ever again. I have witnessed many a freak accident with horses, and I would never risk my bird or their experiences around our horses. They see them from our house, but I would never consider ever riding with one. :ohmy: Your animals safety and well being, both physically and physiologically are your responsibility. They rely on YOU to keep them safe. What a disaster in my mind of even attempting this with these 2 types of animals based on their temperament. Both of these types of pets have an instinct, no matter how well tamed they are to RUN, FLEE, BOLT, GET AWAY AT ANY COST when they are frightened. They won't look to you for reassurance or trust to help them when they are scared. They will go with their natural fleeing instincts no matter what you do. Please reconsider.....for their safety.
  7. Well she lost her flight feather. She now has one on one side, and 3 on the other....it's going to be a long rode ahead. :huh:
  8. I am dealing with the same problems with the grey I got this summer. She will be three soon, and I don't think she has ever had the opportunity to fledge either. It is such an effort for her to try and fly. But it's not her size, she is 400 grams.
  9. Complicated plan to figure out, but thank you for the link. I'll check it out! B)
  10. Mine get about 11 hours in their cage covered, but many times they wake up earlier and talk away until I get them up at the normal time. I get up at 5 am when it is still completely dark out, sneak downstairs, have my vitamins, a glass of juice and then out the door I go to the gym. Rikki hears me no matter how quiet I am, and she starts trying to whistle for me to get her up, but I never pay attention to her. I assume she goes back to sleep, but I don't know if she does. SHe then starts up at 6:30 when my daughter gets up to get ready for school and stays awake until I get her out at 8 or 9 depending on my day.
  11. I would stop using the hydrogen peroxide. It would be toxic to her when she puts her talon in her beak, and she will when your not looking. If her talon is getting caught in things, or has the chance of that happening, you may need to go to the vet to get it clipped. But if it's not bothering her, and she is acting normal, I would just keep a close eye on her the next few days and see if there are any changes, swelling, bleeding, favoring it, things like that WILL require a vet asap. All vets charge different amounts, so it is best to call and get advice and prices with an Avian vet. You should establish a relationship with an avian vet anyways just so in the event of an emergency, they will be more willing to help you quickly.
  12. Dan, She damaged her next to the last flight feather when she crashed yesterday. It is hanging all funny, but she won't let me cut it, or pull gently on it. Did you say it will take 2 years more until she will get more feathers on that one side?
  13. UPDATE: In one of my last emails, I had told this person that I was admin of Greyforums.net, and was experienced in african greys, so that she would feel that Rocky was going to a good home that was prepared and understood the care involved. Ever since that email, I never heard from her again. Interesting..maybe I scared her off.
  14. Poor Rikki...she came to me unable to fly when I first got her this summer. She only had 4 flight feathers, and flying was so difficult for her. She has since lost 2 on one side. Yesterday, she tried to fly about 6 feet towards me and she crashed into the window, and then crashed onto the floor. I picked her up, she seemed okay, but was shaken up a bit. I felt so bad, all she wanted was to be on my shoulder as I was sitting at the kitchen table.( she was on her tree stand) If she would only call me, I would get her, but she doesn't. Well, today, one of her remaining flight feathers was hanging down and it is almost out... The poor thing, will she ever gain her flight feathers enough to fly? I think she never had the opportunity due to clipping as she is so clumsy when she does finally try. Before this, she would try to fly only after sheer frustration of not getting my attention, and then she would crash land and skid across the floor on her feet....:pinch: Does anyone know how long it takes for them to finally get all their flight feathers?<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/02 19:41
  15. I am trying to pick up the house, do some laundry, and then off to my 2 jobs today. I really would rather stay home and get caught up on paperwork and housework, but that will have to wait until maybe late tonight. Have a good day everyone! B)
  16. Where are all the entries.......:ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/02 03:31
  17. I love you guys! You know who you are here, these family members that can sniff out trouble.....:whistle: And handle it with such grace and dignity!! Karma for you all!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/01 01:52
  18. Okay, update here: I sent 2 more emails in the last 5 days, both of which have gone unanswered....so I guess my instincts were right, there was something fishy about adopting a grey out for $150.00.
  19. Be very careful here Annmarie73. B) I can see where you are taking this, and I will be keeping a close eye on this thread. In my opinion, it is not so cut and dry. The reasons for identifying a "good" breeder from a "bad" breeder are unique for may reasons and many circumstances. Much too complicated to be debated here with out starting a much heated "debate" to put it nicely....
  20. One more thing.....Rikki my other grey didn't talk a lot in the beginning, but her first words were of us yelling our dogs name, "Cody! Get down!" when he would get on the table to clean up the mess our birds made when they have their toast in the am. :P
  21. WOW! What a story. That's amazing. I hope one day soon Schroeder will surprise you too! Talon's first word was Peekaboo! She loves the sound of how we accented every syllable! You may already know this, but birds in general LOVE it when words are said with extreme excitement and feeling. That's why they tend to pick up the "bad" words so quickly when people tend to get mad and start swearing...
  22. Hoping to clean the bird cages today, do some laundry, and then have a relaxing day at home. :cheer:
  23. Well, thanks to you guys, I just relived my entire day........:pinch: That is sooo true!
  24. WELL, WELL, WELL, EVERYONE: I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS, BUT I ATE WAY TOO MUCH TURKEY TODAY. I THOUGHT WE BETTER DUST THIS THREAD OFF, AND SEE IF WE CAN'T MOTIVATE EACH OTHER TO GET BACK EXERCISING AND EATING HEALTHY. Well that is maybe tomorrow after I finish off the pie and cookies......:unsure: :blink: <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/27 23:27
  25. Not since yesterday. It's kind of weird the responses I am getting. Something doesn't feel right...I hope I am wrong. I have offered to come pick Rocky up, but have yet to hear anything when I asked for details on how to proceed to do that.:dry:
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